
10 Nov 2023, 1:52pm
I'd actually looked for one, though I appear to have missed the ... symbol being the spoiler tag; my apologies
11 Nov 2023, 4:54am

I believe I read an article about the EU taking a regulatory stand with their AI EU Act. I believe it's a good step in the right direction. However, this whole "AI" business feels just like Crypto when it was in its infancy. While I believe AI is in the very early stages of its life, the adoption of it makes it so much more widely used than Crypto's entire lifecycle. With all the problems that can stem from this machine learning, waiting for slow regulations to get passed will make it that much harder to control. You posted many examples of the backlash, but do these even make a dent? And like I mentioned before, the tech industry seems to be all in on AI and will exploit whatever uses can be gleaned from it. What you showed were merely inquiries against AI, but nothing concrete enough that could curtail the harmful use of it.

I get what you're saying though, MP. Props, even though you're a Sony Pony.
11 Nov 2023, 4:55am
MeowersCould you please put those large images under a spoiler tag? It's bloody impossible to read the forum properly.

I read that in a Brit accent in my head, FYI.
11 Nov 2023, 7:18am
Aleksander MajjamHowever, this whole "AI" business feels just like Crypto when it was in its infancy.

Y'know, I have to agree with this, it is a scam with ties to money laundering and exploiting people who don't know better while causing economic harm to large swaths of people.

Aleksander MajjamYou posted many examples of the backlash, but do these even make a dent?

It did in fact, "make a dent." SAG-AFTRA won their strike demands and have ended their strike. Using their likenesses or voices without their explicit consent on a per-use basis is now legally in violation of their contracts.

Aleksander MajjamAnd like I mentioned before, the tech industry seems to be all in on AI and will exploit whatever uses can be gleaned from it. What you showed were merely inquiries against AI, but nothing concrete enough that could curtail the harmful use of it.

That's the exact problem. You can't create an ethical AI in the current state of the world. The computations will carry the prejudices of the samples they draw from, they reinforce biases and inbreed off of each other, and those programs aren't these mystical massless things, they're physical computers that generate a lot of heat and use a lot of processing power that draws a lot of electricity for their internet connections, for their power supply, and for their cooling, as well as using large quantities of rare earth metals whose mines produce dangerous pollution causing symptoms that vary from black lung to asphyxiation from inhalation of lethal airborne chemicals, and the labour impact on low-income and unpaid workers working long hours in unsafe conditions.

Aleksander MajjamProps, even though you're a Sony Pony.

I'm not exactly sure what this means. Is this because I own a PS4? I haven't seen any reason to switch to a PS5 (if anything, it's a sidegrade, not an upgrade), and I can neither afford nor have the space for a PC.
11 Nov 2023, 9:44am
I just wanna tack on something; I'm not trying to make personal attacks, that's not my intent. AI at the moment is just broadly unethical.
11 Nov 2023, 10:27am
(PS4) madamepestilence (RPIU)I just wanna tack on something; I'm not trying to make personal attacks, that's not my intent. AI at the moment is just broadly unethical.

No worries! No offense taken here. This obviously seems like a very important subject for you. In either case, it's way late, but I will respond to your post later when I can.
11 Nov 2023, 11:23am
Of course, take your time; you're not obligated to respond either, I just have a tendency to ramble
11 Nov 2023, 5:05pm
Aleksander MajjamI read that in a Brit accent in my head, FYI.
I wrote it in that accent! :p
11 Nov 2023, 8:02pm
(PS4) madamepestilence (RPIU)

Y'know, I have to agree with this, it is a scam with ties to money laundering and exploiting people who don't know better while causing economic harm to large swaths of people.

It did in fact, "make a dent." SAG-AFTRA won their strike demands and have ended their strike. Using their likenesses or voices without their explicit consent on a per-use basis is now legally in violation of their contracts.

That's the exact problem. You can't create an ethical AI in the current state of the world. The computations will carry the prejudices of the samples they draw from, they reinforce biases and inbreed off of each other, and those programs aren't these mystical massless things, they're physical computers that generate a lot of heat and use a lot of processing power that draws a lot of electricity for their internet connections, for their power supply, and for their cooling, as well as using large quantities of rare earth metals whose mines produce dangerous pollution causing symptoms that vary from black lung to asphyxiation from inhalation of lethal airborne chemicals, and the labour impact on low-income and unpaid workers working long hours in unsafe conditions.

I'm not exactly sure what this means. Is this because I own a PS4? I haven't seen any reason to switch to a PS5 (if anything, it's a sidegrade, not an upgrade), and I can neither afford nor have the space for a PC.

So maybe I'm taking your first words out of context, but I don't believe Crypto was a scam. There are certainly exchanges out there that (famously) took advantage of the people buying into Crypto, but the money I personally made from it that ended up in my bank account is very real. I was more or less talking about how unregulated it was during the beginning. I always thought it was funny in how it blew up like it was some new thing when it became mainstream, but Crypto was around long before it "became a thing".

The contracts that came out of the SAG-AFTRA ordeal, again, is a step in the right direction, but none of it means anything unless it's actually enforced and the rule-breakers actually pay. I know you posted articles on some aspects of AI being in litigation, but making a dent to me is when consequences are doled out. Until then, it's just business as usual, no? Unless I'm missing other big wins.

Also, I'll be honest, I never thought about the environmental impact of it all. As a species we're well on our way to our undoing as we're more fanatical about technology than we are about the well-being of the environment and especially the well-being of ourselves.
11 Nov 2023, 8:02pm
Aleksander MajjamI read that in a Brit accent in my head, FYI.

I wrote it in that accent! :p

So what do I win???
11 Nov 2023, 8:10pm
Aleksander MajjamSo what do I win???
A cup of tea, obviously! :p
11 Nov 2023, 8:20pm
Aleksander MajjamSo what do I win???

A cup of tea, obviously! :p

13 Nov 2023, 12:24am
What I'm really wondering about it, how does an enemy whom using biotechnology feels about begin beaten at their own game?
13 Nov 2023, 5:01am
(PS4) madamepestilence (RPIU)The computations will carry the prejudices of the samples they draw from, they reinforce biases and inbreed off of each other

The reason why I don't want to have my character pic generated by AI, as many people do these times. She's quite far away from the conventional and stereotypised image that all those AIs use.
13 Nov 2023, 9:11am
At least there’s a better chance of getting a thing more accurate to your views if you get yourself(out of my current skill range) or another human to do it. If I could get myself to trust(and pay, which is a lesser concern, bar not having income of my own yet) the latter…

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