
30 Dec 2023, 5:06am
Aleksander MajjamHaha. Do tell, MeowCat.

Do you want to see me banned and cancelled for hate-speech and my welcome mat shat on? I've no time for that shit, there are still fanfics to write, lol.

LMAO. Well, now that makes me even MORE curious, but... I'll let you off the hook.
30 Dec 2023, 1:36pm
Aleksander MajjamI know every hates AI more than anything in the universe, but this music prompt thing from google is kind of cool.

Being a real musician as I play several instruments (not keyboards) and play in several bands (and have done for at least 20 years) this is definitely not cool???? it’s an abomination. The idiots at google should be shot will balls of their own poo as should the creators of the Ai.
30 Dec 2023, 3:11pm
Looks like a phishing scam to collect people's gmail addresses.
30 Dec 2023, 6:37pm
SakashiroLooks like a phishing scam to collect people's gmail addresses.

Everything is a means to collect email addresses. But be assured that it is only for keeping you informed. It is never used as a marketing tool to spam ads to your inbox or get you to click on a link to claim your $200 gift card. Really. It is the interwebz, you can trust it.
30 Dec 2023, 6:58pm
Vasil VasilescuEverything is a means to collect email addresses.

Nothing wrong with that if they offer something in return. But in this case it's not clear what's being offered.
31 Dec 2023, 11:43am
Anyways, happy new year to everyone out of there in the void and watch out for space hampters.

31 Dec 2023, 6:47pm
31 Dec 2023, 10:49pm
Typical Game Company: Let's knowingly release a rushed, buggy game and maybe fix it later. We must get lots of money and show a profit for our investors.

Modders Who Just Like The Game: Sorry, but we will have to delay our release. We want to be sure the mod works before releasing it because, as players, we hate buggy crap. Thanks for being patient with us.
31 Dec 2023, 11:35pm
Vasil VasilescuTypical Game Company: Let's knowingly release a rushed, buggy game and maybe fix it later. We must get lots of money and show a profit for our investors.

Modders Who Just Like The Game: Sorry, but we will have to delay our release. We want to be sure the mod works before releasing it because, as players, we hate buggy crap. Thanks for being patient with us.

I mean, you kinda' just explained why things are the way they are with that.

The problem with investors is you land yourself an obligation to try and give them a return, and in a timely manner. The trade-off, ideally, is funds you'd otherwise not have.

Modders, typically, have zero deadlines at all to consider. Thus, they can just take however long they feel they need to create as quality a production as they feel they can. This is also why Larian was able to take as long as they bloody pleased to make BG3: The company is mostly owned by Swen, the founder. He doesn't have investors to answer to, as he gets the lion's share of control on his company.

Moral of the story: Investors don't give a crap if you like the game or not. Vote with your wallet, don't pre-order, etc. Probably won't make a difference but you can at least personally be above that shite.
01 Jan 2024, 10:22am
Un1kornMoral of the story: Investors don't give a crap if you like the game or not.

They do, but you have to tell them with your wallet. If you buy and don't refund, they'll conclude that you're a happy customer. Which is reasonable because even preorders can be refunded.

What surprises me is that people were caught off guard by Starfield. Looking at Bethesda's recent performance, the writing was on the wall with sixteen times the detail.
01 Jan 2024, 3:29pm
Un1kornMoral of the story: Investors don't give a crap if you like the game or not.

They do, but you have to tell them with your wallet. If you buy and don't refund, they'll conclude that you're a happy customer. Which is reasonable because even preorders can be refunded.

What surprises me is that people were caught off guard by Starfield. Looking at Bethesda's recent performance, the writing was on the wall with sixteen times the detail.


And yet people keep buying shite games from devs known for pumping out crap without hesitation.

Hence I say that even if a handful change, it won't make a difference as the silent many just mindlessly buy anyway, and then give the ol' shocked Pika face when yet again the game sucks, as those devs and investors know that people are gonna' buy anyway.

Seriously: They don't give a crap about quality, as it's clear that the customer base as a whole doesn't either. If they did, they'd not buy anything.

But they do. There is blame on customers here too, and they are not always right. Usually the opposite actually.
01 Jan 2024, 7:36pm

And yet people keep buying shite games from devs known for pumping out crap without hesitation.

Hence I say that even if a handful change, it won't make a difference as the silent many just mindlessly buy anyway, and then give the ol' shocked Pika face when yet again the game sucks, as those devs and investors know that people are gonna' buy anyway.

Seriously: They don't give a crap about quality, as it's clear that the customer base as a whole doesn't either. If they did, they'd not buy anything.

But they do. There is blame on customers here too, and they are not always right. Usually the opposite actually.

Fully agree. In the end it's the customers that decide the direction of an industry. Investors will fund anything and anyone that delivers a return. And we need those investors because no one will build a Bethesda-sized game as a hobby. Bethesda has had a long history of success, so you can't really blame anyone for betting their money on Bethesda. But nothing lasts forever.

Which leaves us with the question, what went wrong? It's easy to play armchair quarterback and blame the Creation Engine or Emil Pagliarulo, but something that I've learned in recent years is that creative people often do not know what makes their creations popular and successful. It's not rare that once they think they've figured out the formula, they fail spectacularly. Even consumers often cannot tell why they like one thing and dislike another. For example, you'll often hear that Fallout New Vegas is the best Fallout game, and Fallout 4 is the worst. Yet at this very moment, Fallout 4 is the most played Fallout title on Steam, surpassing all its predecessors in the franchise as well as Fallout 76, and even surpassing Starfield. Why is that? Bethesda would love to know, but no one can tell them, because even the players don't seem to know.
01 Jan 2024, 8:42pm
Un1kornMoral of the story: Investors don't give a crap if you like the game or not.

They do, but you have to tell them with your wallet. If you buy and don't refund, they'll conclude that you're a happy customer. Which is reasonable because even preorders can be refunded.

What surprises me is that people were caught off guard by Starfield. Looking at Bethesda's recent performance, the writing was on the wall with sixteen times the detail.


And yet people keep buying shite games from devs known for pumping out crap without hesitation.

Hence I say that even if a handful change, it won't make a difference as the silent many just mindlessly buy anyway, and then give the ol' shocked Pika face when yet again the game sucks, as those devs and investors know that people are gonna' buy anyway.

Seriously: They don't give a crap about quality, as it's clear that the customer base as a whole doesn't either. If they did, they'd not buy anything.

But they do. There is blame on customers here too, and they are not always right. Usually the opposite actually.

It all comes down to personal preference, and as such, who are you to tell someone that they are wrong for playing and/or enjoying a game that you don't like?

Believe it or not, there are more casual gamers out there than hardcore ones who don't give a shit about game reviews and give even less shit about user reviews. Even buggy is subjective for some people these days. MW3 is one of the worst reviewed games in terms of CoD, but will top a billion in sales (if it didn't happen already). GT7 has the lowest reviewed user scores I've ever seen for a Sony game, but will sell millions anyway because it's a Sony exclusive. The same with Bethesda games (which are now backed by the 2 trillion dollar company that owns them).

"Voting with your wallet" is also a term that's thrown around, but can it even make a dent? No. Not in the least. On one end of the spectrum, companies can go Larian's route and charge for early access. Most console players (and even a sizable amount of PC players) didn't even know that BG3 was in early access since 2020. I'm sure people will scoff at paying for an unfinished game, while others are perfectly happy to fork over cash for an alpha/beta, unfinished game (there are plenty of those out there right now). Honestly, complaining on X is probably a better way to get your voice in gaming heard, rather than voting with your wallet.

On the other end of the spectrum, companies don't mind releasing games in less than optimal states, because they can just fix them later. Not only will they pick up sales post-release, these companies will get acclaim for release games in a shit state and have a rise above the fire feel-good story to put out fixes to make a more round about game that should've been there on release. The industry and gamers literally reward this and it's hilarious to me that people will compare a months old Starfield release to a three year old fixed CP2077 release and say, "This is how it's done!" or "Look at what this game has that the other doesn't!" LOL. I mean, at the game awards, CDPR got the award for "Best Ongoing Game". You can literally have one of the worst releases in gaming and years down the line, win awards for putting out "ongoing" patches and fixes for your game where people will ignore your shit release game and compare your finished game as a benchmark.

These days, unless you are an up and coming dev and/or indie dev, you're pretty much shielded from any negative aspects pertaining to your game.
01 Jan 2024, 8:55pm
Aleksander MajjamThese days, unless you are an up and coming dev and/or indie dev, you're pretty much shielded from any negative aspects pertaining to your game.
Until the AI replaces you. Amen. Lol.
01 Jan 2024, 9:15pm
It all comes down to personal preference, and as such, who are you to tell someone that they are wrong for playing and/or enjoying a game that you don't like?

Anyone who keeps buying games then saying they hate them, are absolutely making a mistake by keeping on with buying things when there's zero indication quality has improved. I suppose if you're into making yourself feel jaded then perhaps it's not a mistake. Weird kink but you do you I guess?

Even buggy is subjective for some people these days.

Not here but in the Elite Game Talk channel, already covered this when I said:
My opinion? People are deluding themselves if they think this game is ever going to be "fixed", which in itself is a thing that differs depending on who you ask.


MW3 is one of the worst reviewed games in terms of CoD, but will top a billion in sales

Exactly the point I have been making.

GT7 has the lowest reviewed user scores I've ever seen for a Sony game, but will sell millions anyway because it's a Sony exclusive.

Mindless purchasing of customers at full display here. Buy because exclusive? It makes zero sense from a critical standpoint.

The same with Bethesda games (which are now backed by the 2 trillion dollar company that owns them).

Painfully aware. The UESP (Elder Scrolls wiki) community has been where some of my best friends came into my life, and yes, I meet them in person very often. In fact I was at one of their homes over Christmas, as I was in 2022's festive season.

"Voting with your wallet" is also a term that's thrown around, but can it even make a dent? No. Not in the least.

Hence I say that even if a handful change, it won't make a difference as the silent many just mindlessly buy anyway


On one end of the spectrum, companies can go Larian's route and charge for early access.

Not necessarily. Larian has freedom to do this as they have no investors to answer to by way of Swen holding the majority of the company. A company with heavy investor control simply might not have any choice but to release earlier and by a deadline as demanded by those shareholders. That is how such business works. More shares = More power over decisions. Hence Swen can do as he pleases with Larian, as he holds the power there. Most studios on the bigger side do not have this level of freedom.

I'm sure people will scoff at paying for an unfinished game

And yet people do this simply because it lacks the early access label. Result: Complaints of a game feeling unfinished. Case in point: Much of the criticism Starfield faces currently.

Honestly, complaining on X is probably a better way to get your voice in gaming heard, rather than voting with your wallet.

Maybe. It might also simply get ignored as with anywhere else. There are better things to do with one's life, such as my work which I will be returning to after writing this during my break for the evening.

On the other end of the spectrum, companies don't mind releasing games in less than optimal states, because they can just fix them later. Not only will they pick up sales post-release, these companies will get acclaim for release games in a shit state and have a rise above the fire feel-good story to put out fixes to make a more round about game that should've been there on release. The industry and gamers literally reward this and it's hilarious to me that people will compare a months old Starfield release to a three year old fixed CP2077 release and say, "This is how it's done!" or "Look at what this game has that the other doesn't!" LOL. I mean, at the game awards, CDPR got the award for "Best Ongoing Game". You can literally have one of the worst releases in gaming and years down the line, win awards for putting out "ongoing" patches and fixes for your game where people will ignore your shit release game and compare your finished game as a benchmark.

This is the only part of your post that makes sense.

Yes, folk have very short memories. Elite Dangerous players included.

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