
14 Jul 2022, 4:57pm


I've not really been very happy with Star Trek for many years.

This new Cmdr Pike retro series is great.
18 Jul 2022, 10:31pm


I've not really been very happy with Star Trek for many years.

This new Cmdr Pike retro series is great.

Yes i totally agree. They did a great job, fantastic cast, fantastic visual effect and a great Anson Mount. A nostalgic flavour of tos and tng with brand new special effect

Last edit: 19 Jul 2022, 11:46am
20 Jul 2022, 2:59pm
They're at it again.

20 Jul 2022, 7:56pm
It'll be interesting to see if it also changes the outside of the ship as well.
20 Jul 2022, 11:41pm
Grecale80Anyone have seen the pics from the new James Webb Telescope? Absolutly breathtaking


In 2022, the humans of Sol found out that all the Galaxies are contained within a globe of the Universe. The Universe turns in on itself and closes, creating a prison for the galaxies. Every blackhole could have a universe inside of it. We are one of many.
21 Jul 2022, 1:16am
Grecale80Anyone have seen the pics from the new James Webb Telescope? Absolutly breathtaking


In 2022, the humans of Sol found out that all the Galaxies are contained within a globe of the Universe. The Universe turns in on itself and closes, creating a prison for the galaxies. Every blackhole could have a universe inside of it. We are one of many.

You're a scary person, Bloo.
21 Jul 2022, 1:52am
Anyone watch "Devs"?
21 Jul 2022, 4:27am
SakashiroAnyone watch "Devs"? ?

Is it good?
21 Jul 2022, 7:06am
SakashiroAnyone watch "Devs"?

I've seen it - not bad, quite interesting idea, but I don't need to see it again. On my list, it's not "must watch", but I can still recommend it if there is nothing better to watch...
21 Jul 2022, 9:51am
I found it scary as hell tbh. But maybe the effect was somewhat amplified because I binge watched it with Covid.
21 Jul 2022, 6:38pm
Knightwolf 1785It'll be interesting to see if it also changes the outside of the ship as well.

21 Jul 2022, 7:16pm
Each NMS update is a major embarrassment to FDev, but the worst humiliation is yet to come: in October, when all this stuff is going to launch on the f-ing Nintendo Switch! Probably with cross-platform play, too. Omg...
21 Jul 2022, 10:54pm
Yuna SakashiroEach NMS update is a major embarrassment to FDev, but the worst humiliation is yet to come: in October, when all this stuff is going to launch on the f-ing Nintendo Switch! Probably with cross-platform play, too. Omg...

At some point, even the knights have got to be upset with the progress being made.

Last edit: 22 Jul 2022, 6:51am
22 Jul 2022, 5:24am
I wonder if HelloGames realize how close they are to eating FDev's lunch. All they need to do is adopt a more physics-based flight model with FA/off option.

Sure, some knights will stick with ED anyway, because they love tiling planet terrain or something, but I think most people would make the switch to NMS without looking back. I know I would. Although I do like my helmet-less human avatar... But NMS's world and gameplay is so much more varied and fun-focused, and each update adds more awesome stuff to do. Hard to resist...
22 Jul 2022, 6:53am
Yuna SakashiroI wonder if HelloGames realize how close they are to eating FDev's lunch. All they need to do is adopt a more physics-based flight model with FA/off option.

Sure, some knights will stick with ED anyway, because they love tiling planet terrain or something, but I think most people would make the switch to NMS without looking back. I know I would. Although I do like my helmet-less human avatar... But NMS's world and gameplay is so much more varied and fun-focused, and each update adds more awesome stuff to do. Hard to resist...

I remember you also having trouble with the avatars. That still a hard no-go?

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