Elite: Odyssey

24 May 2021, 10:27am
Amata Lirein

...and NPCs using a totally overpowered gun in supposedly low-level threat areas that two-shot you even if you had your suit's shields online. (AFAIK that was supposed to have been removed even during the alpha...)

That OP gun is Manticore Executor. They use aim bot, so if you not change your movement constantly you are doomed. The weapon will kill any NPC with 3 shots even at grade 1.
24 May 2021, 10:31am
Amata LireinOK, what kind of bug is this?!? I took one of those "restore settlement power" support missions... I arrive there, but: The settlement is fully staffed AND operational, making it impossible to do the mission

If you have level 3 legal access be sure to loot everything you can and relog fest. Just stop for scans and you will be fine.

Nope, can't do... Even though I have Level 3 access guards (yes, guards, not hostile NPCs) start shooting at me once I enter a restricted area. So I cannot loot AND I will take a reputation hit and a fine for having to abandon the mission.
24 May 2021, 11:47am
Last night I found the reason why my avatar looks different on foot than in the cockpit. It's related to LOD switching. On foot my avatar has this weird facial expression with raised eyebrows and open mouth. I noticed that if I pull the camera back far enough, the expression suddenly changes to neutral with the mouth closed, the same as in the cockpit.
24 May 2021, 11:53am
SakashiroJust when I logged in to go to Delphi, they announced another hotfix.

Yeah i just closed the game and started installing skyrim again

guess i'm stuck playing 1,000 hrs of skyrim lol
24 May 2021, 12:22pm
Oh my god I cannot believe how bad OD is. When I said 'everything was broken' I thought I was being hyperbolic. Nope.

Even the 'plot fastest route' option in Star Map is f'd up. If you are travelling a Spansh plotted route and long press (the option you guys so helpfully pointed out but initially wasn't displayed in the game until the first hotfix) the plot route button it always plots a minimum 2 jump route even if your ship can make it in one. So, now you're forced to go all the way to the right, scroll down 6 buttons and a f'ing useless divider to click a critical role of the map: select target. J. F. C.

Like, at this point it feels like someone sabotaged the OD game files during development it's so bad. Like Braben and a friendly rival were joking over a meal and Braben was all 'you think your fan base is stupid, I bet I can publish a literal pile of steaming dog feces and it takes them a week to give up rolling in it.'
24 May 2021, 12:28pm
Amata Lirein
Amata LireinOK, what kind of bug is this?!? I took one of those "restore settlement power" support missions... I arrive there, but: The settlement is fully staffed AND operational, making it impossible to do the mission

If you have level 3 legal access be sure to loot everything you can and relog fest. Just stop for scans and you will be fine.

Nope, can't do... Even though I have Level 3 access guards (yes, guards, not hostile NPCs) start shooting at me once I enter a restricted area. So I cannot loot AND I will take a reputation hit and a fine for having to abandon the mission.

Potential workaround: Return to the base you picked up the mission from, go back to the concourse, then restart the game completely. Was now able to do the mission, even was in luck and no scavengers around, so was able to loot the place in peace :3
24 May 2021, 12:38pm
BurstarLike, at this point it feels like someone sabotaged the OD game files during development it's so bad. Like Braben and a friendly rival were joking over a meal and Braben was all 'you think your fan base is stupid, I bet I can publish a literal pile of steaming dog feces and it takes them a week to give up rolling in it.'

And he wouldn't be wrong about it. The number of people defending this steaming pile of crap in FDev's forum is mind-boggling. There are people literally posting things like, "99% of the game is working fine for me." And Steam reviews are just "rage posts" by a "toxic community."

How can people be in denial like that? Is it a form of Stockholm Syndrome?
24 May 2021, 12:42pm
No one enjoys the feeling of being conned or duped. Denial is a natural defense mechanism and we are seeing a great deal of that in FDev's forum.
24 May 2021, 12:48pm
Thanatos au GrimmusNo one enjoys the feeling of being conned or duped. Denial is a natural defense mechanism and we are seeing a great deal of that in FDev's forum.

Exactly. And that's why I'm afraid they will address nothing of the main problems, and try to sugarcoat this Odyssey Alpha (its not even a beta anymore) as much as possible, and as long as possible.
24 May 2021, 12:50pm
I not playing Odyssey anymore. I gave up, but I still hope for a good surprise in very short time. Because to spend money for an unfinished product is not a pleasant experience.

And happily believe that the argument "Fdevs will solve this in a couple of months" makes a good justification for all this situation is another unpleasant attitude that I'm not inclined to oblige.

This dire situation is already clear and obvious to anyone who is not blinded by... uh... a sense of distorted entitlement.

It's another week, and the clock is ticking. Frontier shall have to give us much more than mild "hotfixes" and "patches". What makes me very depressed is to realize that after YEARS of design, development and testing the developers has come short of a real meaningful expansion. How can they solve all Odyssey problems in few days?

No, nice atmospheric horizons are not a great achievement; the experience of walk on alien planets is not a great achievement. Those are beautiful ED features, but they hardly define what Odyssey should be.

Odyssey should give us more, much more, without removing all the amazing things already done by Horizons. THAT would be an amazing achievement. A real expansion of Horizons, not a completely different game, detached of all good things already made.

Frontier "big guys" will never read this post. But, somehow, they need to change their minds about this sad and unfinished version of Odyssey. They need to think about a do-over.

Yeah, it is painful to admit we have failed. But in this case, Frontier must. Because if all the people involved in the creation of Odyssey did not change their minds and have the courage to step out of this broken path, its over. The very future of Elite as a relevant game will be in perish.
24 May 2021, 1:11pm
You have better chance in official forum.
24 May 2021, 1:39pm
Claudius AetiusI not playing Odyssey anymore. I gave up, but I still hope for a good surprise in very short time. Because to spend money for an unfinished product is not a pleasant experience.

yeah, enjoy OD f'ing up your bindings before you go. Cause can't leave well enough alone, nope nope.
24 May 2021, 2:34pm
The only we desire it's enjoy odissey, this is no bad, it's a reality. The game it's broken and that make a unhappy experience. If you don't have a next generation pc or higer you don't have a good experience. It's simple. No trouble, they promoted win odissey pcs!! Lol


Last edit: 24 May 2021, 4:57pm
24 May 2021, 4:00pm
I mentioned in Fdev's forum while arguing with a white knight that the smug, mocking, and trolling attitude towards people having issues cuts the legs out of any rational for Fdev to fix these issues as fast as possible. When you look at games like NMS and CP2077, the game's base was unified in agreeing that the launch game was an absolute mess. This is not the case for ED, and I don't understand it.

There are actually people out there vilifying the problems other gamers are facing, and coddling this multi-million dollar development company as if they were a 3 person indy group of friends. With this frame of mind and in-fighting among ED players that pits those white knighting the game and those upset, Fdev has no incentive to be afraid that they'll lose business.
24 May 2021, 4:43pm
Currently downloading the latest updates for Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky. Need some entertainment between beta-testing Odyssey.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.