
24 Sep 2023, 5:23pm
Looking Into laptop upgrade, Considering the following, Any comments or suggestions

Intel® Core™ i9-13900HX, 32 GB RAM, 2 TB SSD, 17.3" QHD, 240 Hz, NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4080 (12 GB)
24 Sep 2023, 7:26pm
DescartesLooking Into laptop upgrade, Considering the following, Any comments or suggestions

Intel® Core™ i9-13900HX, 32 GB RAM, 2 TB SSD, 17.3" QHD, 240 Hz, NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4080 (12 GB)

All good, but why laptop ? Desktop will give you more performance with the same specs.
24 Sep 2023, 8:38pm
DescartesLooking Into laptop upgrade, Considering the following, Any comments or suggestions

Intel® Core™ i9-13900HX, 32 GB RAM, 2 TB SSD, 17.3" QHD, 240 Hz, NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4080 (12 GB)
Almost the same setup. Upgraded a couple of months ago. Works amazingly. So amazingly that I haven't downloaded Elite yet, enjoying other games.

TomciopalecAll good, but why laptop ? Desktop will give you more performance with the same specs.
Sometimes you need something backpack-compatible yet still powerful.
24 Sep 2023, 9:11pm
MeowersSometimes you need something backpack-compatible yet still powerful.

Like a dirty bomb.
24 Sep 2023, 9:25pm
DescartesLooking Into laptop upgrade, Considering the following, Any comments or suggestions

Intel® Core™ i9-13900HX, 32 GB RAM, 2 TB SSD, 17.3" QHD, 240 Hz, NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4080 (12 GB)

Almost the same setup. Upgraded a couple of months ago. Works amazingly. So amazingly that I haven't downloaded Elite yet, enjoying other games.

TomciopalecAll good, but why laptop ? Desktop will give you more performance with the same specs.

Sometimes you need something backpack-compatible yet still powerful.


25 Sep 2023, 8:39am
MeowersI haven't downloaded Elite yet, enjoying other games.
Have to add one bit. 'Enjoying other games' when I have the time for it. Since I'm buried under an arsemountain of work. Yuck. And my new machine handles the CPU- and GPU-heavy stuff well. Feels like driving a Ferrari after several years of being stuck with a rusty moped assembled in an old shack.
25 Sep 2023, 2:31pm
DescartesLooking Into laptop upgrade, Considering the following, Any comments or suggestions

Intel® Core™ i9-13900HX, 32 GB RAM, 2 TB SSD, 17.3" QHD, 240 Hz, NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4080 (12 GB)

All good, but why laptop ? Desktop will give you more performance with the same specs.

Don't want inconvenient big box and separate screen on a small desk!
25 Sep 2023, 3:11pm
Yeah, but 17 inch laptops are not exactly small, you know. There are smaller, more convenient boxes which can be mounted on the back of a screen.

I am on team laptop too. Although, I prefer smaller form factor of 14-15.4 inches as main feature of laptop is mobility. When I am not on a go my laptop is closed and I use external screen a keyboard. I get tired a lot faster if I am bend to look down at my screen. Looking forward is far better for you sitting posture.

Even in small spaces a laptop stand which helps you lift the screen up at the level of your eyes, external KBD and mouse will be better option .

25 Sep 2023, 3:21pm
EpisparhYeah, but 17 inch laptops are not exactly small, you know. There are smaller, more convenient boxes which can be mounted on the back of a screen.
Even in small spaces a laptop stand which helps you lift the screen up at the level of your eyes, external KBD and mouse will be better option .

Look like a great set up In addition I've been offered a good deal on said laptop
26 Sep 2023, 12:11am
EpisparhI am on team laptop too. Although, I prefer smaller form factor of 14-15.4 inches as main feature of laptop is mobility. When I am not on a go my laptop is closed and I use external screen a keyboard. I get tired a lot faster if I am bend to look down at my screen. Looking forward is far better for you sitting posture.
Yeah, kind of same here. My 'stationary' setup is two laptops, 17'' powerful one and 14'' dumb one, but it's quiet, doesn't have any moving parts, the battery work duration is quite long, and it's cheap. And a 32'' monitor in between. External mouse and external keyboard. Bluetooth soundbar and headphones. Lifting stand under the big laptop to lift the screen and help with cooling when it goes full-power on some heavy work task or ultra-settings gaming. It ticks every box I want/need to be ticked: a) big screen and full-sized mechanical keyboard for work and play at ho... place where I sleep and keep my stuff, lol; b) mobility in case I need it, just pick a laptop that suits the task better; c) smaller laptop is a night music player, it doesn't produce any sound itself, and having some night music is super important to me; d) I run trusted software on a big one, keeping the system neat and stable, and smaller one is a 'toxic environment' for testing or installing something I might need once in a life but it looks sketchy, etc., and its system copy is stored on an image for a quick-restore in case of stuff happening; e) doublescreen in 'stationary' mode, I can send secondary stuff on the laptop lid screen and keep everything I need right now on the monitor; f) no godsdamned cables in my visible area cuz I hate them, peripherals are wireless and the essential cables like power and monitor signal are hidden. I'm totally happy with that configuration, can't ask for more.

Yeah, those 17'' laptops aren't exactly small and I had to 'upgrade' my daily bag too, lol. They also may feel heavy for some, especially if you need to put the power module into the same bag, but it's alright for me. Certainly better than any alternative. And if you want to have a beast machine to work and play, and also something portable, you may consider 'my' option of having two laptops.

Last edit: 26 Sep 2023, 12:35am
26 Sep 2023, 12:33am
Remind me to never show you some parts of my bedroom setup. You would have a heart attack (and want to slap me) seeing the mess of cable that I've had to tolerate and work with to fit what I've got around here. (Largely referring to gaming/leisure devices.)
26 Sep 2023, 1:08am
Okay, a mental note: a) I shouldn't look at some parts of the bedroom; b) I might want to slap you; c) Plenty of leisure devices. Got it!
26 Sep 2023, 7:23am
Plenty is still relative. A PC and two consoles(plus maybe an old Xbox 360, which has been rendered somewhat redundant thanks to backwards compatibility…), with an accompanying TV for the latter two.

It’s still a nuisance of cabling if ever I saw one, no thanks to where the power sockets are. I tried to keep the ones that I could out of sight behind the TV.
26 Sep 2023, 8:56pm
Vasil Vasilescu
ThinderHi! Charles de Gaulle (H4M-33Y) will be leaving for Colonia at 19.00 from Wolf 363. If you want a lift, there still is time.

I hope you asked France if he could leave.

France was a Liner, Charles de Gaule is the actual Marine Nationale nuclear Carrier.

In my fleet I also have Helene, for Helene Boucher, a female test pilot who was killed at Guyancourt Airfield where I used to fly as trainee, Fonk WWI Ace, and Surcouf, the most feared Corsair du Roy (despite Wikipedia not saying a word of it but painting an inacurate and dark portait of him).

My Corvette is named after the largest White Shark captured in camera so far.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Sep 2023, 10:37am
26 Sep 2023, 9:36pm
Kasumi GotoAnother history nerd, I see. I should have read that post more closely…

Wasn't Karl Marx himself saying that "people without an heritage are easily persuaded"?

I can oppose Charles de Gaule name with pride to all the retards of the Canadian House of Commons who gave a standing ovation to a member of the Waffen SS, because "he fought against the Russian during WWII"... DHO!!!

3 things: Russia was in the Allied side during WWII. 2 All the Ukrainian nationalist were volunteers for the Waffen SS and committed a large number of mass killing and other war crimes against the Jews in particular. 3 They still have nazi bataillon in Ukraine today, Azov among other, using the SS Pennant Wolfsangel, the exact same symbol used by the SS commando of Otto Skorzeny.

I come from a family of resistant, and as opposed to this bunch of nazi loving turd I still know which side of history I was born, so yeah you definitively need to read more...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Sep 2023, 10:37am

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