
19 Apr 2022, 3:53pm
Sparlin007Heh, you try running from Thargoids and telling me E:D isn't a survival game

By "survival game" I meant the cliche "being a stranded guy with no tools who strips everything out of resources in order to get tools from linear advancement tree".
19 Apr 2022, 5:11pm
NMS is a survival game during the first ten minutes only.
19 Apr 2022, 9:26pm
19 Apr 2022, 11:49pm
SakashiroNMS is a survival game during the first ten minutes only.

True, and with the Outlaw Update it's easier to get a lot of credits early in the game. Also a better sip is you're lucky enough to grab a solar sail like I did.

Also the immersion of Elite just feels like it will never get better. NMS has a nice bit of immersion, but SC has the best kind. Elite is really falling behind in a lot of ways now.
20 Apr 2022, 6:20am
Me also can't name the ED a simulator, no controls handling besides the throttle and sidestick, no interiors to interact with. Also no real simulation in terms of economy, as well as you have NO REASONS to spend your money, at least for basic reqs, like pay taxes, buy the supplies but not for the ship, etc.
It is something close to spacesim, but great volume to live and work, fight and explore...
20 Apr 2022, 6:21pm
20 Apr 2022, 10:22pm
It's funny OA mentions "tedious resource collection". I find gathering resources in NMS much less frustrating than in ED. Stuff can be found everywhere in abundance, there's no need to go to specific places (Jameson's crash site, Dav's Hope etc.) and relog dozens of times to cheat the respawn timers.

I agree on the flight model being too basic. And the controls aren't friendly to left-handers because some keys can't be remapped.
21 Apr 2022, 3:36am
SakashiroIt's funny OA mentions "tedious resource collection". I find gathering resources in NMS much less frustrating than in ED. Stuff can be found everywhere in abundance, there's no need to go to specific places (Jameson's crash site, Dav's Hope etc.) and relog dozens of times to cheat the respawn timers.

I agree on the flight model being too basic. And the controls aren't friendly to left-handers because some keys can't be remapped.

Not surprised you're a lefty.

For real though, I have never grinded in a game like I grinded in ED. The only fun grind I've had was mining. Even post catastrophic nerf.
21 Apr 2022, 4:29am
The grind in NMS is much better than anything you have to grind in ED. Heck if you read the information for some of the things you need, and it'll tell you where to look for it.
21 Apr 2022, 2:31pm
Aleksander MajjamNot surprised you're a lefty.

What surprises me is that despite all the talk about inclusivity, many game developers continue marginalizing ten percent of the population.

Btw David Braben is sinistral, too. Might explain why in ED the entire numeric keypad is available for rebinding. It's absurd that there's a part of the keyboard specifically designed for the right hand but often unusable because developers block you from assigning functions to it.
21 Apr 2022, 5:56pm
SakashiroIt's funny OA mentions "tedious resource collection". I find gathering resources in NMS much less frustrating than in ED. Stuff can be found everywhere in abundance, there's no need to go to specific places (Jameson's crash site, Dav's Hope etc.) and relog dozens of times to cheat the respawn timers.

I agree on the flight model being too basic. And the controls aren't friendly to left-handers because some keys can't be remapped.

I am left handed and I don't have a problem, I do find resources hard to find can be frustrating, however to play devils advocate. I find it more rewarding to have worked hard for the gear I have, and I have more appreciation for that gear and the things I've done. Then if it came to me much easier.
21 Apr 2022, 8:45pm
AndroskyI find it more rewarding to have worked hard for the gear I have, and I have more appreciation for that gear and the things I've done. Then if it came to me much easier.

To counter you with my own experiences, I've found the material grind in ED to be a forgettable requirement, rather than a significant boost from the original.
To restate, the original gear you get in NMS feels like the standard before you upgrade it. In ED, the standard feels useless and inferior before you apply upgrades and engineering.
This has only been my experiences though, so I might be the only one who feels this way
21 Apr 2022, 9:20pm
Aleksander MajjamThe only fun grind I've had was mining. Even post catastrophic nerf.
Oh, crap, looks like you need to see the doctor... I can give you the contacts if you want.
22 Apr 2022, 2:06am
Aleksander MajjamThe only fun grind I've had was mining. Even post catastrophic nerf.

Oh, crap, looks like you need to see the doctor... I can give you the contacts if you want.

I think he's got a point. Mining can be sooo relaxing when I'm in the mood for it.
22 Apr 2022, 5:25pm
Aleksander MajjamThe only fun grind I've had was mining. Even post catastrophic nerf.

Oh, crap, looks like you need to see the doctor... I can give you the contacts if you want.

Some of us want to be artists and be one with the rock, others want to murder innocent, curious alien life. To each their own.

There are few things more satisfying than probing your target and then seeing that it has a high percentage of what you need inside. What you want. What you.. desire. It's a calculated risk, because if you move in haphazardly and too quickly, it's game over. However, if you're slow and calculated in your approach, instincts take over. Then before you know it, you're already in the groove. Even through the endorphins pumping through you, the adrenaline, the muscle memory of making your lasers "weapons hot" is all part of this graceful dance. You can close your eyes and get so close to that precious rock that you could kiss it with the bow of your hull. Then.. with a few twists of the wrists, the expert touches of fingers on the stick, you find yourself in a synchronous 2-axis waltz with the rock.

Then you fire.

When penetration occurs, you become one with it. A melding of souls. If the rock accepts, the sweetest, most precious material is given freely at delightful, yet maddening intervals. The dance does not stop though. Once you release the limpets, you must maintain the dance or disaster occurs!! It's a race against time because these perfect feelings and emotions of the bond is terminal and won't last. Every second spend, every tick of the percentage counter, marks an inevitable end. However, when that end happens, and you have gathered something most precious with you and your limpets surviving the melding, well.. it's nothing short of a feeling of perfection.

You can then reverse thrusters as you stare long at a piece of space that was once alive with treasure, has passed. Then you smile and realize that it is not completely gone. Its essence sits in your cargo bay. You experience this over and over and over again, before you decide to dock and share your precious gift...

...for way less than what you received in the past because FDev wants to fucking nerf LTD's because no fucking fun allowed.

But yeah, mining is fun.

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