
25 May 2021, 10:00pm
Rebecca Hail
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca Hail

And thus free you from the torture that is ME1 gameplay? Naaaah.

Still better than Andromeda.

Disagree. Andromeda gameplay is worlds ahead of ME1 gameplay.

Debatable. What isn't debatable, is that ME2 and ME3 gameplay is worlds ahead of ME:A. ME:A was a downgrade.
25 May 2021, 10:09pm
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca Hail
Aleksander Majjam

Still better than Andromeda.

Disagree. Andromeda gameplay is worlds ahead of ME1 gameplay.

Debatable. What isn't debatable, is that ME2 and ME3 gameplay is worlds ahead of ME:A. ME:A was a downgrade.

Disagree, too. ME:A has its flaws but the combat gameplay is much more fluid and not as restricted as ME2 or ME3. Alone the implementation of proper verticality and the dynamic cover system puts ME:A above ME2 and ME3 imo. It's just easier to properly move when you're not slowed down by x necessary button presses to move away from cover.
26 May 2021, 9:38pm
KalenarI loved how RPG-y the gameplay is in ME1 as opposed to the newer games, but maybe that's just nostalgia at this point.

Shame they streamlined it for a wider audience, the original rpg style plus the better gun play from the later games would have been great, but alas...
26 May 2021, 9:39pm
Aven Bracabut alas...

Millions of casuals have much more money than thousands of enthusiasts.
26 May 2021, 9:42pm
Aven Bracabut alas...

Millions of casuals have much more money than thousands of enthusiasts.

Yes, this is why anything that is popular tends to end up being low quality in the long run. Catering to the lowest common denominator is profitable but a mistake in the quality sense. With most projects for which I have majority control, I seek to break even on profitability so that quality can be emphasized. This leaves the project in a niche, but as long as people can eat, nothing is wrong with that.
26 May 2021, 9:46pm
Daiyousei7Yes, this is why anything that is popular tends to end up being low quality in the long run. Catering to the lowest common denominator is profitable but a mistake in the quality sense.

Sure. But they don't see 'profitable' as a 'mistake', not in any way.
28 May 2021, 10:51pm
Rebecca HailDisagree. Andromeda gameplay is worlds ahead of ME1 gameplay.

ME: Andromeda suffered the same problem like Ace Combat Assault Horizon back in a time: it brought a lot of expectations to the fans and it failed with a weaker story, but as a separate game it is very enjoyable. ACAH is a good example, because Ace Combat series rather rely on storytelling.

However, ME:A has a major sin which I will never forgive: discontinued story arc which has been suggested at the "end" of the game. I do not care it has been explained in a book - it was supposed to be in-game experience.
29 May 2021, 6:11pm

Maybe something that would suit well as a themesong for your character?

30 May 2021, 3:11am
Amata Lirein@Sakashiro:

Maybe something that would suit well as a themesong for your character?

Perfect theme song for a cop-killing former slave with PTSD and relationship issues, no doubt.

Or is it because of the look? Maybe I should get a tattoo...
30 May 2021, 8:27am
dont force your pets to be vegans
especially cats, foxes and (to a lesser extent) dogs.
31 May 2021, 10:26am
dont force your pets to be vegans
especially cats, foxes and (to a lesser extent) dogs.

I have no words..
31 May 2021, 11:22am
Aleksander Majjam
dont force your pets to be vegans
especially cats, foxes and (to a lesser extent) dogs.

I have no words..

it makes so angry
31 May 2021, 9:58pm
Aleksander Majjam
dont force your pets to be vegans
especially cats, foxes and (to a lesser extent) dogs.

I have no words..

it makes so angry

Why tho? My cat chomps on grass all day and loves the mashed snow peas and carrots it eats twice a day. Just because she doesn't understand ethical behaviour doesn't mean she can't eat humanely.
31 May 2021, 10:12pm
Aleksander Majjam

I have no words..

it makes so angry

Why tho? My cat chomps on grass all day and loves the mashed snow peas and carrots it eats twice a day. Just because she doesn't understand ethical behaviour doesn't mean she can't eat humanely.

Is your cat by any chance two meters long, 500 kgs heavy and for some reason always called a cow by your guests?
31 May 2021, 10:18pm
Rebecca Hail

it makes so angry

Why tho? My cat chomps on grass all day and loves the mashed snow peas and carrots it eats twice a day. Just because she doesn't understand ethical behaviour doesn't mean she can't eat humanely.

Is your cat by any chance two meters long, 500 kgs heavy and for some reason always called a cow by your guests?

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