
02 Oct 2022, 9:56pm
Aleksander MajjamYou and me both. Can I interest you in some of my insomnia?
Why not? Only hope that reason is somewhat positive. But, anyway, why not.

p.s. Looks like I didn't get it, was waiting for you saying why do you have insomnia.

Last edit: 02 Oct 2022, 11:59pm
03 Oct 2022, 2:03am
Aleksander MajjamYou and me both. Can I interest you in some of my insomnia?

Why not? Only hope that reason is somewhat positive. But, anyway, why not.

p.s. Looks like I didn't get it, was waiting for you saying why do you have insomnia.

LOL. You get a pass, Meow. This is text after all, and things get lost in translation. To answer that, I've had insomnia for years. Started in the Marines as I was used to working long days with little sleep. My body just got used to that. Normal for me is going to bed at 0200 for a 0600-0700 wakeup. Can be maddening at times.
03 Oct 2022, 3:18am
Oh, crap. I can imagine that. Had 14-or-about working hours a day with one day off per week, 24hr shifts with one day between them, all kinds of that crap. Add sleeping issues that got stronger during those years; not that nasty now but still persistent. So now I just let that body sleep when it wants, and work when I feel okay to do so. Still have to show up on those remote talks with the rest of the team though, but they're not that annoying and frequent.
03 Oct 2022, 3:59am
MeowersOh, crap. I can imagine that. Had 14-or-about working hours a day with one day off per week, 24hr shifts with one day between them, all kinds of that crap. Add sleeping issues that got stronger during those years; not that nasty now but still persistent. So now I just let that body sleep when it wants, and work when I feel okay to do so. Still have to show up on those remote talks with the rest of the team though, but they're not that annoying and frequent.

Damn. Shit is insane when you've got to work those kinds of hours. I'm lucky my company puts a serious emphasis on work/life balance, but it's not like that all the time. Sounds like you're not working yourself to death these days, and that makes all the difference. If I really want to let my body sleep when it wants, it'll be over the weekend when I know I don't need to wake up insanely early and my body just crashes. Lol. I'm sure all this will catch up to me VERY soon.
03 Oct 2022, 5:04am
Well, thank you, I'm working myself to slightly lesser death, lol. Tried to establish some kind of sleeping pattern, but, uh, I guess that's not my case anymore.

And yeah, when your body feels that 'oh, I can sleep for a long time this day' it's just - blink - the day is gone. Aaaaand then you may start blaming yourself for wasting whole day and not doing anything substantial. Lol. The Brutal Truth. So, to prevent the same thing from hitting my health too heavily, I'm just trying to give that body some sleep when it needs it. To make sure that I'll drift away as soon as head hits the pillow.

Last edit: 03 Oct 2022, 5:10am
03 Oct 2022, 7:52pm
MeowersWell, thank you, I'm working myself to slightly lesser death, lol. Tried to establish some kind of sleeping pattern, but, uh, I guess that's not my case anymore.

And yeah, when your body feels that 'oh, I can sleep for a long time this day' it's just - blink - the day is gone. Aaaaand then you may start blaming yourself for wasting whole day and not doing anything substantial. Lol. The Brutal Truth. So, to prevent the same thing from hitting my health too heavily, I'm just trying to give that body some sleep when it needs it. To make sure that I'll drift away as soon as head hits the pillow.

Do you use meds to sleep?

Also, I got to sleep last night at 11pm. PM!!! Ball is in your court now, Meowers.
04 Oct 2022, 8:02am
Aleksander MajjamDo you use meds to sleep?

Also, I got to sleep last night at 11pm. PM!!! Ball is in your court now, Meowers.
Well, my usual daily cocktail should help me with sleeping along with other stuff and it helps... sometimes... a bit... lol.

Crashed at 9pm yesterday. Just got up and have to work.
04 Oct 2022, 11:39am

Side effects will not be disclosed to the public. Product will not be pulled from the market.

Any resemblance to actual events is entirely coincidental.
05 Oct 2022, 1:00am
Aleksander MajjamDo you use meds to sleep?

Also, I got to sleep last night at 11pm. PM!!! Ball is in your court now, Meowers.

Well, my usual daily cocktail should help me with sleeping along with other stuff and it helps... sometimes... a bit... lol.

Crashed at 9pm yesterday. Just got up and have to work.

...other stuff.

05 Oct 2022, 3:14am
Oh, okay. I'll go and try to sleep. Lol.
05 Oct 2022, 3:16am
MeowersOh, okay. I'll go and try to sleep. Lol.

05 Oct 2022, 3:20am
At least I will try. Can't guarantee a success of this venture though. And I have to be fully awake in 4 hours or so. Ugh. This is so stupid sometimes.

(okay, this is permanently stupid)

Last edit: 05 Oct 2022, 3:26am
05 Oct 2022, 3:33am
MeowersAt least I will try. Can't guarantee a success of this venture though. And I have to be fully awake in 4 hours or so. Ugh. This is so stupid sometimes.

(okay, this is permanently stupid)

LMAO. Just get on Elite and just hardcore grind. DO IT. Guaranteed sleep!
05 Oct 2022, 8:49am
Aleksander MajjamLMAO. Just get on Elite and just hardcore grind. DO IT. Guaranteed sleep!
Doesn't work with me that way, quite the opposite - I concentrate on the thing and then there's a significant chance of me becoming angry because of wasting so much time on that crap. But it works fine if I want to waste my time for some reason. So, summary: many activities in the game is a perfect time waste! Lol.
05 Oct 2022, 6:53pm
Aleksander MajjamLMAO. Just get on Elite and just hardcore grind. DO IT. Guaranteed sleep!

Doesn't work with me that way, quite the opposite - I concentrate on the thing and then there's a significant chance of me becoming angry because of wasting so much time on that crap. But it works fine if I want to waste my time for some reason. So, summary: many activities in the game is a perfect time waste! Lol.

Do you play other time sink games? Also, I still haven't switched my Elite account to PC. To be honest, not sure if I want to. I bet there's a time limit to when you can switch and I might've missed it already anyway, but Elite would compete for my PC time where I do all my simming. Not to mention it's just difficult getting into the game again. Especially when I've been hooked back to Cyberpunk.

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