
14 Jan 2024, 1:18am
The size of your boobs are clear sign of well read and good education...
14 Jan 2024, 1:25am
I don’t know what you’re trying to say but your comment reads either as ignorant and aggressive for no reason, or a joke that’s going over my head.

Either way, if you have doubts, go ahead and ask Meowers how educated I am. Or seem.
14 Jan 2024, 2:23am
As you may see, you're already creating some chaos, and people are jealous. Great success! :p

Last edit: 14 Jan 2024, 2:45am
14 Jan 2024, 2:56am
The bigger the boobs the more well read girl is, the bigger low portion like Meowers has the more educated girl is. That's how it was explained to me in my teen years. It is a joke, yes of course.
14 Jan 2024, 2:59am
Ah. I’m not sure I’ve actually heard, but that could also be my brain failing me(as it tends to do).

I don’t think I would use it if I’m near or talking with a woman that has a well-formed chest, though. Might not be received too well…

And define the ‘well-read’ part, maybe? I’m not really getting that one.
14 Jan 2024, 3:27am
Her 'low portion' deserves a separate userpic actually, lol. :p
14 Jan 2024, 3:29am
Doesn't make for a good user picture or avatar though. And I did provide a not-so-sneaky link to the biography where it may or may not be present in full, above. (... on the previous page)
14 Jan 2024, 11:24pm
Aleksander MajjamNice profile pic, Kas. Not sure what's so great about it. Pretty sure it's the color of the shirt, tho. Love black.

Do you mean't a mannequin with exaggerated proportions? Just as serious like any other avatar or character played as long someone at his mind.

Point of case? If someone just a half serious role player and gamer the only character he capable to play is not just his own, nor just one. Nor a serious player with some prudence takes thing out from game to life.
15 Jan 2024, 2:39am
You answer to no one, Kas. FYI.

@MeowCat, did you create it? If you did, must've missed it somewhere.
15 Jan 2024, 2:44am
@Majjam, yup, just finished yesterday, so you couldn't see it anywhere before.
15 Jan 2024, 2:46am
Aleksander MajjamYou answer to no one, Kas. FYI.

I did answer to the cat but because it was the previous post didn’t bother to quote, then mine got moved to this page and I was too lazy to fix it.

Or if it is in relation to the third-last post above, I inquired to its meaning because I have the poster blocked… and keep getting justified in keeping it so.
16 Jan 2024, 7:22pm

Is this going to be fun?

… probably not. They’re already warning people about frost on the roads and all that fun stuff. Kind of tempted to just stay in the cozy, warm confines of home/bed.
16 Jan 2024, 7:33pm
Kasumi GotoIs this going to be fun?
… probably not. They’re already warning people about frost on the roads and all that fun stuff. Kind of tempted to just stay in the cozy, warm confines of home/bed.

But...But... some of the best oversteering practice you can get is using summer tires in the middle of winter. It's like driving on plastic tricycle tires. Don't even need high torque to break the ass end loose. Fun times.
16 Jan 2024, 8:05pm
As someone who doesn’t drive cars and relies on public transport instead, I can’t help but find that statement to be somewhat unrelatable.

Know what I do wish for? Extra layers on the body that aren’t clothing. Not too much a fan of looking like I’m trying to survive a polar storm just so I don’t feel cold.
16 Jan 2024, 8:20pm
Kasumi Goto
Know what I do wish for? Extra layers on the body that aren’t clothing. Not too much a fan of looking like I’m trying to survive a polar storm just so I don’t feel cold.

Isn't it called "fat"?

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