
30 Oct 2023, 4:08pm
Omnes viae carcer ducunt.
30 Oct 2023, 5:17pm
I unblock out of curiosity and immediately see a major red flag hmmmm

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Oct 2023, 10:28pm
30 Oct 2023, 5:30pm

the bot you use should just be polite

calling folks stupid for words

fwiw, i see your posts in the forums, they seem human

here, my guess is you are using a really bad ai, and its filters need adjusting.

the word stupid has no 'nice' connotations and has no place in any conversation.

jaevli , sant?

for kva de betjier
words are powerful og Jaevli er en ant ord for devil

google has many many ways of re-distributing a meaning or a group of words but there is nothing like an actual human at the wheel.

no idea if anyone actually complained
probably a good idea to re-read several times before clicking on the submit bar.
uni-directional posts tend to offend the reader when bad or rather un-nice words get inserted. could easily have offended thousands for zero reason, or rather simply for a lack of a useful word in place of an insulting word.
on another note...
wait a month to fix mission boards that took 1 clown 0.1 second to break, rnd(0)*64536 = 0+1 or 'rnd(0)*64536 = mxc
instancing, gotta love it....never knew there was a valid reason for solo till now......thanks for tht one fdev.....can't jump, can't exit sc if I get there, can't get to sc if peple r there, can't jump into a system if peple r there/....did not even guess the game could get so damaged..

seems a lot like intentional.
like - hey you guys - stop what you are doing and go play with the only working area of the game......goid city.
any idea at all what the instancing adjustment affected?
I have 3 interdictors after me at all times.
now thanks to this 'adjustment, I can't go in or out of sc or into or outof a system unless all 3 are right in front of me - meaning I always have to wait for the 3 interdictors to get into place before I can jump to another system, or jump into sc.

makes powerplay day a nightmare
makes docking a nightmare

seems odd that I can only fly normal in Goid space.

buy another server, the Acorn is no longer taking calls!!!!. or the acoustic modem has a fly in it...or a cicada having this dream....

i really like the game but so very tired of seeing a spinney for everything...except goid stuff...go figure.
I'm not a goid killer, i do enjoy watching them and feeding them though.

and i dis-like immensely that the only way I see to defeat this pathetic adjustment is to be in solo where I normally NEVER go.
so interesting, that it removes any and all choppiness to the graphics. and soooooo nice to be able to in and out of sc when I tell my ship to, as well as no wait time to go from system to system....

so used to selecting open though, now I kill the game 100 times a day cause I keep NOT selecting SOLO...thats not time consuming at all.
maybe just remove open from my menu...I'll do it. can't trust the creator to do it pc does not want to mine for bitcoin.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Oct 2023, 10:28pm
30 Oct 2023, 5:32pm
He isn't a native English speaker, more likely.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Oct 2023, 10:28pm
30 Oct 2023, 5:42pm
They're listed as their home language being Hungarian, yea. My concern isn't about grammar, it's the weird accusatory ramblings reminiscent of people who believe in a secret world order

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Oct 2023, 10:28pm
30 Oct 2023, 5:53pm
(PS4) madamepestilence (RPIU)They're listed as their home language being Hungarian, yea. My concern isn't about grammar, it's the weird accusatory ramblings reminiscent of people who believe in a secret world order

Yep. My reply was addressed to Milesred above who supposed it's a bot.
As for the 'content'... Somebody's trying very hard to make his statements sound like 'final words in the argument' even if there's no argument, or 'the only truth' even if there's no universal truth at all, or 'drawing the bottom line' even if he does that three consecutive times.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Oct 2023, 10:28pm
30 Oct 2023, 7:14pm
not a bot, as I indicated,[ I see his posts in the forums], quite human and no, not native english
his rambling's here though seem more like a bot or rather an ai of some sort, attempting to make sense of some words he is feeding it.
his posts in the forum are sane, these are very far from that.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Oct 2023, 10:28pm
31 Oct 2023, 1:15am
@Artie, at some point you've got to put a stop to this, right? I mean... it feels almost like AI spam.

I suppose I could just block, but I have no idea how to.
31 Oct 2023, 1:33am
Aleksander Majjam@Artie, at some point you've got to put a stop to this, right? I mean... it feels almost like AI spam.

I suppose I could just block, but I have no idea how to.

Yes, as mentioned in the Elite: Game talk thread a few hours ago, I will move/remove whatever simply doesn't make any sense in the context of the thread (or at all). The users can be blocked under My profile > Contacts > Ignored users.
31 Oct 2023, 3:10am
The point of case? Don't talk into things you shouldn't nor you can. And if some peoples cannot put this anywhere that's maybe because none of their business, but there's no other way to put things to their place, simply because they don't stop. I'm sorry but not sorry.
31 Oct 2023, 3:10am
Aleksander Majjam@Artie, at some point you've got to put a stop to this, right? I mean... it feels almost like AI spam.

I suppose I could just block, but I have no idea how to.

Yes, as mentioned in the Elite: Game talk thread a few hours ago, I will move/remove whatever simply doesn't make any sense in the context of the thread (or at all). The users can be blocked under My profile > Contacts > Ignored users.

Thank ya!!
31 Oct 2023, 3:21am
That's so amusingly stupid. :p
31 Oct 2023, 3:24am
Do you mean't infuriatingly stupid? because this is how i feel. Private matters. They cannot ever!!! talk into or interfere with any of it.
And never going to be anyone else's business. There isn't opening up talking about it or anything.

none. of. your. busniess. and. this. goes. to. all. sides.
01 Nov 2023, 6:46pm
Aleksander Majjam@Artie, at some point you've got to put a stop to this, right? I mean... it feels almost like AI spam.

I suppose I could just block, but I have no idea how to.

Yes, as mentioned in the Elite: Game talk thread a few hours ago, I will move/remove whatever simply doesn't make any sense in the context of the thread (or at all). The users can be blocked under My profile > Contacts > Ignored users.

Already put in use. Maybe a better access is necessary? Because if we have to seek basic functions in the deepest bowels of the site? That's makes it basically non - existent.
06 Nov 2023, 9:17pm
General reminder for y'all to drink water :3c

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