Elite: Odyssey

23 Sep 2024, 8:28pm
AHGot attacked by weird spiky ships and lost all my bio/DNA data I had collected. F****!

First off you should tell us if you were in the area known as the Bubble , or were you farther out
depending on where you were attacked it could be unusual
We do currently have an invasion and war going on against these aliens and very likely you ran afoul of them
My first suggestion is to acquire a thargoid pulse nuetralizer but not the Titan pulse one the one that prevents the shut down field on your ship

Second is i would look up some basic tutorials on what to do when hyperdicted by a goid
Basic rule of the fight is to go silent running , go past the goids so they have to turn around which takes them a moment and then when your fsd is online again jump away

I have no idea what/where the "Bubble" is.
I think I was in Col 285 Sector KMV... not sure how to check.
Thanks for the advice, I'll check it out.
23 Sep 2024, 8:40pm
The Bubble is the human-populated, umm, bubble around Sol.
today, 5:07pm
Every station has sleeping NPC's, mouths open and drooling.
It seems that absolute boredom is a galactic issue.

BTW, why cant I buy a drink and a cigar at the bar? There are drinks on the table and a beverage icon above barkeeps head.
Makes 0 sense.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.