
15 Oct 2023, 9:14pm
Aleksander Majjamthis woman said that she will start teaching gun safety courses.
This was a gun safety course: don't give a gun to a child, or bad stuff will happen!
Quite an effective one, I have to give her credit.
15 Oct 2023, 9:27pm
Aleksander Majjamthis woman said that she will start teaching gun safety courses.

This was a gun safety course: don't give a gun to a child, or bad stuff will happen!
Quite an effective one, I have to give her credit.

True that!
15 Oct 2023, 11:43pm
Carrots are potatoes slimmer, super model cousins.
16 Oct 2023, 12:29am
The real issue is some peoples never learn, that's why some things shouldn't been allowed. And even worse? Stupid is a constant which refuses to go out. Oh yes we can let mother nature do the work, but if we do this we forget about some things. The peoples not just stupid because mother nature made em this way, but at a lot of cases they refuse to understand a thing. This is the first part. The second? Humanity intellect can evolve but there always will be the dumber ones. Smarter than today? Yes, but still the dumber ones, so ultimately we resolved nothing, not the thing this supposed to. And got back to square one.
16 Oct 2023, 1:13am
Vasil VasilescuCarrots are potatoes slimmer, super model cousins.

They’re also a lot less interesting to eat. I’d trade a carrot in for a potato at any point of the week(especially if I could chop up said potato and roast it some to make it nice and crunchy… not so much a fan if it’s just boiled/cooked whole in water).
16 Oct 2023, 3:09am
Kasumi Goto
Vasil VasilescuCarrots are potatoes slimmer, super model cousins.

They’re also a lot less interesting to eat. I’d trade a carrot in for a potato at any point of the week(especially if I could chop up said potato and roast it some to make it nice and crunchy… not so much a fan if it’s just boiled/cooked whole in water).

Look at what you've done...

16 Oct 2023, 12:54pm
Sorry, I guess? It’s just a matter of fact in my life that I… really don’t like carrots much. Or most vegetables, for that matter. Whatever qualifies as a vegetable, I don’t even know if potatoes are. And I keep forgetting whether olives are fruit or another thing… those, I quite like, though.
16 Oct 2023, 12:59pm
Sorry, but i'm not sorry not just a bit. Some things takes two.
the. end.

Oh yes, the kid in the candy store making a ruckus. Well? Here's a thing he's not hurt, he's just throwing a temper tantrum because he did not got the chocolate he want's. Well, sorry but not a single flying fart given.

Last edit: 16 Oct 2023, 1:22pm
16 Oct 2023, 4:43pm
Hmm. I carrot vodka.
17 Oct 2023, 12:08am
Kasumi GotoSorry, I guess? It’s just a matter of fact in my life that I… really don’t like carrots much. Or most vegetables, for that matter. Whatever qualifies as a vegetable, I don’t even know if potatoes are. And I keep forgetting whether olives are fruit or another thing… those, I quite like, though.

As long as they're cooked, carrots are amazing. Raw, not so much. Olives though... mmm, yes.
21 Oct 2023, 4:41am
They day when im going to waste my breath on a sort of crazy, tolerate crazy or care about any and all of their petty pathetic attempts, efforts and actions? Of which worth is quite honestly is the worth of a toilet paper? Yeah... they can wipe their butt with it and that's the best outcome to them compared to how this can go down to them.

When hell freezes over.

Vasil Vasilescu
madamepestilence I have noticed that Discord trips it as forbidden; I think it thinks it's a Nazi eagle, and I can see the resemblance. (Context: I made some images of various Elite symbols by hand, and noticed that I was unable to post them into public Discord art channels.)

Technically anything that looks like a stylized eagle looks sort of like the Nazi eagle.

Crest of Hyrule
WH40K Imperial Eagle
The Roman Eagle atop the SPQR banners
Native America Thunderbird
Eagle on the Egyptian flag.

Sometimes censors can go too far in an effort to protect peoples' sensibilities. I recall reading somewhere that the Union Jack was once flagged (pun intended) as inappropriate because it vaguely resembled the American Confederate battle flag in shape and colors.

Which is a load of bollocks, and another street we never going to get into especially at here, and from my party anyone starts this sort of crap? Simply just going to find himself out! And if it wasn't enough of a clue? Things going to turn awfully nasty at light speed.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:30am
21 Oct 2023, 5:23am
Ps; Do you know what's the point of punishment and how it works? It's bad! If i know for sure it's bad, than we can definitely say it's works on the ones whom deserving it which is ain't no me. And any sort of foul play like this, Court... For millions of reasons. And so as any sort of attempt, at any ways after the other says no to crack the nut is harassment. Yes, using messengers puppets media or whatever included and yes i know i just don't and never going to care. For which yet again? Court... Or self defense which by taken into account the circumstances can be extinction level event bad, and it's still proportional. Now what some punks has to ask, if i have the necessary power? And naturally, they know i do. And after it, they have to ask if they are feeling lucky? Which they are not, but extremely unlucky. And no it's not an accident these things stopped working, nor its an accident any sort of meddling with me and my things having devastating consequences.

And so as after someone thrown out a certain moron, they cannot say otherwise and force it anyways only a court can make such decisions, which they are not, nor they can forbid or tell anything for which yet again considering the circumstances they can find themselves in a court, and can face a very long time behind bars.

And of course? Any and all attempt of theirs one and only met with the three wise monkey and that's the only thing it will going to happen, and none of it going to be left without retorsions which means serious wrecking.

And just for the record? if any of em just once seriously broken the law, they have no other choice but to back off once for all because none of these going to be tolerated or overlooked and they can find themselves in a court for that one. Now if you peoples stop using your puppets and scram once for all, i would be very thankful.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:30am
21 Oct 2023, 6:57am
What the fuck is going on here...? I can't tell if this is absurd roleplay or if you've made up an imaginary scenario in your head and then projected it onto people to get mad at

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:30am
21 Oct 2023, 7:04am
Vasil VasilescuTechnically anything that looks like a stylized eagle looks sort of like the Nazi eagle.


Sometimes censors can go too far in an effort to protect peoples' sensibilities. I recall reading somewhere that the Union Jack was once flagged (pun intended) as inappropriate because it vaguely resembled the American Confederate battle flag in shape and colors.

To be fair, Discord has been slowly integrating image and text detection algorithms instead of leaving it to human moderation (which is the preferred method within servers), as well as creating an "AI" (which is mainly just chatbot + machine learning, not really an AI) to communicate with (I genuinely don't even know anyone that wants to use it)

It's probably just a misunderstanding from the computer regarding the actual contents of the image, like how image detection software was literally trained by humans doing CAPTCHA image tests (I wish that was a joke), both from unpaid people unaware and people being paid slave wages (even compared to their own countries' minimum wages) with inconsistent paychecks for what is essentially unreliable contract work for training a computer to replace them, and not necessarily an actual intent to censor

It's also only done that on higher security servers, like servers that receive high traffic from alt accounts that specifically join to harass and scam people in the server, of which I'm present in a server where a moderator literally had to program an alt detection bot because 2 people have been consistently joining on alt accounts and harassing people for 5+ years (again, I wish that was a joke)

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:30am
21 Oct 2023, 9:36am
i afraid it's still over some peoples heads. they did not ever won a single debate or achieved anything. They are just and with all of their nonsense alongside with their puppets forever will be unworthy to waste my time on them, and if they really don't know when to stop, either my fist going to do all the talks after which they do better to lie they were fell down a stair, because otherwise? Comes option 2 court. And they are exactly aware of it i know who they are they are exactly know i know what's going on. Nor I'm ever going to be dragged into any of this or take a note of them, and their nonsense.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Oct 2023, 11:28am

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