
23 Dec 2023, 5:34am
CMDR Milesreddedicated fighters that fight 12-18 hours a day
I know a good psychiatrist...

By the way.
CMDR MilesredSome think if they were the programmer, they would do it better, so bad game....
A programmer's (speaking of games) responsibility is to implement features that game designers plan and think about, correctly and without bugs. Spotting inconsistencies, discrepancies, dead-ends, endless loops, possible hack/exploit holes etc. is good but optional in most cases.
23 Dec 2023, 5:53pm
yes and many gamers need help.
people that avoid a topic but chime in with sarcasm and insults ride the same ferry.
I wasn't aware inara was about shooting down others.

probably don't need other gamers pointing it out
to come into a game web site in a game chat and point that out takes some kinda special.
in 1 sentence you probably insulted most people reading.
so, either you are not an addicted or dedicated or retired gamer but just a casual gamer. like a casual smoker.
one of the paths of most gamers is to not sleep a lot, just take lots of bathroom and kitchen breaks
what else is wrong with us i wonder.

naive to think that there were not and are not hundreds to thousands that spend far more than 18 hours a day gaming.

otherwise my entire rant if you want to poke more, was about this
'hits from reddit to articles from Eurogamer detailing the grind of Elite... are they all wrong?'

imo they are mostly wrong and I explained some of why I think so.

I am one of the first to berate bad programming, most especially when something was working, then an update makes it not work.
Then take 3 months off to even acknowledge it because of holidays - like they used to do updates and patches on Thursdays and Fridays...all not cool things to do to people you want to play your game.
As for anyone playing any game for as many hours a day they can manage, all I can say rather than be insulting , is better for them and for society they are not in a bar or someplace else addictive personalities tend to go.

and to insult them, just shows another level of a personality.

very few people see eye to eye on anything, let people do what they want rather than stand on ladders and yell its bad, go away...
and like I said, show me a game that is nothing but an I win button.

Last edit: 23 Dec 2023, 6:06pm
23 Dec 2023, 6:02pm
Random tip of the day: Avoid carrying seal blubber in your pocket or a polar bear will think you are delivering lunch. If you must carry seal blubber, let your friend do it.
23 Dec 2023, 7:21pm
Gah. I'm the same. Writing tonnes of wacky fanfics because it's, in a way, therapeutic. I mean, there are many other games to spend your free time, no matter how much of it you have, on. Games of better quality and more entertaining playing process, that can be entertaining without turning them into second job. And without Press X to win too.
24 Dec 2023, 8:26pm
I got christmas gifts today. This was one of them.

I will absolutely be reading this, though maybe not today.
24 Dec 2023, 9:17pm
Kasumi GotoI got christmas gifts today. This was one of them.

I will absolutely be reading this, though maybe not today.

Hopefully the book will reveal some of their more nuanced methods of ending humans, but spoiler alert:

They are ALWAYS plotting to kill you.
24 Dec 2023, 9:52pm
Don't worry, I have all the instructions I need. Right here...

24 Dec 2023, 11:33pm
sadly odyssey's release took all poi's out of the game

before that it was as easy to find data as it is to find meteorites on planets.

it took fdev a while to make a 'fix'
that fix = planet must have geological in order to find meteorites and satellites and other normal poi's
that ruined many really good locations.
another fix is if you can get missions to planets you want mats from, then they do almost the same as having geo sites, but its a temporary setup.
as for data materials, poi's once you learn how to find them, in space as encoded uss's or on bodies.
finding them on bodies, or taking missions to scan something shows you data ports.
getting MEF or DWE from them is an indicator that these are good things to find, where can I find more?
These don't have to be POI's or USS's, they exist at thousands of planetary bases of several types.
most data mats otherwise can be collected sitting in supercruise or regular space, locking onto and scanning ships.
if you have none, as we all did at least once.
a person can think about high traffic areas and go to one with a wake scanner. systems in famine are great for this.
there are also many places where you can see satellites and scan them for data too.
There are usually missions wanting you to help out a famine or an outbreak system, so the game is showing you good places to go visit
Outbreak offers scans too, but more manufactured materials. by killing all the sick people..

as for suits and hand weapons, it is a very bad joke. and g3 suits and weapons that you can buy , fortunately are good enough.
so there is really no need to do anything other than buy suits and weapons for on foot content

for me the only purpose of anything foot related is that fdev has yet to make it equal to spaceships for BGS balance, so
because killing 150 soldiers is equal to killing 1,500 ships....I had to use odyssey to do it to remain competitive.
suits are squishy weapons are toys, a material dropped can send you into space, many bad parts to deal with because it was not ever a complete finished game....
so I stay in my srv mostly where I am immune to stupid ricochet mechanics(mostly) and where I can kill anything very easily.
I am one of the racer types, I fly the srv.
This part I see as grind, I dislike it and I avoid it as much as possible.
sitting in a tank killing clueless npc soldiers by the 100's to adjust faction inf.
1 side uses this on purpose, so a person is either forced to do the same or lose a conflict.EDO is very lopsided BGS-wise.

that aside planets have always been the best source of raw materials, still are and they don't need to be crystal shards
I have many posts and videos in several places telling people how to find metallic meteorites
I have not wasted time updating anything for odyssey because, yes it is bad.
my fav planets are still the same ones in the bubble that i discovered when horizons released and planets with mats was a thing,
I learned the numbers they added much later for mats% are meaningless, nothing more than a list of what is there.
I found many planets that are great for my needs,and they still are.

selenium is not used on anything low tier btw
and it is not a problem.

as for me, in all my accounts but the first, yes I had knowledge and experience.
I started by going out of the starter system in a dbx to an agriculture system, took several missions to mine gold.
did a few quickly to get a t-6 then a python
did some more to get an anaconda , then a t-9
meanwhile I aligned to aisling so i could buy good shields
as I am doing these missions in a fast python mostly, I am building the conda into a rail killer.
this is day 1-3 btw, no rush.
now I am bounty hunting and collecting manufactured mats, so now engineering has become under control.
during this, everywhere I fly I lock onto every ship and collect data.
in getting the missions I am also getting materials and a lot of credits, all sooo easy because I am not mining gold or silver, I buy it.
from the moment the conda and the python were space ready, un-engineered they got used.
never bothered to visit the shard sites for any of this, was not necessary until I started building ships faster.
as in there have been many days I have built more than 10 fully fitted to my liking and engineered ships.
even then, I prefer getting my raw mats local as it really is faster.
the only advantage to the shard sites is if I have depleted my supplies so much and I want to build somethings...and I rarely ever just do 1 ship at a time.
by week 4 of following this pattern, I now have a carrier and over 40 ships, mostly combat and exploration with a few cargo and a few taxi's.

For me even that is not a grind, enjoyed doing it 3 times and might do it more times.
the game has grind if you make it feel like it, if it is things you don't like or don't want to do.

in my case, engineering makes killing faster.
I can't call it a grind because I do every part of it on purpose, over and over. And it makes my ships nastier
and the only part that irritates me is waiting for the spinney to go away during rolls.

long long ago, mining imo was a grind. limipts did not exist
how many chunks of anything do you manually scoop before the word grind takes on definition.
for me, the instant I woke up and then said, never again.

it makes fsd jumps easier to live with, space is big and anything you can do to make it so fewer jumps are required is very nice
as for unlocking anything to make it even better, a pain but worth learning about the guardians.
otherwise dbx is a great ship, so is a conda

not required though. totally useful ships before I engineered them.
29 Dec 2023, 11:25pm
@Vasil: They use handicap spots closer to whatever they need anyway.

29 Dec 2023, 11:31pm
… what am I missing here?
30 Dec 2023, 12:29am
Kasumi Goto… what am I missing here?

BMW emblem. Apparently, some star ports use it to reserve parking for BMWs.

Meowers@Vasil: They use handicap spots closer to whatever they need anyway.

What's the difference between a BMW and a porcupine?
BMWs have pricks on the inside.

I can attest that this is true being as there is one in my garage.
30 Dec 2023, 3:01am
I know every hates AI more than anything in the universe, but this music prompt thing from google is kind of cool.
30 Dec 2023, 3:06am
There are certainly more things to hate more...
30 Dec 2023, 4:34am
MeowersThere are certainly more things to hate more...

Haha. Do tell, MeowCat.
30 Dec 2023, 4:37am
Aleksander MajjamHaha. Do tell, MeowCat.
Do you want to see me banned and cancelled for hate-speech and my welcome mat shat on? I've no time for that shit, there are still fanfics to write, lol.

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