
05 Mar 2022, 8:55pm
Burstar or somethingWhat it proves is you don't understand what words mean. The correct phrasing was 'what it proves is the paper is meaningless'

"Meaningless" is an opinion. The paper appears meaningful enough to make Gorski dedicate pages of text to it and ultimately accuse its authors of conspiracy. That is quite something, coming from a guy who claims to debunk conspiracy theories. "The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks."
05 Mar 2022, 9:48pm
Yuna Sakashiro
Burstar or somethingWhat it proves is you don't understand what words mean. The correct phrasing was 'what it proves is the paper is meaningless'

"Meaningless" is an opinion. The paper appears meaningful enough to make Gorski dedicate pages of text to it and ultimately accuse its authors of conspiracy. That is quite something, coming from a guy who claims to debunk conspiracy theories. "The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks."

I swore to myself I wasn't going to get involved in this, but somewhere along the line I ran out of popcorn, then I got bored, then I got twitchy and had to answer this. Propagation of crackpot pseudo-science isn't funny in a COVID-19 world. It has literally killed thousands and thousands of people. For that matter, similar academic bullshit has left us a few decades behind fighting global warming. That said, I don't mean that as an attack on you personally. So here we go.

"Meaningless" is an opinion if one is a liberal arts major debating art or literature. (Full disclosure: I was a liberal arts major.) Science ... not nearly as much.

Also - having 19 nucleotides randomly inserted into a given piece of DNA is not unusual. Snippets of genetic data get inserted into DNA naturally via HGT. Conspiracy theories and Qanon not required.

The lack of rigorous peer review and replication of said research here says all anyone needs to know ... if one knows what they are talking about. In science, that is literally the way to determine whether something is trustworthy or not.

Edit / PS: I meant it when I said I didn't mean this as an attack on you personally. I'm not looking to get into a flame war.

05 Mar 2022, 10:03pm
HIV/AIDS denialism is the belief that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) does not cause acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), despite conclusive evidence to the contrary. Some of its proponents reject the existence of HIV, while others accept that HIV exists but argue that it is a harmless passenger virus and not the cause of AIDS.

As soon as I saw articles with connections to HIV/AIDS denialism (and it took me less than two minutes to do so), I knew exactly what part of the internet I was in.


05 Mar 2022, 11:04pm
"Meaningless" is an opinion. The paper appears meaningful enough to make Gorski dedicate pages of text to it and ultimately accuse its authors of conspiracy. That is quite something, coming from a guy who claims to debunk conspiracy theories. "The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks."

Could it be possible that he's trying to debunk it because the results actually are meaningless, and various people are sharing it around claiming otherwise?
06 Mar 2022, 12:00am
RotwhylrPropagation of crackpot pseudo-science isn't funny in a COVID-19 world. It has literally killed thousands and thousands of people.

Millions in fact. That's why any science that leads to a global ban on gain-of-function research is OK in my book. I don't care how that sequence ended up in the virus, but the fact that it is there and has been found is an opportunity that should be exploited to the maximum extent possible. Because for a year any discussion of the fact that such research was conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology was suppressed in social media. Racist bullshit about Chinese eating habits was acceptable, fake videos of people suddenly dropping dead in the streets of Wuhan were OK to post, but don't you dare talk about that lab! That's misinformation!

"You don't want to go to Hoboken, New Jersey, or to Fairfax, Virginia, to be studying the bat-human interface that might lead to an outbreak. So you go to China."

Guess who said that?
06 Mar 2022, 12:24am
I don't care how that sequence ended up in the virus

It kinda sounds like you do. Maybe you meant to say that you don't care about the plausible explanations? If you want to fully set out what you think this all means, that'd be helpful, so we don't have to dance around the shield of "just asking questions" (and only listening if the answer is what you already thought it was).
06 Mar 2022, 12:39am
Elite: Flat Planets...
06 Mar 2022, 1:32am
Elite: Vaccines Dangerous...
06 Mar 2022, 1:54am
Something, something, playing chess with a pigeon, something, something.
06 Mar 2022, 5:32am
Rebecca HailSomething, something, playing chess with a pigeon, something, something.


BEXXXXXXXXXXXX. Where you been hiding?
06 Mar 2022, 6:29am
The pandemic has passed out by the way.
Be honest and no worries.

Now there is the third world war to think about
06 Mar 2022, 7:31am
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca HailSomething, something, playing chess with a pigeon, something, something.


BEXXXXXXXXXXXX. Where you been hiding?

Sadly not in a bunker

Last edit: 06 Mar 2022, 8:22am
06 Mar 2022, 11:18am
Really tho who gives a fig! None of it matters if we all go extinct great for the world. If we don’t yea for us.

Now find a new topic I’m so sick of all conspiracy theories and media bull.
06 Mar 2022, 2:09pm
Jimbo DelThe pandemic has passed out by the way.

Not here in Germany. The government is considering a continuation of the lockdowns because of a hypothetical "summer wave". I kid you not. And a vax mandate is still on the table. To stop Omicron, lol.

Btw, it's March. My husband and I should be dead by now, according to a famous prediction by Germany's health minister.
06 Mar 2022, 2:30pm
Go be antivax somewhere else.

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