
29 Jan 2021, 10:16pm
Yeah well I live in a country that doesn't exist.
29 Jan 2021, 10:35pm
Desert Fox CXVIII assume she's talking about me. All I'm here to do is shitpost and laugh at people for getting bent out of shape over it. ITS WORKING

Kongratz! You made the grade!
29 Jan 2021, 10:52pm
Synthya WylderThere is at least one good thing about controversial topics like these.

I get a more clear idea of who's 'idiocy-factor' exceeds whatever value to me that they might post in the future.

Considering the source, if the cup overfloweth, why then, there's always the 'Ignore' function.

Synthya: "It's not fair to categorize all rich people as evil."

Also Synthya: "I'm going to categorize everyone who disagrees with me as an idiot."

So did you. Kongratz!
30 Jan 2021, 3:40am
Synthya Wylder Kongratz! You made the grade!

01 Feb 2021, 12:45am
Rebecca Hail
Igneel Prime
Rebecca Hail

Worse people could be in charge. ^^

In Germany maybe. As for Austria. We just deported 3 children into countries they barely know because they and their families have spent a long time here (one of them, a 12 year old girl was even born here). They were taken out of their lives and known environments and deported because the validation system for citizenship failed and the responsible minister is making excuses.

Yeah, Austrias government is a much bigger oof.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if, as citizens of planet earth, people could simply live wherever they wished. Instead, we are forced to come to terms with that fact that none of us are citizens of anywhere other than where some douchbag tells us we belong. It’s all just a little bit shit.
01 Feb 2021, 11:34am
Kate Earnshaw
Rebecca Hail
Igneel Prime

In Germany maybe. As for Austria. We just deported 3 children into countries they barely know because they and their families have spent a long time here (one of them, a 12 year old girl was even born here). They were taken out of their lives and known environments and deported because the validation system for citizenship failed and the responsible minister is making excuses.

Yeah, Austrias government is a much bigger oof.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if, as citizens of planet earth, people could simply live wherever they wished. Instead, we are forced to come to terms with that fact that none of us are citizens of anywhere other than where some douchbag tells us we belong. It’s all just a little bit shit.

In the grown-up world we call that "squatting".
01 Feb 2021, 1:16pm
Kate Earnshaw
Rebecca Hail
Igneel Prime

In Germany maybe. As for Austria. We just deported 3 children into countries they barely know because they and their families have spent a long time here (one of them, a 12 year old girl was even born here). They were taken out of their lives and known environments and deported because the validation system for citizenship failed and the responsible minister is making excuses.

Yeah, Austrias government is a much bigger oof.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if, as citizens of planet earth, people could simply live wherever they wished. Instead, we are forced to come to terms with that fact that none of us are citizens of anywhere other than where some douchbag tells us we belong. It’s all just a little bit shit.

Tragedy of the commons. Due to resource scarcity you would just have roaming hoards of people that pile into countries with good infrastructure/jobs and turn them to shit. We already killed the environment with what we have. I'm not sure how we can get to a post scarcity society without massive depopulation and automation.
01 Feb 2021, 2:11pm
Kate Earnshaw
Rebecca Hail
Igneel Prime

In Germany maybe. As for Austria. We just deported 3 children into countries they barely know because they and their families have spent a long time here (one of them, a 12 year old girl was even born here). They were taken out of their lives and known environments and deported because the validation system for citizenship failed and the responsible minister is making excuses.

Yeah, Austrias government is a much bigger oof.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if, as citizens of planet earth, people could simply live wherever they wished. Instead, we are forced to come to terms with that fact that none of us are citizens of anywhere other than where some douchbag tells us we belong. It’s all just a little bit shit.

That mindset sadly only works if everyone shares it. And it's fairly obvious that a majority of humanity doesn't.
01 Feb 2021, 2:32pm
Kate Earnshaw
Rebecca Hail
Igneel Prime

In Germany maybe. As for Austria. We just deported 3 children into countries they barely know because they and their families have spent a long time here (one of them, a 12 year old girl was even born here). They were taken out of their lives and known environments and deported because the validation system for citizenship failed and the responsible minister is making excuses.

Yeah, Austrias government is a much bigger oof.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if, as citizens of planet earth, people could simply live wherever they wished. Instead, we are forced to come to terms with that fact that none of us are citizens of anywhere other than where some douchbag tells us we belong. It’s all just a little bit shit.

A nice idea, but it isn't nearly as simple as it might seem.

To avoid draining whatever country/region they'd be living in, the infrastructure must be present to be able to support them, including productive jobs. That's complicated by the situation where there are already people working those jobs, & new ones that aren't funded or supported by those already there (read: via additional taxation, & don't count gov't jobs, because those are also taxpayer-funded) the influx of immigrants must be cared for, including healthcare, housing, (re-)education, training, etc. unless they'd be living in squalor in decrepit camps, or begging on the street, or getting involved with various criminal activity.

What both surprises & frustrates me is that so many of those who advocate for open borders usually don't take them in, give them a place to stay in their own homes & pay out of their own pockets for all the costs mentioned above. Instead, they expect & advocate for the gov't (read: "somebody else") to pay for it, & from where does that just come? More & bigger gov't & which ofc, is all paid for with (additional) taxes. Which ofc, everyone pays. It's a bit like a backdoor theft... they won't come knocking on the doors of those with their own resouces (read: fruits of their labors), demanding those resources so they get the gov't to do it.

More taxes = less available resources which those so inclined & able to give as charity. Taxes = involuntary. Charity = voluntary.

I'd be totally in favor of charity, & I have & do give voluntarily. Try to steal from me, regardless of who does it & why? I'll fight tooth & nail.

A wonderful, sweet, rosy idea... but as they say, the devil is in the details & 'unintended consequences'.

Oh, in case anyone forgot, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Nothing is free... somebody, somewhere, sometime, always pays.

Last edit: 01 Feb 2021, 2:43pm
01 Feb 2021, 6:30pm
The natives in the US paid, didn't they?

01 Feb 2021, 6:45pm
Aleksander MajjamThe natives in the US paid, didn't they?


They were & are somebody. Just like any other group of indigenous peoples all over.
02 Feb 2021, 8:58am
Synthya Wylder

Oh, in case anyone forgot, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Nothing is free... somebody, somewhere, sometime, always pays.

Perhaps, the only question is who determines the price? =)

02 Feb 2021, 9:33am
'bout 'tree fiddy.
02 Feb 2021, 4:42pm
LordPsymon'bout 'tree fiddy.


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