Elite: Odyssey

27 Apr 2021, 4:34pm
They're showing a number of screenshots rendered with the latest builds. These do look much better than what we've seen in the alpha so far.
27 Apr 2021, 4:41pm
I had a grid feel from the Alpha as I approached a planet.
The renders they showed off looked much better.
27 Apr 2021, 5:12pm
They managed to resell me on a product I already purchased. 15/10 I would buy again
27 Apr 2021, 5:14pm
I'm curious if anyone has noticed classic/horizon bugs that exist currently in the Odyssey Alpha.

Things like:
Contacts window borking request docking focus when immediately returning to the same station,
Screen flickering in SC during overspeed or interdiction events,
Social window missing entire categories like System or Squad chat,
Common colour errors (orange sidewinder, purple python), and
any other common ones in the current version you still see in Alpha.

Also, is the instancing still terribad?
27 Apr 2021, 6:07pm
SakashiroSomeone screencapped them: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/screenshots-from-the-stream.573387/

Anything else than shiny screenshots with fancy light effects?

Ok, I scrolled through the stream. Why no one mentioned the engineering part?
Weapons and suits are made intentionally bad so we can have them upgraded with engineering through grind. What a surprise!

Last edit: 27 Apr 2021, 6:26pm
27 Apr 2021, 6:56pm
SakashiroSomeone screencapped them: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/screenshots-from-the-stream.573387/

Anything else than shiny screenshots with fancy light effects?

Ok, I scrolled through the stream. Why no one mentioned the engineering part?
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Weapons and suits are made intentionally bad so we can have them upgraded with engineering through grind. What a surprise!

Yes I for one will die of a heart attack from not surprise
27 Apr 2021, 7:16pm
27 Apr 2021, 7:44pm
The suits were obviously poor 'level 1' stuff. It was clear as soon as we got the combat suit.
The engineering was also in the Alpha. You could see there were levels 1 - 5 upgrading to do right away.

Personally, I call the grind something to do. It's better than being given the best stuff right off the bat. Pleasing the community of an online game is an impossible task and Fdev falls short a lot, but they still deliver something a player can sink hours into and enjoy.
27 Apr 2021, 7:51pm
Yeah, but having faster reload or larger magazine size as engineering mod, really? And making base weapons almost useless to have people spend 10-20 hours in a repetitive loop of relogins to upgrade a weapon to G5... I guess I will play on foot missions as much as I take current planetary based missions.
27 Apr 2021, 8:10pm
It's early days, let's hope they find a balance. Getting it right at launch has never been Fdevs' strong suit.

Strong suit.. ya get it?
27 Apr 2021, 9:02pm
EpisparhYeah, but having faster reload or larger magazine size as engineering mod, really? And making base weapons almost useless to have people spend 10-20 hours in a repetitive loop of relogins to upgrade a weapon to G5... I guess I will play on foot missions as much as I take current planetary based missions.

I had no issue with the power of the basic, not-upgraded weapons against the relevan (weak) enemies. The tougher enemies were problematic though, but it's like going with a basic stock Sidewinder against the tuned Corvette (I suppose that's the logic behind it).
27 Apr 2021, 9:39pm
Sidewinder vs fully tuned Vette is not a fair comparison. A rated sidewinder vs fully tuned sidewinder is. And the values there are in around +50% boost of shield/hull/dps(only the speed is +100% but if you use enhanced performance thrusters with regular it is arround 50%) ... not a magical 160-200%.

I really hope upgrade boost and material requirement is tuned down as the insane boost and the RNG nature of the grind for rare materials is quite insane, IMO.

Current material grind for ship upgrades takes me few hours for multiple modules. Why a simple rifle upgrade without engineering mod should take few days? I can think of just one reason - someone have mistaken a grind for upgrades with actual gameplay.
27 Apr 2021, 10:00pm
EpisparhYeah, but having faster reload or larger magazine size as engineering mod, really?

Gosh, isn't that exactly what we can do to our ship weapons also as an engineering mod?
27 Apr 2021, 10:39pm
Yeah, would be a fair comparison if we didn't compare hand weapon with a fully automated ship system. Plus, ship upgrades usually give boost in one aspect while penalizing other. Not to mention that the reload time of hand weapon is almost comparable with suit shield broken regen time.

And how you will justify the grind? Gathering materials for fully engineering large ship takes few hours while fully upgraded hand weapon will require few days. And we haven't seen the engineering yet but I do remember well Frontier saying that the mods are final and if you make a mistake you will need a new upgraded weapon.

56 manufacturing instructions for a single G5 item. In the whole alpha I've made just 15 with a fair game play without abusing Frontier loop.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.