
21 Oct 2023, 12:30pm
...I'm going to assume that my assumption that you've made up a concept in your head and then gotten angry at it is true

You also type like a bot auto-generating text, rather than an actual human talking, which makes it very difficult to understand what you're talking about

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:28am
21 Oct 2023, 12:55pm
I recommend the act of block(ignore) list addition. It's what I have done because I got tired of the pseudo-intellectual talk with no actual brains behind it, so to speak. And to avoid any... other less restrained reactions on my part from patience running out.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:28am
21 Oct 2023, 1:45pm
Fair enough, though I've no idea how to do that

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:28am
21 Oct 2023, 5:15pm
You go into your profile, view friends, ignored users, and voilà, there's the ignore button. All it requires at that point is to add the user's name.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:28am
21 Oct 2023, 6:48pm
Minoniani afraid it's still over some peoples heads. they did not ever won a single debate or achieved anything. They are just and with all of their nonsense alongside with their puppets forever will be unworthy to waste my time on them, and if they really don't know when to stop, either my fist going to do all the talks after which they do better to lie they were fell down a stair, because otherwise? Comes option 2 court. And they are exactly aware of it i know who they are they are exactly know i know what's going on. Nor I'm ever going to be dragged into any of this or take a note of them, and their nonsense.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:28am
21 Oct 2023, 7:35pm
So I'm not sure if I shared this media before (I'm like 30% sure). I know I did of the Mandalorian style opening video I created a long while ago, but I like to either make/edit or requisition commissions for the RP's that I do. It used to be that I had two longstanding RPs going and now I'm just down to one (unfortunately) which is Star Wars. It's a one on one RP, and of course I'd choose one of my favorite characters in movies (Winter Soldier) as my character's appearance. I believe my partner went random. Here's what they look like.

In any case, I got a piece done which is the first animation piece I've commissioned. I believe the animator hasn't been doing this work for too long, but I think he did a great job. I basically sent him the actual RP of the scene I wanted him to animate and he did it. I had to explain a few nuances but other than that, I wanted him to use his own interpretation of the writing to animate it.

I've got an RP site that has other media that I've edited and commissions if you want to take a gander. I love doing and getting these done. I think it immensely adds to any RP.

Also thinking about maybe doing an Elite RP. Or Starfield. Sci-fi keeps being my jam.

Last edit: 21 Oct 2023, 8:19pm
21 Oct 2023, 8:48pm
And now, excuse me! But since i'm sick and tired of this madhouse goes on 17 years long and i'm sick and tired of it beyond words, because some peoples unable to notice nobody gives a damn to it i forced to open my mouth here's one last thing i take care of.

The next time someone calls me a coward because i refuse to let myself robbed blind, or waste my breath on some lunacies and lunatics, he's going to be wrecked so hard he's going to wish he's dead. And that's simply because whomever keeps spinning on something this stupid this long, is raving mad and nothing else can be done with him but to put prison asylum (arkham!!!) or grave. And that's it. Yes! All of this are this stupid and this much of a lunacy.

Now, some peoples does better to get lost with any and all of this nonsense, cease all of their attempts, because we are here to play and talk about this game and nothing else!

Thank you!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:28am
21 Oct 2023, 8:59pm
Aleksander Majjam It used to be that I had two longstanding RPs going and now I'm just down to one (unfortunately) which is Star Wars..

The last Star Wars MMORPG I played was Star Wars Galaxies, way WAY back in the day. Had a great time, with lots of great RPers.

It was phenomenal once they introduced the "Storyteller" update where you could create your own missions/quests for other people and create temporary in-world structures. There was a monthly open air RP market that moved around the galaxy with often 20 or more traders setting up shop. People got REAL creative. building huge bases , arenas, just about anything.
21 Oct 2023, 9:08pm
In the game of scissors, do not run with ice on your shoes. The jogging dog in the street? Always the words last a person must have. Troof!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:28am
21 Oct 2023, 9:18pm
The bottom line? Some things never going to happen!
21 Oct 2023, 9:50pm
...And I thought I'm a headcase. Lol.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:28am
21 Oct 2023, 10:06pm
Blue because ice cream doesn't have bones

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:29am
21 Oct 2023, 11:30pm
Btw? Still not a Charlie. Acting like we care while we are not and even less consequent about it? Just hypocrisy. Any and all what i has been said about any of these matters, means exactly just that and remains exactly how i left these debates. Sorry, but I'm not the kind of man, whom turning his coat and changing his mind every time when the wind changes, as the likes of some do. To do this, some serious reasons are necessary, but this far all i had seen is undiluted batshit!

Some peoples can feel free to turn upside down the entire world if this is what they think it takes to make it work, but here's a very simple thing.
A lie is a lie when everyone believes it and truth is truth, when nobody believes it. And this is just it. So no, absolutely nothing going to change.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:29am
21 Oct 2023, 11:45pm
Roger that, Minnie. Nothing changes. No changing of underwear. Big Brother is watching. Thoughcrime is doubleplusbad. We have always been at war with Eurasia.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:29am
22 Oct 2023, 12:43am
Is there anything important left out? Oh yes, moral relativism! The idea of it is appealing at the first glance, i myself though of it than at the same post scrapped than threw it out as the sure sign of moral insanity. Because morals may and can vary, based on a lot of things. But when we talking about this sort of relativism? Simplified what we talking about mixing up the lack of or thereof the light. Yet another crazy idea and just to think it does possible? Means something is really wrong in someone's head.

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