
13 Nov 2023, 9:55am
Always, always, always either make it yourself, use a readily available medium where you're allowed to use the imagery (such as a Picrew that explicitly outlines it use cases, or a game with a character creator), credit the artist if you use an image from elsewhere (and in the former case), or commission an artist to make you something (and, again, credit them).

Even if you use an incredibly good DHG like This Person Does Not Exist, those images are created from unethically stolen images of real people taken without their knowledge or permission to train the machine learning algorithm to mimic human faces. Not only is it a mass data breach of information people only intended to share with certain groups of people, but also means that there is a computer (or more likely,

many computers that now carry personal/biometric information of thousands or millions of people without their knowledge or permission, which is not only creepy, but also poses a serious security risk as it scans the internet for photos of human faces that are going to contain a lot more than just their faces - and this isn't even touching on DHG deepfakes or Heos forbid non-consensual generated pornography (which also includes a disturbing amount of minors, which should be considered a form of sexual harassment and child pornography, respectively).
13 Nov 2023, 10:28am
I wouldn’t use these for any kind of artwork of my own to publish, to be perfectly clear about that. That’d just be silly(and not in a good way).

It’d be like using an ‘adult chatbot’, taking whatever it spits out at a prompt you feed it, and claiming it’s original erotic work that you wrote. Or… any type of writing, really.

I also kind of wish people would not call these “AI”. It’s a perversion of the term “artificial intelligence” when these are just scripts that are… very good at making it seem like they are intelligent, when they just put existing pieces of text (or, I guess, images) together to form something that looks coherent. Like I would say, it is somewhat apparent when you see someone slap AI-generated text into a piece of writing because it can be so damn generic.

(And, without pointing any fingers directly, someone’s been posting what almost definitely contains “AI” generated imagery and text in their logs on the main page. All for… detailing BGS work. Yawn.)
13 Nov 2023, 10:44am
Aye, I think comrade Artie's noticed as well
13 Nov 2023, 5:44pm
Kasumi GotoI wouldn’t use these for any kind of artwork of my own to publish, to be perfectly clear about that. That’d just be silly(and not in a good way).
I'm thinking about using some 3d-modelling software tailored for working with human models, to make some artworks I'd like to have inserted into my next things. And in-game screenshots for facial features, hair, etc. But only as a reference, stylising everything in Photoshop to look like an outlined sketch, without visible modelling results. Since I'm really bad at drawing non-technical things, and this looks like a little cheating option I could use.
16 Nov 2023, 3:01am
This messy physics glitch still has to be one of the most hilarious things I have yet experienced in a game. Even a decade after discovering it, I still get tears of joy from the laughter at this absolute ridiculousness.

... I might have shown this (glitch, not specific video) before already, and forgotten. Doesn't matter. Still fun as hell.
18 Nov 2023, 2:04am

‘Look, that’s not an “explosion”. It’s just a rapid unscheduled disassembly.' (0:59)

I haven’t played KSP, yet I feel like those two lines basically sum up the game. And that video isn’t even about it.

Last edit: 18 Nov 2023, 2:17am
18 Nov 2023, 2:14am
Yeah, there are certain KSP vibes in that video. The playing experience is somewhat close to this.
18 Nov 2023, 4:03am
On this we agree, and let's just not talk about the necessary number of struts needed to keep together some of the more absurd rockets. Flying Eiffel tower...
18 Nov 2023, 6:47am
You guys are playing some wacky ass games.

Who wants to link up with me and take it back to 8 and 16 bit.
18 Nov 2023, 4:07pm
wacky ass games huh? Youngsters...

18 Nov 2023, 4:29pm
Lol. I may be 34, but I do really enjoy Doom 1 and 2. Iconic stuff.
19 Nov 2023, 2:35pm
The amount of PFS games we played trough the years starting with Wolfeinstein?
19 Nov 2023, 8:47pm
MeowersLol. I may be 34, but I do really enjoy Doom 1 and 2. Iconic stuff.

Got you beat by a year, youngster.

Sometimes I wish I still had the old old consoles that probably wouldn't work anymore. Or that PC's still had diskettes. I'm a sucker for things of the olden days long forgotten.
19 Nov 2023, 10:47pm
reminder to drink water
20 Nov 2023, 1:02am
Aleksander MajjamSometimes I wish I still had the old old consoles that probably wouldn't work anymore. Or that PC's still had diskettes. I'm a sucker for things of the olden days long forgotten.
Yeah, those vintage PCs really do have some... Atmosphere around them. Big whirring and clicking metal blocks with CRT monitors, running DOS and stuff like Norton Commander, with those funny old games. And what surprises me the most, many of them are still functional, even if they're like 30-40 years old and that's a hell of an age for a computer. Maybe having an old PC in my late teen years actually gave me the chance to look at all that timeless classic. Like Doom. Or X-Com. Or Dune. Or even Frontier. Because those were the only games I could run on that thing.

Sometimes I play old console games on an emulator, with a keyboard acting as a controller, but yeah, it's not the same experience. There was even a technical explanation about why old games are looking better on CRTs.

But I can't say that playing Doom on a modern 32'' LED isn't funny.

Last edit: 20 Nov 2023, 1:11am

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