
17 Dec 2021, 5:39pm
Gatimũ KamauI already posted this in the "Game Talk" chat, but I'd like a deeper pool of thought/response on this idea...

I hear you. I put exactly 625 hours into Elite. With my schedule, it meant that it was the only game I was playing at the time. The day they announced that they were halting major upgrade support for consoles, I quit. Uninstalled it as fast as I could. Even when there were glaring issues that should've pushed me to quit earlier, it was playing Elite with my squad that was the most rewarding thing. Now it's uninstalled and even if Odyssey miraculously made it to consoles, I don't think I'll pick it back up. I remain here because I like the community here. And I also like the kind of OT fights we have here where Saka goes 1 v 100 and Artie has to break is up.

Thankfully I'm not too picky when it comes to my gaming and moved on to games better suited for the MMO role. ESO has engaged me much like Elite had, without it feeling like a grindy POS. Hopefully you find something to scratch that itch. I have a long way to go, but the next game I look forward to is Starfield. Meanwhile, I also enjoy getting my simming with MSFS for consoles. I know it's not the same, but you should check out Elite alternatives. Obsidian Ant has some good videos on them.
17 Dec 2021, 8:15pm
Alex Hoffmann
Gatimũ KamauGoing headlong into a new PC for the sake of E:D is not only daunting because of the cost involved since I work two jobs as it is and support a household but, as you said, also because I'm not a mechanically inclined individual. Building a PC is a very...intimidating prospect. But, by all means, shoot me your proposed setup and I'll see how realistic the idea is for someone like me.

i can check some prices for a nice pc setup but i need some time for the research.. or i can send you my pc config.. much faster

to make it short: at the base you need a good mainbaord and cpu, im using an old asus sabertooth amd board with 8 core fx cpu, not the newest one but asus make great boards.
a good power supply and memory is needed, im using rog thor 800w but thats to expensive, 550-650w should be enough, real power consumption is displayed around 350w during gaming.
importend for a good power supply is the output Ampere on the several tracks, check / calculate the right ammount for your planned graphic card and components. there are many good ones on the market.

memory not less than 8 GB and have an eye on dual channel compatibility if your using more than 2 memory slot / moduls. low latency memory is advantageous against the normal ones. with g skill and corsair i had good experinces. ed takes around 3,5 GB of system memory during gaming.

a big case, for better air flow, and enough fans i would recommend. a ssd hard drive, samsung make nice ones and not so expensive, or a nvme ssd drive (expensive but very high transfer rate) is a good choice.

the graphic card could be a problem couse the prices are very very hight at the moment. thanks goes to corona. im using a good old radeon rx 580 with 8 GB ram and its runnig all fine at medium / high settings.

at least a os is needed but thats yours choice. im running win 7 64 bit, that you can get very cheap couse it´s outdated.. running out of support.. but ed is runnig nice on it. or take a newer one.
all components you can buy on ebay or some other trading platform cheap. if you need some help i can gave you advices.. was long times tradind pc parts and building systems.. greetings

Thanks for taking the time to put this info together CMDR. I'll give it some thought.

Fly safe...or dirty. o7
17 Dec 2021, 8:29pm
Aleksander Majjam
Gatimũ KamauI already posted this in the "Game Talk" chat, but I'd like a deeper pool of thought/response on this idea...

I hear you. I put exactly 625 hours into Elite. With my schedule, it meant that it was the only game I was playing at the time. The day they announced that they were halting major upgrade support for consoles, I quit. Uninstalled it as fast as I could. Even when there were glaring issues that should've pushed me to quit earlier, it was playing Elite with my squad that was the most rewarding thing. Now it's uninstalled and even if Odyssey miraculously made it to consoles, I don't think I'll pick it back up. I remain here because I like the community here. And I also like the kind of OT fights we have here where Saka goes 1 v 100 and Artie has to break is up.

Thankfully I'm not too picky when it comes to my gaming and moved on to games better suited for the MMO role. ESO has engaged me much like Elite had, without it feeling like a grindy POS. Hopefully you find something to scratch that itch. I have a long way to go, but the next game I look forward to is Starfield. Meanwhile, I also enjoy getting my simming with MSFS for consoles. I know it's not the same, but you should check out Elite alternatives. Obsidian Ant has some good videos on them.

I love it here too. Inara is a BIG part of what makes Elite worth it. Making real stories, writing logs, sharing our journeys with others, the selfless kindness and service of groups like the Fuel Rats, the thrill of jumping into a high risk combat zone with too much gumption and too few munitions relying on your ship-launched fighter pilot to have your back, exploring the far reaches on a Distant Worlds expedition (or just following along on YouTube)...

It's like I heard a CMDR once say..."We love Elite IN SPITE of Frontier Development, not BECAUSE of them." I'll likely come crawling back to the game in earnest in a few months. I can never really stay away from it for too long. Even when I'm wetting my appetite with other games.

My love of hard sci-fi brought me here, but the community in Inara will likely keep me.
18 Dec 2021, 12:09pm
Alex Hoffmannlove this game too and it´s a shame what they did the last months in aspect to console players.. not so much as for pc players. hope it getting better one day..
but just a hint from me: i play ed on pc, not the newest one but realy good hardware.. a few years ago it was.. and so far no problems during playing at medium / high settings.
maybe you can get a cheap playing pc from a friend, or selfbuilding one (not so hard), if you want continue playing with all feautures.. and of course bugs too
i can send you a pc config / gave you advices if you want to invest some money for pc hardware.. i think other cmd´s here too.. greetings

That would be nice, if there wasn't a reason behind on why people chose consoles (Series S, especially) over PC recently:


Right now PC gaming is very expensive, as if prices (wage-wise) where I live weren't bad enough to even consider something that wouldn't be a potato. Charms of having unified prices of high tech and digital software, but completely omitting the fact that not entire EU has the same wages and half of EU has very low wages. Cheap PC isn't exactly cheap to a lot of people like myself. Hell, Series S - the cheapest current gen option - was still an expense I had to think about... but in fact it was Xbox One that started failing to make me finally convinced, as well as the fact that prices of brand new hardware do not go down.

Getting PC parts outside EU? Sure, after you pay 23% non-EU import tax (it applies both to items AND shipping), making that step pointless and equal simply paying as much as for the item inside EU. Not that 300 Euro budget is not a budget at all. Buying items part after part? Given how slow I've been gathering money for anything (it's not like I don't buy stuff like books or spend money on hobbies), the PC I'd construct over the year... would already be obsolete and unable to run the newer games.

Right now even Xbox Series X is more reasonable choice if I want a power machine for games "in one immediate purchase". It's not about being unable to afford stuff on the long run. It is about "immediate affordability" in my case. Plus, the library. I don't need to rebuy all the games I own.

Sorry for the rant, but I am unemployed, despite multiple attempts reaching over 100 resumes sent per month, in a country that has 600 Euro minimal wage per month - whereas the "false" average wage is "1500 Euro a month" being outright myth due to extreme wage gap between 1/3 richer poles owning/employed in private businesses and remaining 2/3 of Polish people from the working and the lower middle class (like my family). This is why "just go PC gaming" statement about poor treatment of console players from Frontier is very annoying to me.

Last edit: 18 Dec 2021, 12:39pm
18 Dec 2021, 1:52pm
Iwao Kishiro This is why "just go PC gaming" statement about poor treatment of console players from Frontier is very annoying to me.

Sad and true. Long time i was console playing too, couse like you said, the money.. a friend gives me my first pc.. many years ago.. so i can understand very good your point of view.
The first years of ed i coudn´t play the game.. not on my pc.. not on my laptops.. to bad hardware. 2 years ago i started to upgrade some pc components for a good running (sufficient) ed system.. now done

it will take some time to get all parts together but you didn´t need the newest and expensive ones, older hardware is good too. i keep it like: old (used) but good or very good - so you pay less but get great stuff.
maybe some friends have some parts left or you can get the needed components step by step otherways.. i can help if you have questions about pc setup / buildings when you are interested in.. greetings
18 Dec 2021, 3:19pm
Consoles are cheap, but console games are more expensive. And PC games last longer, which is why you can buy PC games from the 1990s on GOG and still play them today.
18 Dec 2021, 7:57pm
Iwao Kishiro Sorry for the rant, but I am unemployed, despite multiple attempts reaching over 100 resumes sent per month, in a country that has 600 Euro minimal wage per month - whereas the "false" average wage is "1500 Euro a month" being outright myth due to extreme wage gap between 1/3 richer poles owning/employed in private businesses and remaining 2/3 of Polish people from the working and the lower middle class (like my family). This is why "just go PC gaming" statement about poor treatment of console players from Frontier is very annoying to me.

I'm sorry that things are so...terrible there. The gap between the haves and have-nots has always been a source of contention for me here in America. And I'm all for "eating the rich". I pray that you find work that can support you. Living check-to-check is NEVER good. And I hope that ED offers you the escape you need from the trash of real life.

Fly well CMDR. o7
18 Dec 2021, 9:44pm
SakashiroConsoles are cheap, but console games are more expensive. And PC games last longer, which is why you can buy PC games from the 1990s on GOG and still play them today.

They're expensive depending on what ecosystem you buy into. While Sony upped the price of their 1st party games to $70 (and I also believe they're trying to do this on PC), Microsoft's gamepass is unrivaled in what could be considered "discount gaming". For $15 a month, I'm able to play at my leisure, over 650 games in the library between console and PC. Not only that, but Microsoft releases all their 1st party games day 1 on the service that's included with that price. Other than DLC, I haven't paid full price for more than one game since the Xbox Series X released last year. On top of this, 3rd party developers have been steadily releasing their games day 1 on the service as well.

In terms of game preservation, Microsoft (both physically and digitally) allow users to play games since the Xbox released in 2001 to now as a backwards compatibility initiative through every console cycle. Not only that, these games get free updates to bring them in line with current day specs. 4K, 60+ FPS, and other technical additions for games made in the early 2000's that are free to download as they get cycled back into the library.

Let's not forget other features like crossplay, mouse & keyboard support, 120 FPS VRR, controllers and peripherals that work through console generations, ability to port PC game mods onto consoles, etc. Hell, you don't even need a PC anymore for great VR gaming.

PC gaming is great, but the market is a fucking shit-show right now and console gaming continues to shorten whatever theoretical advantages that PC has on gaming. Buying a PS5 and Xbox Series X together and topping it off with a Nintendo Switch will still cost less than what a 3080 TI can go for today. Factoring ease of use, that your 3K rig isn't outdated after 6 months of building it, and a relatively seamless (and cheap) gaming experience, consoles continue to be more than a viable option for gamers.

Last edit: 18 Dec 2021, 9:57pm
20 Dec 2021, 7:15pm
The first minute of this video.

20 Dec 2021, 7:21pm
Aleksander MajjamThe first minute of this video.

Psshh... We're getting chairs in our Fleet Carriers next year in ED:O though
20 Dec 2021, 7:29pm
Sliding machineginner at 0:44 is amusing.
20 Dec 2021, 10:18pm
Just jumping in here to say that I played CP2077 at release and...

Bugs aside, I still really liked it.
21 Dec 2021, 3:54am
MeowersSliding machineginner at 0:44 is amusing.

Machine gunned w/ a 240 at the back of an Osprey's ramp. Can confirm slip 'n slide.

XeknosJust jumping in here to say that I played CP2077 at release and...

Bugs aside, I still really liked it.

I enjoyed it as well all the way through. Probably the most engaging FPS I've ever played.
21 Dec 2021, 10:06am
Aleksander MajjamMachine gunned w/ a 240 at the back of an Osprey's ramp. Can confirm slip 'n slide.
So, this is 'normal'? Why?
27 Dec 2021, 10:44am
Hey, can someone help me with my CMDR profile? I'm trying to set up a picture so it wouldn't be stretched by Inara. What sizes have you set up so avatar would look perfect and not gaping?

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