
11 Apr 2022, 3:16am
Aleksander MajjamLOL. I'm both entertained and impressed by this.

That was awesome, and very well done.
13 Apr 2022, 8:22pm
Knightwolf 1785
Aleksander MajjamLOL. I'm both entertained and impressed by this.

That was awesome, and very well done.

Never played SC, and the in-game expressions were a bit exaggerated, but I'm wondering how they achieved the lips/expressions to be accurate to the words. TrackIR camera mimicking actual mouth movements maybe?

Ahhhh. They do have IRL face tracking.
13 Apr 2022, 10:40pm
13 Apr 2022, 11:16pm

I dunno... NMS always seemed to me like some Disney game for kids.
14 Apr 2022, 1:15am
I dunno... NMS always seemed to me like some Disney game for kids.

Is it because it's a colorful game? Looks great in play, gets free upgrades, and doesn't have issues with population. Mainly because it's done something ED has and will never accomplish in its lifetime.

14 Apr 2022, 1:34am
Have to admit it's starting to look better than E:D.
14 Apr 2022, 3:08am
MeowersHave to admit it's starting to look better than E:D.

You vs me. PC vs Xbox. Controller vs dusty ass keyboard. Space fight. Let's go.
14 Apr 2022, 3:11am
But I don't use any dusty-rusty-whatever keyboards in E:D, I have two sticks.
14 Apr 2022, 3:13am
MeowersBut I don't use any dusty-rusty-whatever keyboards in E:D, I have two sticks.

Ah. I forgot space simmers use two sticks.
14 Apr 2022, 4:02am
What kind of sticks are you using, M?
14 Apr 2022, 11:01am
2x Thrustmaster T16000M.
Yeah, KB+Stick or HOTAS are more popular, but my config performs well in making them go woo. KB+Stick weren't so good.
14 Apr 2022, 5:20pm
I dunno... NMS always seemed to me like some Disney game for kids.

Nms is a great space game, yes it has a different art style but it looks amazing. Exploration is actually a lot of fun because you have randomly generated plants and creatures. The story is interesting, but it's all arcade-oriented. It's an indie game, which doesn't mean it's a bad thing. For me, Hellogames is one of the best indie studios so far, and how they shaped the game and didn't give up despite the harsh criticism at the time. It's different than ED but highly recommended and enjoyable for all ages.
18 Apr 2022, 9:19pm
MeowersHave to admit it's starting to look better than E:D.

This is the phrase I never expected to say myself, too. That moment when you realize that piracy on No Man's Sky is waaaay better than the one in Elite: Dangerous has ever been.

Even though I don't consider No Man's Sky a space sim, just a survival game with spaceships as part of the gameplay, it recently itched that note ED has not touched for almost a year. And I think that's the best commentary on current state of Elite: Dangerous right now.
19 Apr 2022, 2:51pm
Iwao Kishiro...I don't consider No Man's Sky a space sim, just a survival game with spaceships as part of the gameplay...

Heh, you try running from Thargoids and telling me E:D isn't a survival game
19 Apr 2022, 3:12pm
Sparlin007Heh, you try running from Thargoids and telling me E:D isn't a survival game
530+ m/s (top speed of the Basilisk) and one heatsink and it's trivial. It's easy even with 400+ m/s max.

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