
31 May 2021, 10:20pm
dont force your pets to be vegans
especially cats, foxes and (to a lesser extent) dogs.

This reminds me of older articles about people wanting to end the concept of predatory creatures as a whole. Not eliminate predatory animals, but to force them all to go vegan.
31 May 2021, 11:10pm
Rebecca Hail

Why tho? My cat chomps on grass all day and loves the mashed snow peas and carrots it eats twice a day. Just because she doesn't understand ethical behaviour doesn't mean she can't eat humanely.

Is your cat by any chance two meters long, 500 kgs heavy and for some reason always called a cow by your guests?


31 May 2021, 11:18pm
I'll eat anything. FYI.
31 May 2021, 11:18pm
dont force your pets to be vegans
especially cats, foxes and (to a lesser extent) dogs.

This reminds me of older articles about people wanting to end the concept of predatory creatures as a whole. Not eliminate predatory animals, but to force them all to go vegan.

Humans need to stop messing with nature. That's the whole reason we got into the current mess in the first place.
31 May 2021, 11:46pm
Rebecca Hail

it makes so angry

Why tho? My cat chomps on grass all day and loves the mashed snow peas and carrots it eats twice a day. Just because she doesn't understand ethical behaviour doesn't mean she can't eat humanely.

Is your cat by any chance two meters long, 500 kgs heavy and for some reason always called a cow by your guests?

OMG. That explains the crazy litter bill lol
31 May 2021, 11:54pm
It's been a long time but I could have sworn I once read an article about a group of vegans who wanted to have fences built in Africa to keep predatory animals from being able to get to other animals that they normally eat. I seem to be having difficulty finding it again though. Wonder if that's a Mandela Effect case......
01 Jun 2021, 12:52am
Nature & evolution was around for millions, even billions of years before our distant ancestors climbed down from the trees.

Amazing that it survived this long without "intelligent intervention" by recent/modern humanity, Hmm?

Every living being has its place in the web of life here on Earth. How arrogant of humankind to think that it can "improve" on the natural design of that web of life of which we are but only a part?

Herbivores eat vegetable matter by design & carnivores eat flesh by design & omnivores (which includes humans) also follow that pattern.

If carnivores were evolved to eat vegetable matter, they'd have teeth & digestive systems, not to mention, entire body structure designs, evolved to do just that.

Evolution gave us humans incisors, canines & molars, designed to eat anything.

I have no issues with others who only want to eat vegetables, that's their choice.

Where I get riled is when they try to force their choices on others, including me. That bit about them wanting to put up fences to interfere with the natural food chain would be laughable if they weren't actually serious about it. <rolls eyes & shakes head>

Any problems with the imbalance in the current biological system here on Earth is one that is human-made. Perhaps they should simply stop breeding...
01 Jun 2021, 6:06am
Aleksander Majjam

I have no words..

it makes so angry

Why tho? My cat chomps on grass all day and loves the mashed snow peas and carrots it eats twice a day. Just because she doesn't understand ethical behaviour doesn't mean she can't eat humanely.

Just because they chomp on those things, doesn't change the fact that cats are obligate carnivores. If you aren't giving them the meat they need, they'll either suffer, or they go get it in other ways and I can guarantee you they won't be "humane" about the rat they kill.

If you can't handle the fact that cats need meat, don't get a cat.
01 Jun 2021, 7:28am
Cats are known to eat their owners if necessary.
01 Jun 2021, 7:34am
SakashiroCats are known to eat their owners if necessary.

i hope her cat eats her
02 Jun 2021, 2:33pm
02 Jun 2021, 2:45pm
NMS is, IMO, as cartoon-ey & more fantasy than SciFi as it was when I recall initially exploring SciFi games to play, prior to my choosing E:D.

With all of its flaws, not to mention the current EDO expansion, I still think my choice was & has been the best choice for me.

I appreciate the reality (hard science/fiction)-based immersion of E:D. It seems to me a game for mature adults.

02 Jun 2021, 4:00pm
I haven't played NMS in years. In fact, last time I played it when it released on Xbox years ago. Despite looking like a cartoon, NMS has no delusions about what kind of game it wants to be. Exploration and survival is the name of the game, and exploration can be deep. I can only imagine what it's like these days with multiplayer integrated into it. As for ED being a game for mature adults, if you take the game's ability to steer every player into the grind, the repetitive gameplay, the near emptiness of every world you visit, as well as the lack of variation, I agree. It's very mature.
02 Jun 2021, 4:19pm
Not to say NMS doesn't come with its own grind! However, I think the bulk of it is when you're beginning the game and getting on your feet. When I started ED, all I wanted to do was explore. However, you just can't up and do that. You need to grind for money. Then you need to grind for the right modules. Then you need to grind for the engineers that take you into grinding an absurd amount of materials. Want certain engineers (I think you need to unlock all of them for whatever endgame is there)? Then you're forced into something like combat. Now instead of grinding towards being an explorer, you now have to grind towards putting together a combat ship. Rinse repeat.

Honestly, few things excite me more in NMS than the prospect of flying to some random planet in the galaxy and stumbling on a base/city that others players have built there, exploring the local flora and fauna, etc.

Last edit: 02 Jun 2021, 4:26pm
02 Jun 2021, 4:54pm
I meant, the effort designed into E:D physics, hard science & SciFi, that's gone into the game.

Not to say, so much hasn't been ignored (for the sake of game-play & playability as a game) & other things (the 'hand-wavium' aspects) for which there isn't any real hard science upon which to back it - today - but I do appreciate all the rest that is.

Perfect? Not by a long shot. Lots of areas left upon which to improve? Absitively.

I guess I'm a sucker for as much realism as possible, even for the sake of playability & amusement. I'm happier with a sim rather than an arcade-style.

Would I like to have a sit-down chat with Braben? Hell yeah!

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