Elite: Odyssey

24 May 2021, 5:12pm
24 May 2021, 5:13pm
Aleksander Majjam There are actually people out there vilifying the problems other gamers are facing, and coddling this multi-million dollar development company as if they were a 3 person indy group of friends. With this frame of mind and in-fighting among ED players that pits those white knighting the game and those upset, Fdev has no incentive to be afraid that they'll lose business.

Meh, they're either trolls or so dependent on ED being good they'll set aside objective reality to maintain their fantasy. In either case, their opinion is clearly not worth considering (unless you're into validating Stockholm Syndrome suffers). I'm glad that they are a significant minority though. Steam reviews are dismal, and Braben said he is 'sorry', so the message is kind of getting through so I'd not worry about the rare biased dreamer.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get I gave Fdev the benefit of the doubt this time. Even if they fix all the bugs and correct their oversights in the UI, the majority of the content in this DLC is basically updating the game to look modern. 3/4s of the 'new features' should and probably will be ported to Horizons (because paying to get things like a search results list feature is ridiculous) and so the only thing Odyssey gives purchasers atm that is novel is the First person shooting element. No additional SRV's, or ground weapons with novel mechanics, or face to face Thargoid encounters (how do you f this up. like it's the one thing any og fan of Elite is looking forward to).

They do so many things well. Their graphic and sound design is beautiful (when it works), having an astrophysicist on staff to ensure reasonable accuracy on more of the details than my picky ass even cares about (except gravity with the SRV) and the overall vibe of the game is just <chef's kiss>. If they could just find someone that can create actual game mechanics that are fun and difficult to make tedious, and send their marketing and managerial staff to the chopping block they'd be the powerhouse they really should be considering their experience and Intellectual Property holdings. But no, and they F'd this up doubly bad when you consider how many new potential fans they got with the free Epic giveaway and then said 'yeah this is what we really are: a $2 Developer of the type that you frequently see in a Jim Sterling rant, thanks for coming though'. Like, I just cannot fathom the decision making behind this. I guess Covid isolation addled brains are a thing in Britain too /shrug.
24 May 2021, 5:19pm
Aleksander Majjam There are actually people out there vilifying the problems other gamers are facing, and coddling this multi-million dollar development company as if they were a 3 person indy group of friends. With this frame of mind and in-fighting among ED players that pits those white knighting the game and those upset, Fdev has no incentive to be afraid that they'll lose business.

Meh, they're either trolls or so dependent on ED being good they'll set aside objective reality to maintain their fantasy. In either case, their opinion is clearly not worth considering (unless you're into validating Stockholm Syndrome suffers). I'm glad that they are a significant minority though. Steam reviews are dismal, and Braben said he is 'sorry', so the message is kind of getting through so I'd not worry about the rare biased dreamer.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get I gave Fdev the benefit of the doubt this time. Even if they fix all the bugs and correct their oversights in the UI, the majority of the content in this DLC is basically updating the game to look modern. 3/4s of the 'new features' should and probably will be ported to Horizons (because paying to get things like a search results list feature is ridiculous) and so the only thing Odyssey gives purchasers atm that is novel is the First person shooting element. No additional SRV's, or ground weapons with novel mechanics, or face to face Thargoid encounters (how do you f this up. like it's the one thing any og fan of Elite is looking forward to).

They do so many things well. Their graphic and sound design is beautiful (when it works), having an astrophysicist on staff to ensure reasonable accuracy on more of the details than my picky ass even cares about (except gravity with the SRV) and the overall vibe of the game is just <chef's kiss>. If they could just find someone that can create actual game mechanics that are fun and difficult to make tedious, and send their marketing and managerial staff to the chopping block they'd be the powerhouse they really should be considering their experience and Intellectual Property holdings.

The F'd this up doubly bad when you consider how many new potential fans they got with the free Epic giveaway and then said 'yeah this is what we really are: a $2 Developer of the type that you frequently see in a Jim Sterling rant, thanks for coming though'. Like, I just cannot fathom the decision making behind this. I guess Covid isolation addled brains are a thing in Britain too /shrug.

I can't say how I really feel, it would violate the rules due to all the swearing. I really enjoyed this game, but they've broken it badly even in Horizons, as far as the parts I enjoyed most. I'm on hiatus and in light of my poor health IRL, I don't know if they will fix it with the remaining lifespan I have left. Rather than feel sorry about that, I'm finding something else to do with my time and keeping an attitude of being grateful for the good times that were had. It is incredibly concerning that the quality of literally everything has been in freefall during the later part of my life, especially since no one else seems to notice things crumbling. I don't think humans handle complexity well, as a whole.
24 May 2021, 5:27pm
SakashiroHoly four-letter-word, look at the screenshots in this thread:

New Planet Tech is KILLER of Exploration (all terrain is tiling/repeating/not procedural/random)

This is bad. I agree it's the final straw that breaks the new planet tech. What has been seen cannot be unseen. All the planets are now made up of the same small set of prefab patterns, arranged in a (more or less) random fashion. Makes exploration completely pointless because you're never going to find anything else.

24 May 2021, 5:29pm
Absolutely indefensible.

24 May 2021, 5:37pm
SakashiroCurrently downloading the latest updates for Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky. Need some entertainment between beta-testing Odyssey.

24 May 2021, 5:40pm
Just got this off my feed.

Greetings Commanders,
A hotfix will deploy tomorrow to address issues in both Odyssey and Horizons at 10:00 UTC / 11:00 BST.
Downtime is expected to last around 30 minutes.
Thanks for your continued support!

That better be one hell of a hot fix!
24 May 2021, 6:20pm
Synthya Wylder


Yeah, I should watch the last episode of Peaky Blinders today
24 May 2021, 6:23pm

Frontier CEO apologizes 'wholeheartedly' for shoddy Odyssey launch

The latest Elite Dangerous expansion has been plagued with negative reviews.

"It's a shame to see an expansion for such a beloved game bomb, but it's perhaps not a surprise to some. Our own Nat was cautiously optimistic when she checked it out, saying 'there's a sense that the expansion is somewhat undercooked.' Andy K was equally skeptical, especially of 'Odyssey's strange plastic humans.'"
24 May 2021, 6:27pm
Steam factoids of the day: ED0 ranks #50 on the top sellers list, 31% of 3458 reviews (EDO purchase required) are positive.
24 May 2021, 6:33pm
M. LehmanAbsolutely indefensible.


Downgrade is an understatement.
24 May 2021, 6:37pm
M. LehmanAbsolutely indefensible.


The Odyssey version looks like some knockoff built in Second Life.
24 May 2021, 6:40pm
Is the CZ count for Hero Ferrari bugged?
24 May 2021, 6:43pm
Claudius AetiusAndy K was equally skeptical, especially of 'Odyssey's strange plastic humans.'"

I'm glad they're mentioning the plastic humans. Horizons rendered faces so much better. And planets. And the sky. And at much higher frame rates to boot.
24 May 2021, 7:01pm
Okay... while I also have quite a lot of beef with the current state of Odyssey (I hate zerging NPCs with Manticores forcing you to reposition when you almost had a hostile down, making all your efforts so far a waste of ammunition) I will try to point out the positive (or sometimes just less negative) things (that might only be brought down by one or maybe two minor flaws):

1) The new station menu.

This feature is only confusing in the beginning as the waaaaay too large iconography paired with a waaaaay too small font for the description text in each field is highly distracting. Once you trained yourself to look past this: Yeah, it is surprisingly intuitive. Scale down the icons and upscale/reposition the text a bit, and it's actually an improvement over the old one.

2) Weapons/suit design.

What else to say? They look good. That they need some rebalancing is an unrelated topic.

3) The Arc Cutter.

It's just fun to cut open lockers to get to their juicy insides

4) The station interiors.

Yeah, lot of copy-pasting with different paint on the walls, but then again: a Coriolis will be a Coriolis no matter who runs it. Maybe they should add more variety for the Orbis and Ocellus types down the line.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.