
20 Nov 2023, 1:39am
Aleksander MajjamSometimes I wish I still had the old old consoles that probably wouldn't work anymore. Or that PC's still had diskettes. I'm a sucker for things of the olden days long forgotten.

Yeah, those vintage PCs really do have some... Atmosphere around them. Big whirring and clicking metal blocks with CRT monitors, running DOS and stuff like Norton Commander, with those funny old games. And what surprises me the most, many of them are still functional, even if they're like 30-40 years old and that's a hell of an age for a computer. Maybe having an old PC in my late teen years actually gave me the chance to look at all that timeless classic. Like Doom. Or X-Com. Or Dune. Or even Frontier. Because those were the only games I could run on that thing.

Sometimes I play old console games on an emulator, with a keyboard acting as a controller, but yeah, it's not the same experience. There was even a technical explanation about why old games are looking better on CRTs.

But I can't say that playing Doom on a modern 32'' LED isn't funny.

Alongside with the retro feeling, there's still the question, can you afford to have all the old stuff with the extra space it takes? Yes i understand vinyl and the lots maniac's but the question stand still... Where did you put all of that old stuff??? Here's a reason of it against all the old schooler reasoning and feelings, why it's better to keep and play anything on modern format.
28 Nov 2023, 2:14am
Hello so I've been gone from inara and ed for a while and recently came back and was just wandering if inara still had a link button to update everything I have in game because I can't seem to find it anymore
28 Nov 2023, 3:34am
You mean the "Import Game Data" button? I believe that only works for PC since FD stopped development of ED for consoles.
28 Nov 2023, 3:57am
Shrowded DragonHello so I've been gone from inara and ed for a while and recently came back and was just wandering if inara still had a link button to update everything I have in game because I can't seem to find it anymore

You can find it as the, "Import Game Data," button, as pointed out by CMDR Vasilescu. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for us Legacy players since the split.

On that topic, if you're looking for company, us Legacy players have actually created a Legacy Pilots Coalition - it's a cross-Squadron Legacy support network where we can organize and find other players.

You can find it here: Legacy Pilots Coalition Discord Server
28 Nov 2023, 4:03am
If you're looking to keep your data logged as a Legacy player, by the way, while you can't increase your Inara Ranks and Rewards, you can track your

Credits with View Credits > Add New Credits Record
Achievements with Achievement History > Manually add them
Game Ranks with Ranks and Reputation > Ranks and Awards > Edit Your Ranks
Faction and Powerplay Reputation with Ranks and Reputation > Factions Reputation > Edit Reputation
Engineers Reputation with Ranks and Reputation > Engineers Reputation > Edit Reputation

Since these can't be verified by Inara with a game link, these won't affect your Inara ratings or give you an Inara rank
29 Nov 2023, 1:11am
I want you all to appreciate the stupidly amusing name of this brand. I refuse to believe this was not done on purpose.

(If you’re wondering what it is, it’s some kind of supplement in the form of fish oil, for dogs/cats.)
29 Nov 2023, 1:35am
I see your Barfgold and raise you Pocari Sweat.
29 Nov 2023, 1:41am
Yeah... now that's a contender too. Not that I can read those characters(or tell clearly which of the three languages I think they belong to, it is).
29 Nov 2023, 2:44am
It is a Japanese sports drink I first encountered in Guam many years ago. It is kind of like a colorless, flavorless Gatorade. To this day I still wonder who Pocari is and why I would want to drink their sweat. But then I remember it comes from the same country that gave the world hentai tentacle porn.
29 Nov 2023, 3:09am
Well, alright… looked like Japanese to me, but I’m not familiar enough to say that confidently. Nor do I know how to read it.. but anyway.

Definitely would have raised an eyebrow at that name, had I encountered it ‘in the wild’…
29 Nov 2023, 4:55pm
Haha, it reminds me a legendary Ikea's brown rug named "Hoven". In some sale there were (digital) banners saying "Vyprodej Hoven", which in Czech language means "a sale of shits". It became a quite popular product. More popular than their extension cord "Koppla", which in Czech means something like "(it will) kick you", which is also not something you want to have associated with an electric device.
29 Nov 2023, 11:34pm
Artiebrown rug ... "a sale of shits"
Maybe that was not just a coincidence...
01 Dec 2023, 7:28am
Oh, I can't let this opportunity go to waste. Oh no, I can't.

I'll raise you all some booty.

01 Dec 2023, 12:31pm
Pocari Sweat is weird enough, but this takes the cake.

Also funny: The Japanese drink "Calpis" and why it was renamed to "Calpico" in the U.S.
01 Dec 2023, 5:00pm
Aleksander MajjamOh, I can't let this opportunity go to waste. Oh no, I can't.

I'll raise you all some booty.

I think you just won the hand.

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