
01 Jun 2022, 3:26pm
71% from 594 user ratings, or
42% from 92...

You're in the minority.
01 Jun 2022, 4:35pm
Doesn't matter. Watch the show and you'll see that I'm right.
01 Jun 2022, 10:26pm
I mean, you've given nothing but your minority opinion. You are entitled to it.

In MY opinion, having watched the first 2 episodes, it's not as good the Mandalorian. I would hazard to say it's about on par with The Book of Boba Fett for similar reasons. Yes the acting and dialogue are a little weak (child actors are the worst generally speaking), but the story so far has me not rolling my eyes yet so there's that. I have not seen any special effects that bothered me so that's a plus.

I would not recommend someone get a Disney+ subscription just to see it, but there's far worse out there (*cough* prequels, and most of the sequels). 'Total Garbage' is a bit much, but then again I'm not a diehard Star Wars fan that gets butthurt because I don't like what happened to a favourite character or whatever. They bring back Jar Jar and I'll agree with you np
01 Jun 2022, 10:28pm
Jar Jar is secretly a Sith Lord.
02 Jun 2022, 1:38am
Dedicated to Chaos.
02 Jun 2022, 2:27am
BurstarI mean, you've given nothing but your minority opinion. You are entitled to it.

In MY opinion, having watched the first 2 episodes, it's not as good the Mandalorian. I would hazard to say it's about on par with The Book of Boba Fett for similar reasons. Yes the acting and dialogue are a little weak (child actors are the worst generally speaking), but the story so far has me not rolling my eyes yet so there's that. I have not seen any special effects that bothered me so that's a plus.

I would not recommend someone get a Disney+ subscription just to see it, but there's far worse out there (*cough* prequels, and most of the sequels). 'Total Garbage' is a bit much, but then again I'm not a diehard Star Wars fan that gets butthurt because I don't like what happened to a favourite character or whatever. They bring back Jar Jar and I'll agree with you np

There was a time when I hated the prequels, but Disney actually made me appreciate them more.

There are so many things in OWK that just don't make any sense whatsoever. For example, OWK telling a fellow Jedi that the fight is lost and he'd better throw away his light saber and live a normal life because "the time of the Jedi is over", and then, in the same episode, he tells Owen Lars that Luke needs to be trained "when the time comes". Like, what?

Also, deus ex machina: Why can Reva Sevander read Haja Estree's mind in episode 2 but not Owen's in episode 1? In the drug lab on Daiyu, why can OWK sense Leia's presence behind the second door but not her absence behind the first?

Also, teleportation: OWK and Leia get chased across buildings and shot at by two bounty hunters, OWK kills one of them, and when Leia jumps off a roof, the other bounty hunter just stops shooting and disappears for no reason, only to reappear on the ground later. Haja shows up on the roof, too, but does nothing to advance the plot, and suddenly he's on the ground again.

That's just a few examples off the top of my head, there's no logic behind anything, no continuity, everything is completely arbitrary. And this is just on top of the bad dialogue and the fact that they made Leia's character entirely annoying and unlikable. The Grand Inquisitor, an interesting character with a complex backstory in the lore, comes across as a clown (not just visually) without any authority whatsoever and dies an exceptionally boring death in episode 2 that bears no significance. Don't you miss the time when the Sith were evil and intimidating, even as mere supporting characters? Everyone remembers Darth Maul, no one will remember this clown.

Also funny that woke Disney couldn't resist redesigning the Fifth Brother's helmet to resemble a coolie hat, because "Asian guy".

OWK is garbage, period. It's obvious the only talented people at Disney are the set designers and VFX specialists. Their screenwriters are so bad, they can't even come up with something worthwhile when working as a team. I've seen better quality writing on this site.

Sorry for the rant. I feel better now.
02 Jun 2022, 10:18am
Sakashiro There was a time when I hated the prequels, but Disney actually made me appreciate them more.

There are so many things in OWK that just don't make any sense whatsoever. For example, OWK telling a fellow Jedi that the fight is lost and he'd better throw away his light saber and live a normal life because "the time of the Jedi is over", and then, in the same episode, he tells Owen Lars that Luke needs to be trained "when the time comes". Like, what?

Also, deus ex machina: Why can Reva Sevander read Haja Estree's mind in episode 2 but not Owen's in episode 1? In the drug lab on Daiyu, why can OWK sense Leia's presence behind the second door but not her absence behind the first?

Also, teleportation: OWK and Leia get chased across buildings and shot at by two bounty hunters, OWK kills one of them, and when Leia jumps off a roof, the other bounty hunter just stops shooting and disappears for no reason, only to reappear on the ground later. Haja shows up on the roof, too, but does nothing to advance the plot, and suddenly he's on the ground again.

That's just a few examples off the top of my head, there's no logic behind anything, no continuity, everything is completely arbitrary. And this is just on top of the bad dialogue and the fact that they made Leia's character entirely annoying and unlikable. The Grand Inquisitor, an interesting character with a complex backstory in the lore, comes across as a clown (not just visually) without any authority whatsoever and dies an exceptionally boring death in episode 2 that bears no significance. Don't you miss the time when the Sith were evil and intimidating, even as mere supporting characters? Everyone remembers Darth Maul, no one will remember this clown.

Also funny that woke Disney couldn't resist redesigning the Fifth Brother's helmet to resemble a coolie hat, because "Asian guy".

OWK is garbage, period. It's obvious the only talented people at Disney are the set designers and VFX specialists. Their screenwriters are so bad, they can't even come up with something worthwhile when working as a team. I've seen better quality writing on this site.

Sorry for the rant. I feel better now.

I can't say I disagree with any of these points. Most just don't bother me as much. For example, Leia being overacted to be like she was in Episode IV is annoying absolutely, but, I'll make allowances considering it's obvious they're trying to keep character continuity with what we've seen so far. The problem is she won't have any character growth (as she does in the OG movies) because she can't for the same reason. As for Kenobi's on/off force use I choose to interpret it as he's trying to keep himself closed off to prevent detection and only when things go critically wrong does he 'open up' so to speak. The Inquisitors aren't Sith. They are Dark/Fallen/Corrupted Jedi. As such they are lackeys'. Disposable pawns we aren't supposed to respect or fear. As for the poor editing continuity. Yeah I can't justify that. I can only just explain it as cost cutting. Do 1 take and move on to the next scene type BS so we at least get 'something' to bitch about instead of nothing to enjoy at all. In general action flicks have had this issue getting worse and worse ever since The Bourne Identity opened the floodgates (I liked that movie, but to me it is the start of the end). Cinematography has become more and more business and less and less art for decades now.
02 Jun 2022, 3:59pm
Sometimes, when you randomly surf on youtube literaly between piles of useless junk, well could happend you find a little hidden gem, and you feel yourself obliged to share it with other people

This guy is a genius, and have a lot of musical skill. Down the hat...
07 Jun 2022, 4:19pm
MeowersJar Jar is secretly a Sith Lord.

THIS, LOL, just another reason for me to dislike him.
09 Jun 2022, 12:17am
Burstar71% from 594 user ratings, or
42% from 92...

Interesting development regarding the rating of OWK: metacritic now up to 7.6/10 while rotten tomatoes went in the opposite direction, down to 58%.

I sense the presence of droids bots...
10 Jun 2022, 6:13am

I don't mind the shows. I put a lot of stake into the movies than I do the shows, but Star Wars is goofy fun to me. Some people take it too seriously.
10 Jun 2022, 9:37am
Anything Disney gets their hands on they ruin. I won’t watch anything made or owned by them.
11 Jun 2022, 4:36am
Disney ruined marvel?

*Squints at the all time box office list*
11 Jun 2022, 1:37pm
I've heard Disney is bringing back Daredevil. They ruin that and I'll agree with you.
12 Jun 2022, 10:30pm
A change of subject for a moment. What was your take on Starfield?

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