
16 Aug 2021, 6:51pm
Just been watching Predator and had a thought. Would an event of something like the Predator movies happening on a station or base be interesting in Elite?
16 Aug 2021, 7:18pm
When Thargoids get space legs, I think Predator and Alien will be heavily borrowed from by Fdev.
16 Aug 2021, 7:21pm
Lambast MercyWhen Thargoids get space legs, I think Predator and Alien will be heavily borrowed from by Fdev.

I'll be ready when consoles get Odyssey. At least I'll have the extra credits to buy the weapons and armors I'll need. I hope.
16 Aug 2021, 10:43pm
Geez I'm getting ideas because of some movies again. This one is thanks to The Abyss for water worlds.

How would exploring deep sea bases in Elite even work, but it'd be cool to have later in the game.
17 Aug 2021, 1:38am
ED is on priority 2000 and atmospheres for that kind of game won't come until priority 22908483.

Until they announce support for Xbox, I'm still out and enjoying ESO.
17 Aug 2021, 1:53am
And I was not looking for that at all, or expecting it. I just wanted to get a little talk going.

Last edit: 17 Aug 2021, 2:11am
17 Aug 2021, 5:19am
Aw. All good. I wasn't trying to be too serious.
17 Aug 2021, 5:33am
All good.
17 Aug 2021, 5:42am
It would be nice though. Planets that you can actually explore. I know there's the whole thing with being an explorer and I dedicated a ship for it, but the worlds just seem so lifeless. It would be nice to discover.. things.
17 Aug 2021, 6:08am
Yes, I want Guardian Ruins that have places underground we can explore or even an old station in a gas giant. We need more things and places to explore really badly. >.<
17 Aug 2021, 8:27am
Knightwolf 1785Geez I'm getting ideas because of some movies again. This one is thanks to The Abyss for water worlds.

How would exploring deep sea bases in Elite even work, but it'd be cool to have later in the game.

imagine specialised shields and planetary module to protect your ship. the bigger your ship the deeper you can go but good shields are needed to provide pressure protection and just more craxy stuff
17 Aug 2021, 1:25pm
It'd finally be worth grinding for upgrade materials just to see what's at the deepest point.

Weapons would be another thing that would chance. Torpedo and Rail Guns would work best after some modifications. Beams could work but at close range.
20 Aug 2021, 12:52pm
Fallout 76 is on sale. Steam reviews 77% positive. I'm tempted to try it. Can't be worse than Odyssey, can it?
20 Aug 2021, 1:08pm
SakashiroFallout 76 is on sale. Steam reviews 77% positive. I'm tempted to try it. Can't be worse than Odyssey, can it?

It depends. I was enjoying it after the first expansion release a few years ago, it was relatively bug-free and worth playing. Unfortunately, the bugs were just worse and worse in the months after and it didn't get better even after the last expansion release. I haven't touched it for months, so no idea what the current state is. If there should be just two things that I took from Fallout 76, then it is that their concept of Fallout I didn't trust initially can be surprisingly fun and that Bethesda is/was the worst company ever in regards of bug fixing. So at your own risk.
20 Aug 2021, 2:47pm
skyrim is going to get a fishing update and yet another release of Skyrim

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