
04 Jan 2024, 3:18pm
I made you wait long enough. I also definitely didn’t forget until now.

04 Jan 2024, 3:49pm
Damn, and here I hoped it was just one greeble panel of the house-sized Imperial Destroyer you are building. Is it coming next?
04 Jan 2024, 3:52pm
In a few years, maybe, when I have mastered the art of gravity manipulation and component assembly.

We all have to start small somewhere.
04 Jan 2024, 4:15pm
I like those knobs on TIE fighters' side panels. You can upgrade them!
04 Jan 2024, 4:25pm
I have a few spare parts, not used during building, that I could plug on them as improvised spaced armor or something.

Not sure that will change the Death Star’s fate though.
04 Jan 2024, 4:30pm
Kasumi GotoNot sure that will change the Death Star’s fate though.
Do you have any spare glasses for the pilots? That could do fine.
04 Jan 2024, 4:40pm
I have a spare cockpit window/canopy for one of the TIEs.

I can’t say if that’d be very useful though. Unless it’s got magnifiers built in so the stormtroopers can actually shoot properly.
04 Jan 2024, 4:41pm
Ceased to play Lego many years ago. Games like minecraft empyrion and the likes give a creative challenge enough. Yet again space issue. My room is filled with books disks and computer components, on the level the shelves on the brink of collapse under the weight of knowledge. Hell the whole house is like this.
04 Jan 2024, 4:55pm
MeowersI like those knobs on TIE fighters' side panels. You can upgrade them!

Yeah! With the heads of enemies taken as trophies in combat!
04 Jan 2024, 5:12pm
Let's just not talk about the number of enemies we make in the process of such streaks we do, and any and all of em going to seize every opportunity to take his chance on us if he survived the clash and that's it. We have the galaxy under our thumbs? Yeah... Half of it the other half? Is after us.
04 Jan 2024, 5:14pm
Looks like from SPACEBALL not Star Wars ... WE STOP FOR NOBODY
04 Jan 2024, 9:16pm
(flies trough of something)
- That was a moon? Uhhh... Well, plenty of space rocks to mine.
05 Jan 2024, 11:02pm
Kasumi GotoI made you wait long enough. I also definitely didn’t forget until now.

Looks great!

"I have you now!"
09 Jan 2024, 9:44am
Think big!

09 Jan 2024, 2:16pm
I'm never going to understand the idea of 'Buy not a ship, but a concept of a ship which you may end up not wanting or liking for 10,000 $'. Or how what looks like relatively standard ships costs as much or more than 1-4 games.

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