
07 Nov 2023, 5:00pm
That’s like saying rain is responsible for most unexpected or unplanned cases of people getting wet.

And who manages to drown themselves in something that is not water?
07 Nov 2023, 5:41pm
Kasumi GotoAnd who manages to drown themselves in something that is not water?

Mud bath accidents. Oil spa whatever things done without precaution. Fancy kinky covering yourself or someone else in jam, chocolate or whipped cream going out of control. Unexpected wooden outhouse structural failures.
07 Nov 2023, 10:10pm
Meowers Mud bath accidents. Oil spa whatever things done without precaution. Fancy kinky covering yourself or someone else in jam, chocolate or whipped cream going out of control. Unexpected wooden outhouse structural failures.

Your own krovvy when it starts leaking into your lungs from internal damage after engaging in a bit of the old ultraviolence.
08 Nov 2023, 3:12am
The Great Molasses Flood
08 Nov 2023, 8:16pm
Why do I always miss the fun convos...
08 Nov 2023, 8:40pm
Aleksander MajjamWhy do I always miss the fun convos...
Maybe because you should have less life and more internet? :p
09 Nov 2023, 1:09am
Aleksander MajjamWhy do I always miss the fun convos...

Maybe because you should have less life and more internet? :p

It wouldn't be for lack of trying. Does Xbox count? I'll be honest in saying I've been staying clear of the place for fear I might become indoctrinated by our New World Order AI person.
09 Nov 2023, 11:14am
Aleksander MajjamIt wouldn't be for lack of trying. Does Xbox count? I'll be honest in saying I've been staying clear of the place for fear I might become indoctrinated by our New World Order AI person.

I mean, if you're worried about AI, it actually really sucks and cannae even really be classified as such nowadays. It's just a split between machine learning and art theft, the latter of which I've been referring to as Digital Hapsburg Generators, as it's been noted that because AI prompt writers consider AI "art" to be real art (and ignoring the blatant copyright violations (a felony), grand theft (a felony), non-consensual data mining that could very much be considered cyberstalking (a felony), scamming (a felony), money laundering (a felony), and tax evasion (a felony)), the generators also take data from other generations, resulting in digital inbreeding that amplifies already existing errors.

If you'd like a deeper look on "AI," may I recommend this video by Philosophy Tube:

09 Nov 2023, 7:18pm
Aleksander Majjamindoctrinated by our New World Order AI person.
Indoctrinated by a bunch of badly written scripts? Ah, stop, people here are playing Odyssey...
10 Nov 2023, 1:01am
(PS4) madamepestilence (RPIU)
Aleksander MajjamIt wouldn't be for lack of trying. Does Xbox count? I'll be honest in saying I've been staying clear of the place for fear I might become indoctrinated by our New World Order AI person.

I mean, if you're worried about AI, it actually really sucks and cannae even really be classified as such nowadays. It's just a split between machine learning and art theft, the latter of which I've been referring to as Digital Hapsburg Generators, as it's been noted that because AI prompt writers consider AI "art" to be real art (and ignoring the blatant copyright violations (a felony), grand theft (a felony), non-consensual data mining that could very much be considered cyberstalking (a felony), scamming (a felony), money laundering (a felony), and tax evasion (a felony)), the generators also take data from other generations, resulting in digital inbreeding that amplifies already existing errors.

If you'd like a deeper look on "AI," may I recommend this video by Philosophy Tube:

Madamepestilence against digital pestilence. I've seen AI artists with ads on reddit for very high prices per hour, which is kind of insane considering you're simply punching in word prompts into an art generator. Still, for all the offenses you've listed, I don't see any authorities taking any kind of stand against the growing AI renaissance. However, I'm more interested in AI concerning gaming applications. Such as...

Not sure it'll ever take off, but still interesting, nonetheless. I know my engineering company is hiring a shitload of AI developers, so I'm sure this train isn't slowing down at all.

Last edit: 10 Nov 2023, 2:16am
10 Nov 2023, 1:02am
Aleksander Majjamindoctrinated by our New World Order AI person.

Indoctrinated by a bunch of badly written scripts? Ah, stop, people here are playing Odyssey...

LMFAO. You're gonna' have a target on your back, M. White Knights inbound in 3... 2...
10 Nov 2023, 2:35am
Aleksander Majjam
... I've seen AI artists with ads on reddit for very high prices per hour, which is kind of insane considering you're simply punching in word prompts into an art generator. Still, for all the offenses you've listed, I don't see any authorities taking any kind of stand against the growing AI renaissance. However, I'm more interested in AI concerning gaming applications. Such as...

They do? That's quite naive, no serious company needing artists will hire them anyway, because they need... well... artists, not monkeys typing prompts. AI tools can be a nice help, can make some things easier/faster, but without the actual skills to work with the results it has not much use in the real environment (also because the results cannot be copyrighted, etc.).
10 Nov 2023, 9:45am
Aleksander MajjamMadamepestilence against digital pestilence.

First off, I love this quote, holy fuck

Aleksander MajjamI've seen AI artists with ads on reddit for very high prices per hour, which is kind of insane considering you're simply punching in word prompts into an art generator. Still, for all the offenses you've listed, I don't see any authorities taking any kind of stand against the growing AI renaissance.

On the contrary, OpenAI is in some serious legal trouble right now: NPR: OpenAI is facing lawsuits over copyrighted materials it uses to train ChatGPT

And is in violation of EU regulation: The Verge: OpenAI says it could ‘cease operating’ in the EU if it can’t comply with future regulation

As well as legal issues about whether AI works should be copyrighted (no, they shouldn't, it's fucking theft) ars Technica: Thorny AI copyright questions have Copyright Office seeking public input

And blatant lack of crediting artists and voice actors:

And blatantly incorrect generations:

(Twin Towers present in background)

Real peacock chick for comparison:

And the oversaturation of search results with DHGs:

(by the way, if you want to block these from your searches entirely, download a plugin called uBlacklist and put this in it):

DHGs have also been noted to blatantly lie to manipulate human activity (which, by the way, isn't intelligent behaviour, it's machine learning based on already existing human behaviours that have been datamined - this is the same reason that they've been noted to be incredibly racist and sexist in automated job application programs like - they amplify existing prejudices because they're incapable of reason and only serve to copy): Nonzero Newsletter: OK, it's time to freak out about AI

Relevant image to above article:

And a video displaying this problem:
Tumblr reupload of TikTok user @jeremyandrewdavis pointing out the reinforced discriminatory biases in MidJourney generations, using autistic people as an example

(On autism and puzzle pieces, in our community (autistic folks) those are considered a hate symbol, as they were the symbol pressed onto us by Autism Speaks (often spelled A$ by us), a company that makes a lot of money off of advocating for the literal torture and subservience of autistic people to neurotypical people, including the loss of rights. As a matter of fact, this loss of rights is something seen very commonly spread among disabled communities, especially those who suffer from mental disabilities such as down syndrome (a common complaint from elders with down syndrome is they aren't allowed to go to bed when they're tired), antisocial disorder (previously known as psychopathy, a disorder that makes someone incapable of feeling empathy, but this in no way makes them incapable of caring for other people or being kind), and psychotic disorders like schizophrenia (of which many people, my parents included, believe that these people are inherently evil and should be locked in mental hospitals in solitary confinement).)

You can also just straight up manipulate AI to use slurs. While I won't post images here, you can tell it to make small modifications to pre-existing inputs to convert them to slurs.

Aleksander MajjamHowever, I'm more interested in AI concerning gaming applications. Such as... (link) Not sure it'll ever take off, but still interesting, nonetheless. I know my engineering company is hiring a shitload of AI developers, so I'm sure this train isn't slowing down at all.

I've seen some attempted iterations of this and it's very bad. Not to mention if voice actors' voices are used, during the SAG-AFTRA strikes this would be crossing the picket line, and now that they've won and strikes have ended, it's now straight up a violation of their contracts and is illegal to use actors' and voice actors' voices and likenesses to train AI without their explicit consent on an individual basis.

(Note: The following images predate the SAG-AFTRA strike winning their demands)

Also, on SAG-AFTRA/WGA, film corporation CEOs are blatantly overpaid, there is absolutely no reason to be slashing wages, scabbing employees to fill in strike positions, and god forbid replacing them with DHGs:

(Note: Zaslav is a known Trump supporter, and Murdoch openly supports white supremacists)

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Nov 2023, 1:31pm
10 Nov 2023, 10:00am
Addendum to this as well: In the greatest of irony, modern CAPTCHAs were trained by unpaid and low-paid contract and part-time employees training DHGs on what objects were what. Many of those CAPTCHA resolutions have been used to train DHGs how to make "photorealistic" generations
10 Nov 2023, 12:39pm
Could you please put those large images under a spoiler tag? It's bloody impossible to read the forum properly.

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