
06 Nov 2023, 10:57pm
Water is boring. Going to grab a cup of tea.
06 Nov 2023, 11:13pm
Tea works, just make sure it's not caffeinated as caffeine dehydrates!
06 Nov 2023, 11:46pm
My drink variety consists of largely fruit juices and... well, water. Tea is... occasionally in there. Plus even more occasional soft drink with fruit flavor(or the stuff that you can dilute in water). But no cola. The stuff looks like (fluid) tar and does not want to make want to ever put it near my mouth. Does it still contain as much sugar?
07 Nov 2023, 12:00am
I prefer to drink tears from the loved ones of my defeated enemies. I find it refreshing and that it complements the lamentations of the women after you crush the enemy and drive them before you.
07 Nov 2023, 12:12am
Wild Jim Grudenthe lamentations of the women after you crush the enemy
And what makes you think that your enemies' loved ones are women exclusively?
07 Nov 2023, 1:01am
Wild Jim Grudenthe lamentations of the women after you crush the enemy

And what makes you think that your enemies' loved ones are women exclusively?

Because in Hyboria you kill all of the males and any women willing to fight, leaving only lamenting women behind. It is all in the Hyborian Brutality User Manual.
07 Nov 2023, 1:22am
Wild Jim GrudenBecause in Hyboria you kill all of the males and any women willing to fight, leaving only lamenting women behind. It is all in the Hyborian Brutality User Manual.

You're certainly missing males who escape your wrath or whatever by being dressed in what stupid people think only women should wear.
07 Nov 2023, 1:38am
Hey! I wear purple stuff!*

*If there is any of it in my wardrobe. After a purple hoodie that I liked far too much disappeared from it when it became an “old” piece of clothing, I haven’t had any since.

It wasn’t old, it had charm and showed that I really liked wearing it!

Okay, maybe it was old… and it would probably have been too small for me to wear now.
07 Nov 2023, 1:42am
wow this conversation got very cursed very fast why are we discussing genocide,
07 Nov 2023, 3:38am
(PS4) madamepestilence (RPIU)wow this conversation got very cursed very fast why are we discussing genocide,

Not genocide. Holy war in Hyboria according to Thulsa Doom.

"They shall all be cleansed...those who would be your judges, who have lied and corrupted the Earth. You, my children, are the water that will wash away all that has gone before. The gleam in the eye of Set, this flame shall burn away the darkness, burn you the way TO PARADISE!"
07 Nov 2023, 3:58am

the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

- Oxford Languages
07 Nov 2023, 4:41am
Doom wasn't particular about who he killed. He was an equal opportunity necromancer. Though, I think Doom in the movie was closer to the literary version of Thoth Amon than Thulsa Doom. He worshipped Set, who valued strength and despised weakness.
07 Nov 2023, 10:49am
Drink beer, save water
07 Nov 2023, 4:32pm
Water is directly responsible for 99.2% of all drownings

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