
02 Oct 2023, 5:53am
If there's anything where i changed my opinion about politics it's this, and all what happened at the recent years only made it cast to stone. I'm big at it. (and this is an understatement) But the thing is, it's better to keep it away from some things...

About the rest as some and some things? I'd rather keep it to myself since nobody going to like it if i say what i think and how i feel about it. And that's the thing some peoples unable to comprehend. Sometimes the nicest thing they can have as an answer is ear deafening silence.
02 Oct 2023, 7:51pm
ArtieI have moved a big portion of the discussion from Elite's thread to this thread and please, let's stop it here. As this topic falls under the broad rule "no politics, religion and similar", it will be best to not continue in it. I guess everybody already said what they wanted to say anyway. Thanks.

You were quite late on that. Busy schedule or you just getting old?
02 Oct 2023, 9:22pm
Just an old-fashioned and boring sleep.
11 Oct 2023, 9:02pm
(totally unrelated) i swer!

13 Oct 2023, 3:13pm
I don't know why this exists... but it sure looks fun.

13 Oct 2023, 4:46pm
Kasumi GotoI don't know why this exists... but it sure looks fun.
Omg, do you watch him too? :]
(this guy makes me laugh even in the hardest of days lol)
13 Oct 2023, 6:03pm
Occasionally, I watch those kinds of channels, yeah. I recently saw him on a collab with the Slow Mo Guys(who I at least occasionally check back on because I’m terrific at keeping track of new YouTube videos sometimes), too.

This particular one, though, it just randomly popped up on the feed after something else I watched. That gun looked too ridiculous to not share it somewhere.
13 Oct 2023, 6:15pm
Exactly what you need, when a T Rex is your would be breakfast.
13 Oct 2023, 7:23pm
Kasumi GotoI don't know why this exists... but it sure looks fun.

Very interesting. Now I can see where destroyer deck guns originated from.
13 Oct 2023, 8:30pm
Aleksander Majjam
Kasumi GotoI don't know why this exists... but it sure looks fun.

Very interesting. Now I can see where destroyer deck guns originated from.

Kind of. The origin of the Punt Gun was as the name suggests. It was mounted on a Punt (long, narrow, flat bottomed boat) and fired like a huge shotgun. It was designed for duck hunting. The Punt absorbed the massive recoil that would have broken the gunman's shoulder otherwise.
13 Oct 2023, 8:54pm
Kasumi GotoOccasionally, I watch those kinds of channels, yeah.
Guntubers' videos play a great part in my desperate attempts to keep at least what's left of my sanity with me. :p
14 Oct 2023, 1:46am
Kasumi GotoOccasionally, I watch those kinds of channels, yeah.

Guntubers' videos play a great part in my desperate attempts to keep at least what's left of my sanity with me. :p

Who are your top 3?
14 Oct 2023, 1:50am
Silver Taffer
Aleksander Majjam
Kasumi GotoI don't know why this exists... but it sure looks fun.

Very interesting. Now I can see where destroyer deck guns originated from.

Kind of. The origin of the Punt Gun was as the name suggests. It was mounted on a Punt (long, narrow, flat bottomed boat) and fired like a huge shotgun. It was designed for duck hunting. The Punt absorbed the massive recoil that would have broken the gunman's shoulder otherwise.

Looks like it would break every bone in someone's body. Personally, the most recoil I've felt from a weapon was the M107. It was a treat to fire. However, my dream weapon to shoot would be the .950 Fat Mac. The round that comes out of that weapon....
14 Oct 2023, 1:51am
$70 Billion for Activision. Microsoft will probably recoup that in less than 10 years with Activision's revenue alone.

14 Oct 2023, 12:43pm
Aleksander MajjamWho are your top 3?
Ian, Brandon and Scott :p
(sometimes it feels sad that I don't live in the US lol)

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Anything not directly and indirectly related to Elite:Dangerous, Starfield, Inara, galaxy and so on. Just please no politics, religion and similar usually heated discussions, please. It never ends well despite the best efforts...