
08 Mar 2023, 7:45pm
what med?
08 Mar 2023, 8:09pm
oops,for ME
08 Mar 2023, 8:16pm
08 Mar 2023, 9:37pm
08 Mar 2023, 11:02pm
Yeah, mate, I may be old but I am not so old
09 Mar 2023, 12:57am
EpisparhYeah, mate, I may be old but I am not so old

10 Mar 2023, 10:21pm
Here's a question. When you guys play games with decent physical character creation, do you model yourself in game? All of yourself? Race? Eye color? Someone with tatts? Hair type/color? Height?
10 Mar 2023, 10:52pm
Rarely, and not every tool has enough of options.
10 Mar 2023, 11:06pm
Often, but not always.
10 Mar 2023, 11:19pm
I am trying to do as close as possible though I am not an artist, my perceptions of me is different how other people see me.
11 Mar 2023, 7:25am
<= This guy is fake.

No. I keep only the gender (if possible).

I am in my prime and no white hair whatsoever.
11 Mar 2023, 11:17am
Aleksander MajjamHere's a question. When you guys play games with decent physical character creation, do you model yourself in game? All of yourself? Race? Eye color? Someone with tatts? Hair type/color? Height?
Nope. Rather trying to reach the appearance I'd like my character to have. As much as character editing engine allows it.

Next level: IRL plastic surgery, lol. The most expensive and limited character editor!

Last edit: 11 Mar 2023, 11:25am
11 Mar 2023, 10:18pm
Aleksander MajjamHere's a question. When you guys play games with decent physical character creation, do you model yourself in game? All of yourself? Race? Eye color? Someone with tatts? Hair type/color? Height?

I have replicated myself fairly well in two of my ED accounts (race, hair, neck scar) the other account not so much.
12 Mar 2023, 7:54pm
I 100% look like this handsome MFr in this picture here, FYI.
15 Mar 2023, 1:40pm
Interesting topic!

Aleksander MajjamHere's a question. When you guys play games with decent physical character creation, do you model yourself in game? All of yourself? Race? Eye color? Someone with tatts? Hair type/color? Height?

Never myself, but always the same person/character, with varying degrees of success.

Fallout 4:

Elite Dangerous:

Cyberpunk 2077:

Conan Exiles:

The character editor is always a limiting factor, especially when it comes to modeling the epicanthus. Conan Exiles has the best one so far, so that result is the most accurate representation of what I have in mind. I'm curious what Yuna will look like in Starfield.

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