
22 Oct 2023, 2:40am
Betting back to the pervious topic, and you do better not trying to make fun of this, and talking about chess is you know what sort of not just lost their marbles but never had any of? This case long solved with the Heineken red star moronism. Done and done, and guess by whom? That can be ported to any and all of these.

And talking about what you mentioned? Here's a reason of it, a dystopian fiction it is what it is. none of these are real nor it can be implemented to life, while we keep our sanity. One of it will going to go.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:29am
22 Oct 2023, 3:02am
Absolutely, Minnie. Heineken red star moronism is the key to intergalactic cheese-painting. Have you ever tried quantum chess with singing unicorns? It's like a kaleidoscope of peanut butter dreams. Dystopian fiction is just the tip of the iceberg lettuce, and when the moon cheese sings, you'll find the secret to harmonizing. Keep those marbles rolling, my friend, and remember, the cheeseburgers never left the room where the spoons are having a disco party. Hm, this game, yes?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:29am
22 Oct 2023, 3:31am
Oh it's funny i get that. you know where's the issue? After all the crap gone down my nerves not just ragged or i'm in short fuse, but one hairline away from going cobalt warhead loaded ICBM ballistic. Not the smartest thing, when some peoples thinking to annoy someone whom is in terms of power is the walking equivalent of a supernova explosion is funneh...

Playing with matchstick in an army depot. That's what it is.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:29am
22 Oct 2023, 3:52am
Meh. If others being nervous on your brain is bothering, have no caring emotions. Dismiss like water rolling on greasy marble stone. Sometimes making noise at them gives them louder reason. Yes, quiet and ignore nonsense. Irony is strong.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:28am
22 Oct 2023, 4:47am
Remember what did i said mosquitos? This is a no go when this going on for years and years. It leaves a mark.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:28am
22 Oct 2023, 5:05am
Vasil Vasilescu
Aleksander Majjam It used to be that I had two longstanding RPs going and now I'm just down to one (unfortunately) which is Star Wars..

The last Star Wars MMORPG I played was Star Wars Galaxies, way WAY back in the day. Had a great time, with lots of great RPers.

It was phenomenal once they introduced the "Storyteller" update where you could create your own missions/quests for other people and create temporary in-world structures. There was a monthly open air RP market that moved around the galaxy with often 20 or more traders setting up shop. People got REAL creative. building huge bases , arenas, just about anything.

I heard Galaxies was awesome. Was that the one where it took ages to become a Jedi if that's the class you chose? I wish I would've played it. I didn't know an MMORPG of that type was heavy into the RP scene, but I see how it could be.
22 Oct 2023, 5:08am
MinonianIs there anything important left out? Oh yes, moral relativism! The idea of it is appealing at the first glance, i myself though of it than at the same post scrapped than threw it out as the sure sign of moral insanity. Because morals may and can vary, based on a lot of things. But when we talking about this sort of relativism? Simplified what we talking about mixing up the lack of or thereof the light. Yet another crazy idea and just to think it does possible? Means something is really wrong in someone's head.

Pray to J, I did the same-ol', same-ol'. Hey, knock yo'self a pro, Slick. That gray matter backlot perform us down; I take TCBin', man! Hey, you know what they say. See a broad to get dat booty ac'ion, lay 'er down, or smack 'em, yak 'em!
22 Oct 2023, 5:15am
Point of case? When someone trying to give you the sorta morals are bad and just a made up nonsense social construct & blah & blah & blah, you can know for sure, someone as rotten or simply just misguided humanly it can possibly gets. Well, they are at least unaware of it what's above and below it.

Lucky them...
22 Oct 2023, 6:59am
Minonianpower is the walking equivalent of a supernova explosion is funneh...
Dare to show? :p

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:28am
22 Oct 2023, 8:22am
Minonianpower is the walking equivalent of a supernova explosion is funneh...

Dare to show? :p

Uh oh. You've done it now.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:28am
22 Oct 2023, 4:55pm
Aleksander Majjam I heard Galaxies was awesome. Was that the one where it took ages to become a Jedi if that's the class you chose? I wish I would've played it. I didn't know an MMORPG of that type was heavy into the RP scene, but I see how it could be.

Originally, yes. Until Sony completely changed the class system where anyone could just be a jedi. But they were also nerfed pretty heavy after that.

At first, there was a secret formula for unlocking the Jedi class, which would be a second character on your account They were rare and kicked ass. I remember watching a Jedi take out six other players with ease. However, the drawback was that if the Jedi was killed, they had to start all over again. So, most of them hid until they got powerful enough to be seen in public. Especially since there were open bounties on any Jedi that exhibited force powers in public.

The original game used profession skill trees rather than classes. You had basic skills in everything, but it allowed you to fully Master two professions and round out your skillset with anything else. Plus, you could change skillsets by dropping experience in one tree and starting to earn it in another.

Then Sony updated the game with "New Game Enhancements" that changed everything to a WOW-like class system. I think they did it to lure in players who did not want to think, or actually work for anything. So, I went from being a Master Ranger/Pistoleer to being a Spy, which kinda sucked but it was the closest thing to being a ranger.
23 Oct 2023, 5:08am
Still beats begin a traitorous lying roach whom thinks he's a spymaster but everyone knows. this is what you get if someone thinks it's enough to fake his diploma at the spy academy just like he done with his other... And so as everyone knows trying to do others make his dirty job by smearing or otherwise leveraging em just to get himself reinstalled as a big boss. Nope! Not gonna happen he can keep divide with zero till the end of times, its still going to be nothing.

He was is and forever will be a loser one and only capable spread his dirt to everyone else and keep sneaking around like only a stealth clown can do. It's a joke... A bad one, we are all sick and tired of it.

PS; There's only one napoleon at here, and that's ain't no me. Me? It's just the fact i have more than enough brains to not go back where i got the treatment i did nothing good can come out of it. Only a fool fights for what's bad to him. Besides? still beats begin "racist" for "reasons" someone only did not lost his marbles because he had none to start with. So much about that load of garbage some peoples brought together. It's nothing else, but a big pile of vomit. Any of their doing is just that. Well, i'd rather to be that one, and on the top of it illiberal like to has anything to do with them, and their lunacy.

Last edit: 23 Oct 2023, 5:25am
23 Oct 2023, 8:42pm
One more thing i like that very much when some fools thinking blackmailing or anything alike works on me and i will going to side with them, right after i said straight to their face loud and clear as crystal my answer will be the total annihilation of all the madness they trying to force into the world. and while they trying to edify me of their lunacy, and force it anyways i just keep wrecking them.

And that's the one and only thing ever going to happen as an answer to all of their attempts. there's no negotiation or anything else. never was, nor ever going to be. And just for the record? Blackmailing just another thing can get em into prison. And this is just that.

Last edit: 23 Oct 2023, 8:49pm
24 Oct 2023, 12:54am
Not the slightest, not at all. But to put it simple to be duped by others is not helping on one in need,
When someone begin held at gunpoint than robbed blind he's not donating for charity.
When someone got smolletted he wasn't got an eye opener.

And when someone robs you blind you are not helping on the good cause and neither he's.

And what can be taken for granted, the ones whom doing anything like this and worse are not the good guys, nor in need never was nor ever going to be.

And the absolute bottom line of all of this? After i had been put trough, seen and first handedly experienced, there's no way in hell to give me the crap, they are the good guys and they are right about anything not to mention the ones they trying to make appear like the devil are the bad ones.

And yes this all are also game related referring into things still going on. And guess someone whom also touched by some of these are here and watching.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 24 Oct 2023, 7:56am
30 Oct 2023, 3:03pm
Just for the record? Not a single thing going to change because a post is removed. i said what i mean't and i stand for it.
This is how it will be, no matter what some peoples thinking and doing.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Oct 2023, 10:27pm

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