
07 Jul 2023, 2:40pm
Yuna Sakashiro
MeowersAlso, stabbing a roof of a car with a knife can make the car explode in this game. Immersive!

At least it takes a knife. ED ships could be destroyed by punching the landing gear with fists.

Or the ground punching it with a rock from out of nowhere because you ... add a shield generator? Yeeeeaaaa... guilty of that. Fortunately my rebuy was cheap. Steep learning curve when it comes to landing and there's no one to use your docking computer >.>
07 Jul 2023, 3:14pm
Kira GotoWeapons? Let me guess, it might have something to do with the magic curving bullets that perfectly track the target?

And the cars blowing up when they’re not hit with something that’s supposed to make them explode is a bit eh, but I wouldn’t find that too bothersome. But different tolerances for different people.
Meh, totally oddball damage/protection mechanics. Too RPG'ish. Yeah, I understand, you shouldn't overpower that RPG game design with FPS playing skills, blah blah blah, but unloading an entire magazine into someone's face only to see their health bar dropping to 50%... not my cup of tea or whatsoever.

And, yeah, only... two or three assault rifle models? Ugh.
07 Jul 2023, 6:39pm
Rebecca Hail
XeknosI'm looking forward to Phantom Liberty.

You look forward to clapping the NUSA president.

I mean, aren't we all?
10 Jul 2023, 2:04am
So I started playing No Man's Sky again after basically playing when it came out and holy shit... the game is kind of amazing now. If I want to play alone and survive and build, I can do that, but the game also has a hub for meeting new players and undertaking missions with them as a squadron and party. I had to start from the beginning of a playthrough, so I'm fairly new. Still, I'm absolutely impressed in how far they've come.
21 Jul 2023, 9:02am
The future is here.

22 Jul 2023, 11:30am
More AI nonsense hype?
23 Jul 2023, 2:49am
Aleksander MajjamSo I started playing No Man's Sky again after basically playing when it came out and holy shit... the game is kind of amazing now. If I want to play alone and survive and build, I can do that, but the game also has a hub for meeting new players and undertaking missions with them as a squadron and party. I had to start from the beginning of a playthrough, so I'm fairly new. Still, I'm absolutely impressed in how far they've come.

Hi Aleksander,
If you don't mind me asking, are you using a HOTAS for NMS?
23 Jul 2023, 6:42pm
EpisparhMore AI nonsense hype?

We'll see how far it goes. It'll be interesting if it evolves in 5-10 where I might be out of a job because chat GPT can code better than I can.
23 Jul 2023, 6:44pm
Aleksander MajjamSo I started playing No Man's Sky again after basically playing when it came out and holy shit... the game is kind of amazing now. If I want to play alone and survive and build, I can do that, but the game also has a hub for meeting new players and undertaking missions with them as a squadron and party. I had to start from the beginning of a playthrough, so I'm fairly new. Still, I'm absolutely impressed in how far they've come.

Hi Aleksander,
If you don't mind me asking, are you using a HOTAS for NMS?

I'm playing NMS on consoles. However, if I were playing on PC I'd be using my Virpils. Constellation A-R, T-50 Throttle base, and Ace pedals.

There are much, much, much cheaper options for a game like NMS.
24 Jul 2023, 1:00am
Aleksander Majjam
Aleksander MajjamSo I started playing No Man's Sky again after basically playing when it came out and holy shit... the game is kind of amazing now. If I want to play alone and survive and build, I can do that, but the game also has a hub for meeting new players and undertaking missions with them as a squadron and party. I had to start from the beginning of a playthrough, so I'm fairly new. Still, I'm absolutely impressed in how far they've come.

Hi Aleksander,
If you don't mind me asking, are you using a HOTAS for NMS?

I'm playing NMS on consoles. However, if I were playing on PC I'd be using my Virpils. Constellation A-R, T-50 Throttle base, and Ace pedals.

There are much, much, much cheaper options for a game like NMS.

Thank you Aleksander,
I'm currently using a TM Warthog HOTAS and just bought NMS and was curious, if you were using HOTAS, how you set up your binds.
31 Jul 2023, 3:02am
Aleksander Majjam

Hi Aleksander,
If you don't mind me asking, are you using a HOTAS for NMS?

I'm playing NMS on consoles. However, if I were playing on PC I'd be using my Virpils. Constellation A-R, T-50 Throttle base, and Ace pedals.

There are much, much, much cheaper options for a game like NMS.

Thank you Aleksander,
I'm currently using a TM Warthog HOTAS and just bought NMS and was curious, if you were using HOTAS, how you set up your binds.

Sorry for the late reply! I used to have a Warthog several years ago. Great, sturdy metal stick. Did you get your keybinds set up?
01 Aug 2023, 1:34am
Aleksander Majjam
Aleksander Majjam

I'm playing NMS on consoles. However, if I were playing on PC I'd be using my Virpils. Constellation A-R, T-50 Throttle base, and Ace pedals.

There are much, much, much cheaper options for a game like NMS.

Thank you Aleksander,
I'm currently using a TM Warthog HOTAS and just bought NMS and was curious, if you were using HOTAS, how you set up your binds.

Sorry for the late reply! I used to have a Warthog several years ago. Great, sturdy metal stick. Did you get your keybinds set up?

No worries Aleksander, I do have my keybinds set up for Elite Dangerous, however I do not have them for NMS yet and was curious if you had some binds to share.

Just picked up a Virpil Alpha Constelation Left hand and WareBrd base, going to try a HOSAS set up for Elite first, then try it in NMS.
21 Aug 2023, 1:44pm
For educational purposes...

nothing game related
18 Sep 2023, 12:22am
Nightly thunderstorms are fun. Or they would be, if they didn’t keep me awake because I want to observe(and the lightning puts too much light into my eyes to sleep).

So you can guess what’s going on over here right now.
19 Sep 2023, 7:52pm
Kasumi GotoNightly thunderstorms are fun. Or they would be, if they didn’t keep me awake because I want to observe(and the lightning puts too much light into my eyes to sleep).

So you can guess what’s going on over here right now.

I'm the opposite. Nightly thunderstorms will put me to sleep very quickly. Even when there aren't any storms to go to sleep to, I rely on an Alexa app to play thunderstorm sounds.

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