
07 Jan 2021, 10:45pm
Well now it's quiet in here and I don't like it.
07 Jan 2021, 11:10pm
Aleksander MajjamWell now it's quiet in here and I don't like it.

What part of the German law do you want to debate about?
07 Jan 2021, 11:47pm
The Reinheitsbebot...?

edited - typo - Reinheitsgebot

Last edit: 08 Jan 2021, 4:47pm
08 Jan 2021, 12:28am
I've heard that it's illegal to tune a piano at night in Germany.
08 Jan 2021, 1:03am
Synthya WylderThe Reinheitsbebot...?

It's "Reinheitsgebot". Don't ask me about details though, I myself am not very fond of beer.

Aleksander MajjamI've heard that it's illegal to tune a piano at night in Germany.

That's actually true. It's based on the "Nachtruhe" (nightime peace), specifics are regulated on a muncipal level, regulary it says that between 10pm and 6am noises have to be limited to "Zimmerlautstärke" (literally translated: room volume). Especially loud devices like drills, lawnmovers and hedgetrimmers may even be used only after 9am.

So if you're living in an apartment complex you need to ask your neighbors if they are OK with you throwing a loud party. There're rarely objections on weekends as long as you and your guests don't act like a wrecking crew.
08 Jan 2021, 1:40am
Amata Lirein
Synthya WylderThe Reinheitsbebot...?

It's "Reinheitsgebot". Don't ask me about details though, I myself am not very fond of beer.

My apologies, I stand corrected. That was a typo. My SpellCheck didn't pick it up as it's a German word.

Being a micro-brewer in the past, I should have caught that.
08 Jan 2021, 8:25am
Synthya WylderThe Reinheitsbebot...?

Ugh, beer. Can't find what fascinates so many people about it. Then again, I don't drink any kind of alcohol so ...
08 Jan 2021, 8:26am
Anyone else still playing Cyberpunk?

I'm currently playing a netrunner build specialized in quickhacking. These get so OP after a while, it's ridiculous. Netrunning turns the game from an action RPG into a turn-based strategy game. Instead of going in guns blazing, you sneak around, take control of surveillance cameras, analyse your opponents' locations and capabilities, equip the appropriate quickhacks, and then sabotage everyone and everything in the most creative ways you can think of.

I still do carry a gun, but I honestly can't remember the last time I used it. On the plus side, you can choose your clothing by looks rather than armor value, because armor isn't really needed any more.
08 Jan 2021, 9:03am
German beer is quite easy to find in Taiwanese convenience stores, btw.

Another German export popular in Taiwan is portable electric heaters. Since Taiwan's climate is quite warm most of the year, pretty much all buildings have aircon, but almost none has built-in heaters.

Taiwanese air condition habits are something I found hard to get used to at first. Imagine walking through a hot and humid day at 95°F, and every time you enter a building or the metro you get shock-cooled down to 65°F.
08 Jan 2021, 9:19am
I suspect every build ends up OP because enemies seem to stop scaling somewhere around level 30. And quickhacking is super useful even when you're not playing a netrunner thanks to System Reset (+ the legendary recipe + that cyberdeck that allows quick hacks to spread) and Ping.

Gotta give it to CDPR: They managed to make multiple CP archetypes really fun to play, which I, to be honest, didn't really expect.
08 Jan 2021, 10:18am
I maxed out Tech (for crafting) and Intelligence (for hacking). And hacking is so OP that if the place has CCTV (or the 'Ping'-quickhack) you don't even have to enter the place to kill everything. And once you hit the epic quality quickhacks things are getting downright scary with two specific ones...

...'suicide' and 'cyber psychosis'.

The one thing I'm struggling with right now is "Beat The Brat", that last fight is hard as fuck as that guy's hits are ridiculously strong and you have little to no space to evade them -.-

Talking about guns... Skippy. OMG, Skippy.
08 Jan 2021, 10:34am
CP definitely requires multiple playthroughs. There are so many different ways to play it. Some cyberware for the legs can even turn it into a parkour game like Mirror's Edge.

Yesterday I learned legendary Ping allows hacking through walls. Don't even need surveillance cams any more...
08 Jan 2021, 10:51am
SakashiroCP definitely requires multiple playthroughs. There are so many different ways to play it. Some cyberware for the legs can even turn it into a parkour game like Mirror's Edge.

Yesterday I learned legendary Ping allows hacking through walls. Don't even need surveillance cams any more...

That's what I meant.

Also very fun (if the mission doesn't want you to stay undetected): Taking over turrets.
08 Jan 2021, 9:47pm
Amata LireinThe one thing I'm struggling with right now is "Beat The Brat", that last fight is hard as fuck as that guy's hits are ridiculously strong and you have little to no space to evade them -.-

That last fight is really starting to annoy me... I even got me the legendary gorilla arms to hit him harder, but they are no use as that guy keeps two-hitting me... Even double-dodging is useless as he seems to be able to change the direction of his heavy attack mid-air. And the limited size of the boxing ring doesn't help either... and it certainly doesn't help that it feels like he's filling up a quarter of said ring. Me needs more space to move >.<
09 Jan 2021, 9:36am
Yeah, I gave up on that fight. The others were pretty cheesable with good dodging, but that last one's really annoying. I suppose a melee char would do better, but that'll have to wait for a second playthrough.

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