
26 Sep 2023, 9:50pm
On a completely different note, La Marseillaise is a kick-ass national anthem.

I mean... a rough english translation...

To arms, citizens!
Form your battalions!
Let’s march, let’s march
That their impure blood
Should water our fields.

Don't mess with the French, they'll use your blood to water their crops.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Sep 2023, 10:37am
26 Sep 2023, 10:40pm
Yeah, right.

I'm proud to be French and respect my anthem but I know enough (again, culture and heritage) to put a stop to the enthusiasm some neo/peusod-revolutionary have about our revolution, there always is two sides to this sort of stories.

Starting with; it never was a "people's revolution", with leaders such as La Fayette (again) and Louis Philippe (Louis XVI brother), in fact it was then taken over by blood thirsty geezers (by default, fascism wasn't invented yet) who decided to get rid of the political opponents the fast way.

There you have your "impure blood" watering French fields, the people voice wasn't counting for zilch, only the leaders had a voice, and our constitution reflects that even today, it still doesn't give the people any power. I'm envious of the USA I must say.

Oh, and I nearly forgot a juicy detail... The officers who gave to order to turn the artillery toward the Bastille, allowing its falling were by default Aristocrats.

About Charles de Gaulle (by memory, STUFF Wikipedia). He was the only Officer (then a Colonel) able to conduct a successful counter offensive during the blitzkrieg until his tanks ran out of fuel.

He called for the French resistance to unite (appel du 18 Juin), put together the Free French Forces (ground forces, RAF Squadrons etc), and on my personal notebook, kicked the Allied out of France after the liberation (no occupation there), took us out of NATO and made us the 3rd nuclear power (Air and Sea, CDG Carrier is part of it).

That's culture as opposed to ignorance, so now I can formulate opinions based on something else than brainwashing TV propaganda. Culture Unite US (American First Nation Elders)...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Sep 2023, 10:37am
28 Sep 2023, 5:32pm
3 things: Russia was in the Allied side during WWII. 2 All the Ukrainian nationalist were volunteers for the Waffen SS and committed a large number of mass killing and other war crimes against the Jews in particular. 3 They still have nazi bataillon in Ukraine today, Azov among other, using the SS Pennant Wolfsangel, the exact same symbol used by the SS commando of Otto Skorzeny.

I come from a family of resistant, and as opposed to this bunch of nazi loving turd I still know which side of history I was born, so yeah you definitively need to read more...

Like soviets.

I would say, that eastern front was fight of genocidal monsters with genocidal monsters.
And fact, that one of them were in allied side during WWII doesn't change one very important fact.
This "allies" in first month of war attacked first country, which tried to defend against germans, and after it killed prisoners of wars.

It's funny, how you talk about ignorance, when you ignore some fundamental facts
"tv propaganda", you say?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Sep 2023, 10:37am
29 Sep 2023, 5:20pm
ClawsOfTiamatWas that guy really calling Ukraine Nazis and defending Russia of all places? My mother is Ukrainian. I was born in Texas, but was conceived over there, and have family there still. We are also Jewish.

I apologize if this is against forum rules, "long time listener, first time caller kinda' thing. Just can't let that BS go unchecked.

I feel this thread can only go badly Timed to call a halt perhaps

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Sep 2023, 10:37am
29 Sep 2023, 6:30pm
ClawsOfTiamatYou're probably right. I'm usually cool about keeping stuff related to whatever forum I'm in, but this is very personal to me, and the earlier comment just triggered me. So, how bout' them Thargoids?

Well to be fair, I guess that if they have minds of any kind, they're just fighting for what they believe to be the right thing to do.

Politically correct Descartes X

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Sep 2023, 10:38am
29 Sep 2023, 7:14pm
ClawsOfTiamatUkrainians are fighting for their lives and their country. And for our daughters and boys not to be raped by Russian soldiers. If thats "fighting for what they believe to be the right thing to do" then I absolutely agree. There is no "two sides" bullshit to any of this. There is no reality on the planet where Russia is in the right here. You are either against Nazi-scumbag pedo-orcs, or you aren't. The wars I took part in for the United States don't even register on the scale here. Those were bullshit wars and I was in the wrong. I will be the first to admit that.

You should bin your TV, visibly you're been brain washed. Not a word of the Ukrainian Nazi killing the Russian speaking population since 2014 in Donbas, say you? Here for your education. P.S Ukrainian have had enough of this nazi regime, they are surrendering by the thousand right now. About Azov and what Ukraine is really about.
Not a word in MSM...

I notice that you're a good case of reverse psychology, with reality denial, it makes for a toxic mix, the Nazi are in Kiev, they have always been, fighting in SS division against the Russian during WWII, and the US wars have killed a LOT more since 1945, right now, they are pushing the Ukrainian population to massacre after organizing a coup to put their puppet in power in 2014.

Those nazi are rounding up Ukrainian men to send them to the front with minimum training for a cause they don't even agree with, it's either the meat grinder of worse and you don't even have the courage to expose them. Why don't you volunteer instead of shouting your mouth?...

You're either anti-nazi or you do their propaganda which is what you do, I have no problem calling MY president a fascist for what he does to our people, and if your family had fought them since the mid-30s, you'd know who they are and where they are. Truth said.
And again, not a word in MSM

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Sep 2023, 10:38am
29 Sep 2023, 10:20pm
ClawsOfTiamatI always try and see the positives in a disagreement with someone.. Something we can agree on and both fulfill our objectives / feel like we came out on top. Its Tradecraft 101, and its served me very well. I cannot for the life of me comprehend why someone like yourself (if you are being honest about your bio) could ever defend Russia right now. Seriously? My grandfather met my grandmother in Normandy, by the way. She was a Red Cross Nurse and he was a silly immigrant from Eastern Europe fighting to free a country he had never been to. ie; France. And he did it basically for free, along with hundreds of thousands of others. Well, not really for free, because he died eventually from a war wound he received in the European Theater. Fighting in France. I have been there three times and took the route he took, the best I could determine. My KIDS have been to the cemetery where all the American Normandy Beach dead are buried. They all understand why their Paw-Paw fought the ACTUAL Nazis. Stop talking out of your ass.

You really have a problem with reality and keep takintg your case for a standard. There was 8.5 million of party registered nazi in 1945, only 24 individuals made it to the Nuremberg trial where do you think they're all gone?

19.000 of them were Ukrainian SS, today there are several factions of nazis among which Azov which are using the same symbol than the crack SS Commando of Otto Skorzeni, the Werevolf, if you have had the curiosity to inform yourself you'd know that they took power due to a US organized coup, started to kill Russian speaking UKRAINIANS in Donbas as early as 2014.

So stop this reversal of reality, the Ukrainian people weren't those who put this bunch in power but the US war mongers did, the killing in Donbas by Azov was well documented but obviously you don't get the memo with the TV channel you get your brainwashing from, in short you have no clue what you're talking about.

In my family we had resistant executed, my own mother spent 3 years in Auschwitz-Birkenau, I knew hundred of survivors from her camp including Jews, Poles, Ukrainians, some of them organized to hunt nazis after the war when western power were already whitewashing them and sending them to Canada among other countries.

So you can keep bubbling about how much of an humanitarian you are, the FACT is you chose to ignore reality and pretend that Ukrainian are free and that this was their choice. Those a LIES. You got it?

As for myself I'm a REAL anti-fascist and anti-nazi, it's not being pro-Russian it's being anti-nazi, I don't pretend and use those words as labels like geezers like you rewriting history, again I know who they are, where they are and I expose them. Now you''ve exhausted my patience, I have nothing to do with revisionist and pro-nazis.

Don't bother replying.

Wolfsangel: SS Pennant.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Sep 2023, 10:47am
29 Sep 2023, 10:30pm
Guys, guys. Can we not turn this into that direction, please? I’m not even sure it still relates to Elite…

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Sep 2023, 10:38am
29 Sep 2023, 10:40pm
ClawsOfTiamatStop talking out of your ass.

It is hard to believe in your stories man (intelligence officer, Ukrainian, Jewish and etc including touching story about Normandy romance of your grand-parents). I think you failed your superiors orders, 2 social identifiers are still missing +2 and ..lives matters. Please keep posting your true stories from US foreign intelligence about Russians raping children...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Sep 2023, 10:38am
29 Sep 2023, 11:07pm
I have nothing to lose or hide, there are web pages and sites dedicated to members of my family, their history is well documented, as for the info I got from the time I was able to understand them, most of them came from survivor members of the F.N.D.I.R.P.

More than a few of their members were involved in the nazi hunt after the war, some were close to the Israeli Mossad and I got the new of the capture of a notorious member of the Werewolf in Gaza even before it came out in the news...

As for my family background, here is my mother, FTP resistant at 17, I don't need to pretend, it's my family history and culture.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Sep 2023, 10:39am
30 Sep 2023, 2:19am
ClawsOfTiamatI'm sorry, I just get all worked up and run out of heat-sinks.

Go and fight for Ukraine then instead of trying to get some gesheftn for sending other innocent people to die...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Sep 2023, 10:39am
30 Sep 2023, 2:44am
Look, I'm no World War II expert, and I've put a lot of research into modern Nazism, especially in the United States, but I don't think that's relevant here

Lotsa people're getting hot-headed in here over history, but if you're gonna talk Ukraine, I think the most important thing to acknowledge is the modern context that Vladimir Putin is invading Ukraine because he believes it's his territory, a lot of the Russian soldiers are teenagers and young adults who are scared and confused (and there's been several incidents of the soldiers not even knowing where they've been deployed), and a lot of them don't really understand why they're at war

We also have to acknowledge that a vast majority of Russian citizens very vocally disagree with what their own government is doing, and I believe there was also anti-Russian home-turf terrorism attempted in protest (I will admit that this is something I vaguely remember, and having to deal with legal fuckery today, I really don't feel like putting as much research into it as I typically do)

I think that, regardless of what context there has been, there are better places to discuss this than Inara, and we can all agree that fascists, whether they call themselves a Nazi or not, violate the contract of respect and kindness, and consequently should be afforded neither mercy

Besides, if we're going to have political discussions here, I think perhaps something more lighthearted like the following might be a better discussion:

India is preparing to rename its country to Bharat, and consequently, Pakistani nationalists are once more discussing the rights to the name India, as they're in the actual Indus region it's named for

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Sep 2023, 10:39am
30 Sep 2023, 2:58am
30 Sep 2023, 3:25am
I'm sorry to hear that you've had to experience that. I hope you're able to keep contact with your comrades and that your family helps you sleep easier.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Sep 2023, 10:40am
30 Sep 2023, 10:44am
I have moved a big portion of the discussion from Elite's thread to this thread and please, let's stop it here. As this topic falls under the broad rule "no politics, religion and similar", it will be best to not continue in it. I guess everybody already said what they wanted to say anyway. Thanks.

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Anything not directly and indirectly related to Elite:Dangerous, Starfield, Inara, galaxy and so on. Just please no politics, religion and similar usually heated discussions, please. It never ends well despite the best efforts...