
13 Oct 2022, 12:24am
Come on guys. Indulge just a little bit in the info. No real spoilers. We're talking about a Bethesda game here.

I'm also considering holding out getting this game Day 1 just for any juicy mods that will make their way to the game. Something like the unofficial Skyrim patch.
13 Oct 2022, 1:08am
My current Fallout 4 character is roaming the wasteland in survival mode with nothing but a combat knife in her pocket. But I still remember my first playthrough six years ago. The game was difficult and huge and full of interesting lore, and I had no clue what I was doing. It was awesome.

2,300+ hours later I wish I could play Fallout 4 for the first time again...
13 Oct 2022, 5:09am
Yuna SakashiroMy current Fallout 4 character is roaming the wasteland in survival mode with nothing but a combat knife in her pocket. But I still remember my first playthrough six years ago. The game was difficult and huge and full of interesting lore, and I had no clue what I was doing. It was awesome.

2,300+ hours later I wish I could play Fallout 4 for the first time again...

I feel that's always the thing with Bethesda games. If you play it fully then you'll be playing for hundreds, if not thousands of hours. That's exactly what I want. Strangely, Fallout 4 wasn't received very well, but I actually enjoyed it. Threw on some good mods and it changes the game completely.
13 Oct 2022, 6:43am
Aleksander Majjam
Yuna SakashiroMy current Fallout 4 character is roaming the wasteland in survival mode with nothing but a combat knife in her pocket. But I still remember my first playthrough six years ago. The game was difficult and huge and full of interesting lore, and I had no clue what I was doing. It was awesome.

2,300+ hours later I wish I could play Fallout 4 for the first time again...

I feel that's always the thing with Bethesda games. If you play it fully then you'll be playing for hundreds, if not thousands of hours. That's exactly what I want. Strangely, Fallout 4 wasn't received very well, but I actually enjoyed it. Threw on some good mods and it changes the game completely.

I guess Fallout 4 worked so well for me because I had not played any other Fallout game before. I did play Fallout 3 afterwards and found it interesting from a historical perspective, seeing how some of the concepts had evolved, but because of its dated graphics it didn't have the same impact on me. Also I found its character build system unnecessarily complicated, its RNG-based shooting kind of clunky, and its world not really open, especially in the city. I like how in Fallout 4 literally every junk item you find can be broken down for materials that can be used for building weapon mods, armor mods, settlement assets, and even for building your own robots! I love how you can recruit settlers and assign to them not only jobs but also things to wear and weapons to use. You can set up shops, crops and water purifier farms, organize supply lines etc., and all of these things have an impact on how safely you can traverse the wasteland, especially in survival mode where you have to eat and drink and find places to sleep to save the game. This makes Fallout 4 a much more complex and open-ended game than its predecessors. I love things like the Sanctuary Challenge where you have to survive without ever leaving Sanctuary. There are so many different ways to play the game.

I never installed any mods though. I've been playing vanilla + season pass the entire time.
19 Oct 2022, 8:03am
Aleksander Majjam
Yuna SakashiroMy current Fallout 4 character is roaming the wasteland in survival mode with nothing but a combat knife in her pocket. But I still remember my first playthrough six years ago. The game was difficult and huge and full of interesting lore, and I had no clue what I was doing. It was awesome.

2,300+ hours later I wish I could play Fallout 4 for the first time again...

I feel that's always the thing with Bethesda games. If you play it fully then you'll be playing for hundreds, if not thousands of hours. That's exactly what I want. Strangely, Fallout 4 wasn't received very well, but I actually enjoyed it. Threw on some good mods and it changes the game completely.

Also strange, I yesterday dust-off my Oblivion and create new character for next few weeks. In Skyrim I'm a bit bored with over 10k hours (excellent game from vanilla to SE). Maybe it is good time to rest from Elite?
05 Nov 2022, 6:06am
I really wish we could flag data here when its incorrect -.- Idk how many times i've gone off to just not find what i'm looking for. It's always a risk but it would be a nice to have if we could let eachother know when its not correct.
05 Nov 2022, 9:07am
Darth_LopezI really wish we could flag data here when its incorrect -.- Idk how many times i've gone off to just not find what i'm looking for. It's always a risk but it would be a nice to have if we could let eachother know when its not correct.

What you call incorrect data is actually outdated data. So instead of reporting it you better update it with EDMC or other similar app that seeds data.
05 Nov 2022, 9:25am
Darth_LopezI really wish we could flag data here when its incorrect -.- Idk how many times i've gone off to just not find what i'm looking for. It's always a risk but it would be a nice to have if we could let eachother know when its not correct.

What you call incorrect data is actually outdated data. So instead of reporting it you better update it with EDMC or other similar app that seeds data.

I use EDD as well as having inara sync info directly.

Going to the system though I notice does not actually update the data say if a fleet carrier has moved completely and vanished. Despite multiple check ins and forcing the update. So it would be good if we could tag suspect data as a way to warn others not to follow through or to further examine outlying systems. In the case i'm thinking of in particular a place I stopped at and updated vanished within 15 minutes of my last trip to it, with no idea where it went to and no previously scheduled jumps. Additionally, and this as happened numerous times, Carriers scanned as Open to All are actually closed to all, or only open to squads, even in situations where the most recent scan is like literally minutes from encountering them.

Inara is a great Tool, Don't get me wrong, But when data that is 3-15 minutes old is so wrong its a bit of a hinderance. Its of course a risk Inara can't register every single status every time, But it would be a great additional feature I think. Of course there's always the possibility that such a feature could be misused to further propagate misinformation.
05 Nov 2022, 10:18am
The problem with fleet carriers is that I know when "FC is here" but not so reliably the "FC is not here" on star system updates. Similar it's with docking privileges - I know the exact privileges on owner's FC update, but on other commanders' update, only "it may be not open for all" (and so I am removing the "all" in such cases). So there is always some uncertainty. I do not want to put any manual flagging there as it's prone to misuse.
05 Nov 2022, 10:53am
Well, FC design is a mess. I would rather prefer them jump once a day or even once a week. Tracking a moving FC is as easy as tracking a jumping ship.
05 Nov 2022, 9:12pm
EpisparhWell, FC design is a mess. I would rather prefer them jump once a day or even once a week. Tracking a moving FC is as easy as tracking a jumping ship.

Do they leave wakes? I've never seen one leave a wake.

But case and Point right now UNSC Infinity H7W-59M last update at time of posting was 40 minutes or so ago, Last update for ship access was 19 days ago. Inara Reports open to all, the ship itself reports Open to Squad and Friends only. And so i've wasted yet another trip to confirm the inaccessibility of the ship, and of course because I can't dock with the ship Inara can't get the most up to date information presumably.
06 Nov 2022, 6:39am
Hot take but it would suck if FC's could only jump once a day or week. Going to Rackham's Peak would be an 18 day journey. Getting to Colonia would take over a month (almost a year if it was once per week). They are largely a novelty item as is. Changing it to once per day or week would drastically diminish their use.

Also no, FC's don't leave wakes.
06 Nov 2022, 6:54am
Now if FC's had basically an unlimited jump range and it just cost more tritium the further the jump was, then I could see it being a once per day thing. Like one jump to Colonia but it costs a lot of tritium and you can't jump again until the next day. That could make sense.
06 Nov 2022, 9:01am
For me will be enough to FC be able to plan route in 500 lY increments and follow it as long as tritium in storage lasts.
I keep whole crew onboard so why they dont move tritium from storage to engine tank is anoying as hell.
Any route I make with my FC I must be nearby to just copy/paste fuel. Practically I plan route for conda and send FC ahead to some meeting point, harvesting exploration data on the way while FC make jump.
08 Nov 2022, 7:09pm
Hi guys, do someone know how to disable game data auto update (on Inara)?

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