
17 Oct 2021, 1:55pm
Iwao Kishiro
EpisparhSo how you like Foundation, nerds?

They are making THE Foundation TV series?


Made. It's apparently disappointing although I haven't watched it myself. The main complaint being pacing. I believe it because I've noticed the trend lately has been for writing to be agregiously lazy. 40 minutes of slow, meaningless dialogue followed by 4 minutes of 'okay that was cool, but worth the 40minute slog?'.
17 Oct 2021, 5:57pm
BurstarMade. It's apparently disappointing although I haven't watched it myself. The main complaint being pacing. I believe it because I've noticed the trend lately has been for writing to be agregiously lazy. 40 minutes of slow, meaningless dialogue followed by 4 minutes of 'okay that was cool, but worth the 40minute slog?'.

Foundation isn't exactly fast-paced and has a lot of monologues in the novels, too, so that can be a reason. Too bad no one wants to touch the less known novella called The Stars, Like Dust which, in my opinion is a little bit more fast-paced and features more action. It is part of Foundation and Empire sub-series -- yet for some odd reason it is sometimes listed as prelude to Foundation.

I can see why, though. The main problem with The Stars, Like Dust is how obsolete some ideologies are, as Isaac Asimov in late 50s described nuclear energy as "wasteless and very safe" according to that novella as it was a major point of the story. The reality had shown it being quite the opposite: Green Mile Island, Chernobyl and not-so-long time ago Fukushima disasters giving understandable concerns. Even keeping the nuclear waste somewhere is a major environmental, financial and most importantly safety issue.

Last edit: 17 Oct 2021, 6:11pm
17 Oct 2021, 8:06pm
I haven't read the books so I might actually like it. I hear people who have read the books find it disappointing.
17 Oct 2021, 8:12pm
Iwao KishiroIsaac Asimov in late 50s described nuclear energy as "wasteless and very safe" according to that novella as it was a major point of the story. The reality had shown it being quite the opposite
Yup. But in those years, 50s-60s, ideas about nuclear-powered everything were quite popular. And, as any sci-fi/fantastic story, he depicted the future 'as it might be seen' by people of his time.
17 Oct 2021, 8:13pm
Iwao Kishiro
EpisparhSo how you like Foundation, nerds?

They are making THE Foundation TV series?


First 6 episodes so far are a blast!
18 Oct 2021, 7:17am
21 Oct 2021, 6:27pm
Did we deserved that? Apparently, yes.

21 Oct 2021, 9:27pm
21 Oct 2021, 10:09pm
22 Oct 2021, 6:04am
25 Oct 2021, 11:26pm
Saw these and thought you guys would get a kick of of them.

26 Oct 2021, 4:14am

27 Oct 2021, 6:24pm
Huh... just saw this tweet from before the downtime and am actually surprised that noone answered with this...

(Because 1 hour/minute warning and stuff )
28 Oct 2021, 10:35am
I love this.

28 Oct 2021, 2:25pm
SakashiroI love this.

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You know they don't know what they're talking about when they put "Vaxx'd" on a sign

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