
08 Apr 2021, 8:09am
> Or it is due to the piss poor reaction of the western world

Hey hey hey hey hey we've done a pretty good job keeping it out over here, thank you very much.
08 Apr 2021, 8:35am
Rebecca Hail
Some scientists believe cross-protective immunity (or absence thereof) to be the reason why 75% of COVID-19 case fatalities occurred in the West -- and only 9% in Asia. Looks like someone has found our Achilles heel.

Or it is due to the piss poor reaction of the western world when it came to the virus, which in itself was mostly caused due to an unwillingness of locking down in the first place.

While the West locks itself down into economic collapse, China is preparing to take over Taiwan. And why wouldn't they? With the West both outgunned and outsmarted, the timing could not be better.

They're testing response times. That's a pretty normal thing to do and does not mean that an attack is imminent. Since the Taiwanese ADIZ covers part of mainland China, ADIZ violations should be expected.

Also the West is outgunned and outsmarted by China? Hardly. China's biggest economic partners are the EU and the US, it can't afford to break with them, not even over Taiwan.

It's also why the US "sort of" recognizes Taiwan. We treat them as a separate entity, even if we don't officially support their independence. This obviously displeases China, but there's not a lot they can do about it.
08 Apr 2021, 3:36pm
Isnt that idiotic,when you travel with carrier long distances,you must windraw from you carrier cargo tritium,put it to the cargo in the ship,then transfer this cargo to the carrier fuel tank? Like in supermarket take goods from store,load with it a delivery car,then from car bring it to the supermarket regals.. WAT?!
08 Apr 2021, 4:10pm
Hmmmm. I like Salmonea's avatar picture. Might use that as my next photoshop practice.
08 Apr 2021, 5:16pm
Do it
08 Apr 2021, 9:32pm
08 Apr 2021, 9:34pm
Ah, good to see people doing it with a consent.
08 Apr 2021, 11:25pm
Aleks is if nothing else, creative.
08 Apr 2021, 11:28pm
Creativity and fresh new experiences brought by it isn't a bad thing either.
09 Apr 2021, 5:54am
Consent is key!

Except in PvP.

Then it's optional.
09 Apr 2021, 6:13am
Haha railguns go fwipppp
09 Apr 2021, 4:06pm
optional... Like a cargo or life?
12 Apr 2021, 9:07am
Synthya WylderAleks is if nothing else, creative.

Oh. I missed this. Thank you, dearest.

Honestly, photoshopping tattoos is pretty tough, but I'm trying.
12 Apr 2021, 10:03am
Aleksander Majjam
Synthya WylderAleks is if nothing else, creative.

Oh. I missed this. Thank you, dearest.

Honestly, photoshopping tattoos is pretty tough, but I'm trying.

Blending mode to Multiply, around 60-80% opacity. I think that's how I made this.

Either that or I used multiple layers of the vector image with different blending modes. I'll have to see if I still have the PSD file for it.

Edit: Found it. It was two layers. First is set to Overlay at 80% opacity, the next is Soft Light set to 64% opacity. I also duplicated the layer with my arm in it, made it black and white, adjusted the levels a bit then set that layer to Hard Light at 80%. That was used to bring out the skin texture a little bit more.

Last edit: 12 Apr 2021, 10:23am
12 Apr 2021, 10:09am
Aleksander Majjam
Synthya WylderAleks is if nothing else, creative.

Oh. I missed this. Thank you, dearest.

Honestly, photoshopping tattoos is pretty tough, but I'm trying.

Blending mode to Multiply, around 60-80% opacity. I think that's how I made this.


Either that or I used multiple layers of the vector image with different blending modes. I'll have to see if I still have the PSD file for it.

I had my opacity at 87%. Never thought about using different blending modes with my layers, but I'll definitely give it a look and dial back the opacity if the blending works.. Thanks for the tips, LP!

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