
09 Jul 2021, 11:16pm
Amata LireinHave been considering to dip my toes into GTA Online again... have not played that in aeons. Stopped playing when the amount of hackers and gankers became intolerable. So in a first step I checked if the iFruit companion app still works for Windows...

Nope, it does not. After some digging I found out that Rockstar is now only supporting it for iOS and Android. Good thing that BlueStack exists, I guess

Anyway, anyone still playing GTA Online? How toxic is the community right now, especially in Open Play (Which you need to do when running your businesses after all)?

I still jump in every now and then. It's a good way to wind down after a busy day even if there's a bunch of nobheads in it.

Yeah, like I posted above those guys are a non-issue when in an invite-only-lobby, though it does limit your options a lot... Import/Export, the Motorcycle Club, etc. and the later heists all require (prep)work to be done in Freemode, and that's certainly no fun with those spoilsports around. All you seem to can do is keep jumping lobbies and hope you enter an empty/friendly one in that case.

Either way, I'm currently downloading/installing it again.
09 Jul 2021, 11:49pm
The Cayo Perico heist is actually quite fun, and it's nice that they finally made one that can be played solo. We need more solo heists.
10 Jul 2021, 12:04am
LordPsymonThe Cayo Perico heist is actually quite fun, and it's nice that they finally made one that can be played solo. We need more solo heists.

A solo heist?
10 Jul 2021, 4:36am
Amata Lirein
Rebecca Hail
Amata Lirein

I'm 41, so no need to tell me what I know already

That's ... older than I expected, tbh.

Whatever... doesn't change the fact that I'm still a "Spielkind"

(The meaning of "Spielkind" here apparently has no proper translation into English, it describes someone who's way too playful for his or her age.)

You 'spring chicken'! I'll be 62 early next month, & as for "Speilkind", 1nce I get that GoldWing, if I ever do make it to visit the UK & EU, we'll see if yer up for a ride.
10 Jul 2021, 4:44am
Sakashiro[SC video - why play elite]

Wow, carrying boxes ... so immersive. Thanks, but no , thanks!

What matters is not the box you carry but what happens between your picking it up and delivering it.
10 Jul 2021, 5:32am
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca HailCalling Death Stranding "carrying boxes and delivering them" would be a bit simplistic.

Like yeah, there's nothing wrong with being able to manually unload your cargo bay and for the mechanics sake it might even be useful to enforce it somewhere (deliveries to places without a pad for example).

That wasn't quite what I'm criticizing about FDev though.

I know. I can't pass up giving you oldies a tough time.

Also I'm not old. I'm cute and innocent.
10 Jul 2021, 7:47am
Rebecca Hail
Also I'm not old. I'm cute and innocent.

I have some doubt about last one.
10 Jul 2021, 2:13pm
Aleksander MajjamJust wanted to share a SC video I liked even when I was absolutely hating on it.

It's PvP. One player group faction was running ops in the space of another player group faction. A space battle takes place and one ship disables another via EMPs. Then that same faction disables the engines. Afterwards, the aggressor faction attempts to break into and board the disabled explorer carrier. In-ship combat ensues.

Hating on what? SC looks like the game I should have chosen rather than E:D. Both have serious issues, but at least, SC has the vision to extend beyond its roots as a fundamentally spaceship-shooty game.

Sad... in so many ways & for so many reasons. But, Frontier doesn't care; they've already gotten my money.
10 Jul 2021, 3:21pm
Elite Deathwatch: Loremeister Drew Wagar's first steps in No Man's Sky:

In related news, Elite Week is going to rebrand, for obvious reasons: 80% of the show is now about SC and NMS.
10 Jul 2021, 6:13pm
Rebecca HailAlso I'm not old. I'm cute and innocent.

Pressing X to doubt
10 Jul 2021, 6:34pm
Synthya WylderHating on what? SC looks like the game I should have chosen rather than E:D. Both have serious issues, but at least, SC has the vision to extend beyond its roots as a fundamentally spaceship-shooty game.

Sad... in so many ways & for so many reasons. But, Frontier doesn't care; they've already gotten my money.

While they both have issues, I'm not sure there really is one that a person "should have chosen." It kind of depends on your play style and such. In my case they both got my money. ED just doesn't have much in the way of "end game content." It feels like a game whos developer has burned out.

What concerns me about Star Citizen, a friend pointed out that it is made with the Amazon Lumberyard engine which is just a version of CryEngine. As I understand it, CryEngine wasn't really developed with extensive multiplayer in mind. So my concern is, did they shoot themselves in the foot with that instead of using an engine with more multiplayer in mind? Like Unreal maybe?
10 Jul 2021, 7:27pm
I've somehow made it through the Marines and STILL have come out innocent. Also, I've been called handsome one.. two.. no.. one time in my life.
10 Jul 2021, 7:41pm
Was reading up on this very thing today. If one can believe what one finds on the internet, while SC used Amazon LY as a starting point they've "highly customized" the engine for their use (dubbed Star Engine). During that same time, Amazon has supposedly replaced/modified/upgraded some portion of the CryEngine code it contained. Not sure if SC is able to merge those changes into its version though.

What got this onto my radar was the fact that, just this week, Amazon has open sourced Lumberyard under the Apache license and renamed it to "Open 3D Engine".
10 Jul 2021, 8:39pm
I just wish we could see what SC or ED would look like if remade with Unreal 5.
10 Jul 2021, 10:36pm
Amata Lirein
LordPsymonThe Cayo Perico heist is actually quite fun, and it's nice that they finally made one that can be played solo. We need more solo heists.

A solo heist?

I mean, you can do it with people too but it can be played solo.

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