
05 Oct 2022, 7:39pm
Aleksander Majjam
Do you play other time sink games? Also, I still haven't switched my Elite account to PC. To be honest, not sure if I want to. I bet there's a time limit to when you can switch and I might've missed it already anyway, but Elite would compete for my PC time where I do all my simming. Not to mention it's just difficult getting into the game again. Especially when I've been hooked back to Cyberpunk.

Are you r$#%#@? You keep PS account they just give you new one on PC.

The original console profile will remain playable.
05 Oct 2022, 9:24pm
Aleksander Majjam
Do you play other time sink games? Also, I still haven't switched my Elite account to PC. To be honest, not sure if I want to. I bet there's a time limit to when you can switch and I might've missed it already anyway, but Elite would compete for my PC time where I do all my simming. Not to mention it's just difficult getting into the game again. Especially when I've been hooked back to Cyberpunk.

Are you r$#%#@? You keep PS account they just give you new one on PC.

The original console profile will remain playable.

True, Epi! But for real, at some point, console is just going to fade away anyway. Lol.
05 Oct 2022, 11:54pm
Aleksander MajjamDo you play other time sink games? Also, I still haven't switched my Elite account to PC. To be honest, not sure if I want to. I bet there's a time limit to when you can switch and I might've missed it already anyway, but Elite would compete for my PC time where I do all my simming. Not to mention it's just difficult getting into the game again. Especially when I've been hooked back to Cyberpunk.
Nope. Have too much work, and some keep-my-brain-busy activities to do after it. But, I'm not complaining about that, it all has its purpose.

I guess the Starfield will be a good thing to play. Also, KSP 2. Maybe something else. I doubt I'll get back to Elite as, from my perspective, this game has gone badly wrong way. Games at all? I'd be glad to have more interest in them in general. Uh. Maybe later, lol.
06 Oct 2022, 2:49am
Aleksander MajjamDo you play other time sink games? Also, I still haven't switched my Elite account to PC. To be honest, not sure if I want to. I bet there's a time limit to when you can switch and I might've missed it already anyway, but Elite would compete for my PC time where I do all my simming. Not to mention it's just difficult getting into the game again. Especially when I've been hooked back to Cyberpunk.

Nope. Have too much work, and some keep-my-brain-busy activities to do after it. But, I'm not complaining about that, it all has its purpose.

I guess the Starfield will be a good thing to play. Also, KSP 2. Maybe something else. I doubt I'll get back to Elite as, from my perspective, this game has gone badly wrong way. Games at all? I'd be glad to have more interest in them in general. Uh. Maybe later, lol.

Starfield is my most anticipated next, full-time game. Honestly, Bethesda hasn't let me down at all. I've put an endless amount of hours in Skyrim and Elder Scrolls Online. Not to mention the modding community will do the game right, on both PC and Console.

It's unfortunate for Elite these days. Game could've continued to be a banger will hopes like it was when it first released. No new ships, a haphazard carrier and odyssey release. Cutting consoles out when other publishers are embracing both with cross-play. Interiors. Key developers and persons walking away from the project. Fans that exclusively did Elite videos moving to other games like SC. I mean, if a company could make every dumb decision as time went on, Fdev would be that company. I would be impressed if Elite lasted the next 3 years.
06 Oct 2022, 3:43am
Aleksander MajjamI would be impressed if Elite lasted the next 3 years.
With that new guy as their top manager or whatever (can't remember the exact details, and honestly idc), as I think now, that '10 years development plan' and respective contracts are the only reason why Elite still exists. The most common strategy for managers about those aging, troubled projects is squeezing any last pennies from them and shutting them down to cut the losses. Maybe Braben had a 'special' place in the heart for this game, but I doubt the new manager feels the same way. And, numbers-wise, this project is at the lowest low of its sucks at the moment. So, I give it 2-3 years as well.

At least I have some time to get myself a new PC, lol.
06 Oct 2022, 3:56am
Aleksander MajjamI would be impressed if Elite lasted the next 3 years.

With that new guy as their top manager or whatever (can't remember the exact details, and honestly idc), as I think now, that '10 years development plan' and respective contracts are the only reason why Elite still exists. The most common strategy for managers about those aging, troubled projects is squeezing any last pennies from them and shutting them down to cut the losses. Maybe Braben had a 'special' place in the heart for this game, but I doubt the new manager feels the same way. And, numbers-wise, this project is at the lowest low of its sucks at the moment. So, I give it 2-3 years as well.

At least I have some time to get myself a new PC, lol.

Fucking GTX 4090 or bust.
06 Oct 2022, 4:04am
Aleksander MajjamFucking GTX 4090 or bust.
Nah. It should be a laptop for those spartan nomadic life needs. Got tired of that big noisy box. So maybe 20- or 30-something will do fine. I doubt they could shrink that giant thing enough to keep it from melting everything around it, lol.
07 Oct 2022, 1:55am
Aleksander MajjamFucking GTX 4090 or bust.

Nah. It should be a laptop for those spartan nomadic life needs. Got tired of that big noisy box. So maybe 20- or 30-something will do fine. I doubt they could shrink that giant thing enough to keep it from melting everything around it, lol.

Laptop? Pft.
07 Oct 2022, 2:09am
Then, I don't need that thing. It's that simple.
07 Oct 2022, 3:06am
Bigger is better.

It go woo.
07 Oct 2022, 5:02am
Aleksander Majjam

Lol. Good grief. What casing is gonna hold that thing? That card costs twice what my PC cost! (State-of-the-art it ain't, agreed.)
07 Oct 2022, 5:51am
Looking impressive, but can it handle Odyssey?
07 Oct 2022, 7:33am
No reason a GPU should ever be that big. Almost comical.
07 Oct 2022, 7:54am
That thing is 2% GPU and 98% heatsink & fans.
07 Oct 2022, 9:34am
It is so stupidly oversized that it made me think it's photoshopped when I saw it the first time.

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