
06 Dec 2022, 11:05am
A SoundBlaster card? Do you produce music? Can't think of any other reason to have one of those.
06 Dec 2022, 12:56pm
Yuna SakashiroA SoundBlaster card? Do you produce music? Can't think of any other reason to have one of those.

I have big speakers
06 Dec 2022, 3:09pm
Yuna SakashiroA SoundBlaster card? Do you produce music? Can't think of any other reason to have one of those.

I have big speakers

If you have big speakers, you probably have a big amplifier for them. Digital transfer not an option? Most modern amps have USB audio (UAC) input connectors. Plugged into a PC they appear as generic audio devices, like here:

So the signal remains in the digital realm all the way to the amplifier. Would likely give you better results than analog cables and a DAC close to the mainboard.
06 Dec 2022, 3:48pm
It's a Harmon Kardon speaker system, works off of a soundcard. Old school but has fantastic sound. I run a DAC for my Headset [ ATH-M50X]. Just easier that way and it segregates them.
12 Dec 2022, 6:59am
Alright peeps. What do you think?

Bigger pic >

Might be able to get this down a bit?
12 Dec 2022, 7:11am
Looks good (not commenting prices as I have no idea of the market conditions)
12 Dec 2022, 9:19am
That’s a very powerful system. You will be able to run anything with it. Like Michael,I can’t comment on the current prices. I bought one very similar to it about 4 months ago. I run mostly simulation “games" in VR and it works great. (But I had to save seven and a half years to be able to buy it! )
12 Dec 2022, 1:01pm
instead the evo drives i would take the pro ones, they have longer warranty than the evo oves and they are better. i only use the pro versions, they never disapointed me. 1600 w is very much for a power supply, i would take a ROG Thor Power Supply from 850W - 1200W those are great modular Power Supplies. I use the 850W and it´s more than enough for me.

try to buy the components seperatly, the prices looking a bit to high for me, i bet you can get the parts cheaper if u searching a bit.
... and buy a nvme m2 ssd, the mainboard have 4 slots for them. compared to a ssd the have 5 times more performance

Last edit: 12 Dec 2022, 1:15pm
13 Dec 2022, 1:42pm
@Aleksander - Nice.

For what it's worth, my $0.02:
  • Overall this build will be a solid platform for years to come.
  • I like the EVGA power supply (EVGA makes great stuff). This 1600W model is probably at or very near the limits of what household power will support, at least in the US. It is also the physically largest power supply you can fit into that case. I'm not sure how easy cable management will be. You could get a 1300W model for $300USD (save $200) which would still be overkill for the components you have. It would also give you an extra inch or so of room for cable management at the back.
  • I agree with Alex regarding the Samsung 980 Pro over the EVO. I like Samsung drives, and I have no complaints about the EVO (I have SATA versions of older EVO and PRO drives). Several e-tailers have the 2TB 980 Pro at $199, which is a very nice price. I've been eyeballing the 2TB drives, and at that price I'm tempted to take the Pro over the EVO.
  • I'd look at a 4080 instead. They are available, and priced better than the 3090. Similar-to-slightly-lower power draw, and significantly better performance.

Last edit: 13 Dec 2022, 1:52pm
14 Dec 2022, 12:34am
Thanks everyone! I will take everyone's suggestions and come up with something a bit more streamlined, then report.
14 Dec 2022, 10:11am
24 Dec 2022, 3:22pm
24 Dec 2022, 4:31pm
28 Dec 2022, 1:33am
Hey, I'm not sure where to post this, but I'm thinking it will be of interest to those who miss the Elite novels.

I edited one of Drew Wagar's Elite books and was about to get my own published when Frontier decided to stop making them.

However, I decided it was a good enough story in its own right to publish in my own universe.

So if you'd like to read about the amusing adventures of a grumpy-ass pilot, I might have the book for you

30 Dec 2022, 4:11pm

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