
03 Sep 2021, 7:06pm
Grecale80 Really why people waste so much time and energy hating something?

God, how dare people have any form of negative feelings toward something?

Is not matter of contents but of manners

Books can be criticized, pictures can be criticized, and so music and movies.

If we accept that videogames too, at least in their actual form, are a new kind of art, of course any criticism is legit. BUT my friend, if you don't like the end of ME3, or you disagree with the story of TLOU2 and start telling prophanities and wishing death to developers...well this is not criticism lack of manners, lack of contact with reality and probably first signs of a severe form of sociopathy. Do you get the point? Not the contents, but the manners.

In any case the public (or the customers, if you prefer) have completly right to criticize: any artist make a deal with this any time produce a new movie, or book, or musical album. BUT the public doesn't have any right to interfere with the creative process. For me this is a blasphemy.

Can you imagine Kubrick rewriting the 2001's finale just because people didn't understood it in 1968? This is not art anymore, is artistic prostitution: people pay and the artist just create what people like. This could be more mecenatism made by popes and kings in the Renaissance, but actually we are in 2021.

Last edit: 03 Sep 2021, 7:44pm
04 Sep 2021, 6:12am
I'm getting that Fallout itch again...

06 Sep 2021, 2:29am
This too can be ED.... maybe.

06 Sep 2021, 3:09am
Aleksander MajjamThis too can be ED.... maybe.


Maybe someday when FDev has more people and money. It would really help them in so many ways in truth.
06 Sep 2021, 3:12am
Aleksander MajjamThis too can be ED.... maybe.


Could being the key word, if FDev can somehow turn around their development ethos to match Hello Games.

I don't see it happening though. Hello Games fucked up their launch, then they dug their heels in and worked hard to un-fuck the game.

FDev seem to continually botch the game and act like it's totally normal and there seems to be no intention from them to change this given the patterns of their releases.
06 Sep 2021, 3:45am
Knightwolf 1785
Aleksander MajjamThis too can be ED.... maybe.


Maybe someday when FDev has more people and money. It would really help them in so many ways in truth.

Not sure it's a matter of people and money for Fdev.
06 Sep 2021, 4:38am
Aleksander MajjamThis too can be ED.... maybe.


Could being the key word, if FDev can somehow turn around their development ethos to match Hello Games.

I don't see it happening though. Hello Games fucked up their launch, then they dug their heels in and worked hard to un-fuck the game.

FDev seem to continually botch the game and act like it's totally normal and there seems to be no intention from them to change this given the patterns of their releases.

Agreed that they need to change their development mentally, but Odyssey seems so much like a fucking money grab that I fear that the devs sort of don't care anymore.
06 Sep 2021, 5:18am
Aleksander Majjam
Knightwolf 1785
Aleksander MajjamThis too can be ED.... maybe.


Maybe someday when FDev has more people and money. It would really help them in so many ways in truth.



Not sure it's a matter of people and money for Fdev.

Woah! Then it's all about effort put into it then. Geez I never knew Hello Games had that few play, and they have given us a great game. Plus all the free updates. FDev needs to take a few pages from HG's play book.
06 Sep 2021, 10:18am
Aleksander Majjam
LordPsymonFDev seem to continually botch the game and act like it's totally normal and there seems to be no intention from them to change this given the patterns of their releases.

Agreed that they need to change their development mentally, but Odyssey seems so much like a fucking money grab that I fear that the devs sort of don't care anymore.

To give FDev the bare minimum credit they are due I wouldn't call it a money grab. It's more like management caved to Shareholder pressures to get the release ahead of the year end calculations. Was ED:O standard FDev operating procedure pushed way past the line? Absolutely. Have their management lost touch with their baby? Undoubtedly so. Have core software engineers left for greener pastures leaving the ball in the hands of less knowledgeable/experienced with the code devs? Likely. Could they have intended to release a threadbare addon that is barely functional with the sole purpose of making a quick buck at the cost of their flagship product and reputation? Unlikely.

Also, don't forget they did this while working through Pandemic restrictions and changes (working from home, while convenient for the employee, increases overall managerial issues). ED:O will improve and there are glaring omissions from the ED:O release that I suspect won't be revealed until console release, which itself is the reason for many of their questionable design implementations. Will I care by that point? Doubtful.

Last edit: 06 Sep 2021, 10:52am
06 Sep 2021, 7:47pm
Aleksander Majjam
LordPsymonFDev seem to continually botch the game and act like it's totally normal and there seems to be no intention from them to change this given the patterns of their releases.

Agreed that they need to change their development mentally, but Odyssey seems so much like a fucking money grab that I fear that the devs sort of don't care anymore.

To give FDev the bare minimum credit they are due I wouldn't call it a money grab. It's more like management caved to Shareholder pressures to get the release ahead of the year end calculations. Was ED:O standard FDev operating procedure pushed way past the line? Absolutely. Have their management lost touch with their baby? Undoubtedly so. Have core software engineers left for greener pastures leaving the ball in the hands of less knowledgeable/experienced with the code devs? Likely. Could they have intended to release a threadbare addon that is barely functional with the sole purpose of making a quick buck at the cost of their flagship product and reputation? Unlikely.

Also, don't forget they did this while working through Pandemic restrictions and changes (working from home, while convenient for the employee, increases overall managerial issues). ED:O will improve and there are glaring omissions from the ED:O release that I suspect won't be revealed until console release, which itself is the reason for many of their questionable design implementations. Will I care by that point? Doubtful.

Let me ask you this, after people played the alpha.. err.. beta, do you think that the beta was a truthful example of the actual release state of Odyssey? Because it didn't seem so and no doubt Fdev would've known this, and to still charge for preorders while knowing the state of release is going to blow up right after CDPR's fuck up is indicative of deception.
06 Sep 2021, 8:37pm
And this is why I believe shareholders ruin gaming.
06 Sep 2021, 8:50pm
Aleksander Majjam Let me ask you this, after people played the alpha.. err.. beta, do you think that the beta was a truthful example of the actual release state of Odyssey? Because it didn't seem so and no doubt Fdev would've known this, and to still charge for preorders while knowing the state of release is going to blow up right after CDPR's fuck up is indicative of deception.

I'm not sure what you mean exactly with this question. If you're asking whether FDev honestly believed the Alpha was release worthy I'd have to say no. While there were additional issues that could have been honestly unforseen with using a separate server implementation (having Horizons and Odyssey running separately yet together) those were ironed out within 2 weeks. It's now going on over half a year and the additional Odyssey only issues aren't all even going to be fixed with Update 7.

I do believe the programming team informed management that there were issues but probably described them as 'tolerable' due to their bias. Management took this information and decided to publish anyways because of shareholder pressures. To them this was business as usual in that Fdev ALWAYS release with an initial poor quality and fix things after the fact. All they did here was do it to an egregious level, but nothing new all the same. That's my point.

Keep in mind using customers as quality assurance employees MAKES money rather than loses it. Speaking of business as usual, preorders are standard practice with software marketing nowadays. Not having it would have sent danger signals out into blogosphere. I personally hate them. I think it's absolutely ridiculous people buy things without even knowing what they're getting. That said, there's no way a publicly traded company isn't doing preorders in this business purely for the economic principles involved. It speaks nothing to malice. It is a norm.

Bottom line, they didn't do this all to take our money and run. They did this out of habit, carelessness, miscommunications, and poor judgement, but, really all because we let them get away with it (and we do and will).
08 Sep 2021, 6:19pm
Aaaand I posted the wrong links like an idiot.
09 Sep 2021, 7:39am

i have so much hYYYYYYpe about it

at some point of the trailer i've imagined Picard taking in his hands a Great Sports Almanac (only few chosen nerd can understand this reference:P)

In any case im really excited
09 Sep 2021, 2:56pm

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