
14 Jun 2021, 3:57pm
Amata Lirein
Synthya WylderJust go slowly at first & make sure that it's well-lubed.

Oh! This was about the sniper rifle scope?


Someone needs a horny bat?

Rebecca knows that my trap card is still in play

I'm expecting Becca's Bat any time now, but I'm safe for the time being.

Amata sent me a purple helmet.
23 Jun 2021, 5:10pm
23 Jun 2021, 5:53pm
ah cr*p! this thread had no updates for nine days. something strange happened... like people playing odyssey...
23 Jun 2021, 6:23pm
Meowersah cr*p! this thread had no updates for nine days. something strange happened... like people playing odyssey...

Ah, so that happened to your hair?
23 Jun 2021, 6:27pm
Rebecca HailAh, so that happened to your hair?

Science happened to my hair!
And yeah, Odyssey too.
23 Jun 2021, 7:35pm
Just say "crap".
23 Jun 2021, 8:14pm
*Nests 'pon Meow's baldness*
23 Jun 2021, 8:27pm
Aleksander Majjam*Nests 'pon Meow's baldness*

Someone had to test how Odyssey renderer draw light reflections from a bald head.
And why hair turned so crappy.
23 Jun 2021, 10:49pm
Honestly, I think all of you should go bald. I'll go bald tonight.

23 Jun 2021, 10:55pm

And I thought Windows was bugging when it told me "Snowy Rain, 32°C".
23 Jun 2021, 10:59pm
Weird imagination + random idea + eccentric experiment + screwed lighting/renderer = bald me + logbook entry

Last edit: 23 Jun 2021, 11:04pm
25 Jun 2021, 8:37pm
Ladies and fellas, no matter what your orientation is, you can't refute that this is one of the sexiest motherfuckers you've ever seen in your life. Feast your eyes 'pon this amazing polygon count and genius art direction.

25 Jun 2021, 8:40pm
Hey, is someone missing their bowling ball? I think I found it.
25 Jun 2021, 8:52pm
Rebecca HailHey, is someone missing their bowling ball? I think I found it.

It's rolling down that snowy street you posted.
25 Jun 2021, 9:02pm
I like it.

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