
22 Jul 2022, 11:42am
Aleksander MajjamI remember you also having trouble with the avatars. That still a hard no-go?

No, my trouble is with the keyboard layout. It's hard to customize for left-handed use. ED is much more flexible in this regard. But I hear there are mods to fix this.

There is no hard no-go. Should an exodus from ED to NMS happen, I wouldn't stay behind. I really like NMS. I just think a more sim-like flight model would make it more interesting for the average ED pilot. "Press button to auto-land" is too simplistic. Sadly NMS has none of those challenges such as landing on high-G worlds, passing through rotating mail slots, canyon racing, or FA/off combat in asteroid fields.
22 Jul 2022, 11:52am
NMS is quite a different game than Elite. I tried it twice in the past and never got past one or two hours of gameplay. No exactly because it was bad, but it was just not for me - the stylization, the gameplay loops, etc. I think just a few changes won't bring the to the style of Elite (not that the game needs it) and the audience is different.

I was hoping it will be some kind of mixture between Elite and Subnautica and although it is to some extent, it never "clicked".
23 Jul 2022, 9:14am
Elite has its faults, but I doubt we'll get a complete space sim that's as involved as Elite. I don't mind NMS, but it's not a sim in my eyes. Neither will be Starfield, but it is my most anticipated space game in the near future.
24 Jul 2022, 10:14pm
My god the cinematography is jaw dropping.

25 Jul 2022, 1:01am
Btw, "The Gray Man" is pretty good.
26 Jul 2022, 6:19am
Yuna SakashiroAnyone watch "Devs"?

Thanks for heads up. Well made show, I was looking for the reset button... could not find it. This life is it.
26 Jul 2022, 7:28am
Yuna SakashiroAnyone watch "Devs"?

Thanks for heads up. Well made show, I was looking for the reset button... could not find it. This life is it.

Yuna SakashiroAnyone watch "Devs"?

Thanks for heads up. Well made show, I was looking for the reset button... could not find it. This life is it.

I'm glad she did too. I saw the trailer and I got it pinged to watch this weekend.
26 Jul 2022, 10:24am
Currently playing a blades-only build in Cyberpunk 2077, using only katanas and knives. Patch 1.5 added a perk unlocking the ability to use knives as ranged weapons, so I'll try to get through the rest of the game without firing a shot.
26 Jul 2022, 2:41pm
I re-downloaded CP77 a few days ago, just so I can explore what seems like a handful of secret endings I never knew about.
28 Jul 2022, 7:36am
Yuna SakashiroBtw, "The Gray Man" is pretty good.

yes it is, good choice
31 Jul 2022, 9:16pm
23 Aug 2022, 3:08pm
23 Aug 2022, 3:28pm
A.G.DuranWell, since I'm modeling an Elite's ship, I have serious question, to build elevator only or keep the stairs on right side?

What are you going to do alone deep in the void when elevator and SRV lift fails and there is no ladder?
23 Aug 2022, 3:38pm
Yes, true, but how much dence the layout might be in ASP ship? Also I need at least some understanding of what the modular bays here actually is. A free room with universal connectors to some equipment, or cable-canals mounted for required state? What the cargo bay is, entire box with needed stuff to handle cargo or just packs of containers 4 'barrels' each? (as the cargo racks is displayed in outfitting menu)
23 Aug 2022, 3:41pm
Shg56What are you going to do alone deep in the void when elevator and SRV lift fails and there is no ladder?

A bouncy house!

Last edit: 23 Aug 2022, 3:48pm

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