Elite: Odyssey

01 Jun 2021, 8:15pm
SakashiroApparently they do. FDev added collision meshes to the parts so you can stand and walk on them, but they don't register damage. Instead they block it now.

Anaconda Full Body Suits for Haulers are all the fashion now.
01 Jun 2021, 8:17pm
Aleksander Majjam

Odyssey is the gift that keeps on giving.

LMAO. WTF. Should post this on the forums.

Why do I hear the Yakety Sax playing?
01 Jun 2021, 8:24pm
Grade 5 Dominator stats :
Kinetic 25% ; Thermal 80% ; Plasma 50% ; Explosive 50%
01 Jun 2021, 8:25pm
CC | ZefninjaGrade 5 Dominator stats :

Cool, thank you!
01 Jun 2021, 8:25pm
CC | ZefninjaGrade 5 Dominator stats :

Cool, thank you!

Glad to have assisted.
01 Jun 2021, 11:13pm
Aleksander MajjamLMAO. WTF. Should post this on the forums.

That's where I found it.
02 Jun 2021, 12:41am
Assets belonging to Jupiter Division have moved. I'm not sure when or why but considering the timing... I hope something is about to happen. I'm heading off to investigate.
02 Jun 2021, 7:32am
The new flight model makes picking landing spots on high-G planets more difficult than before. To fly forward across the surface without losing height, you now have to pitch your nose up, so you can't really see where you're going.

In Horizons that was much easier. You would not lose any height as long as you kept your ship level.

What's weird is that the lateral thrusters don't have that effect. So if you're above unsuitable terrain, it's now best to move the ship only sideways instead of forward/backward. I don't really understand the physics behind that.
02 Jun 2021, 8:46am
That Galnet article though.....
02 Jun 2021, 9:06am
MeowersYour one is counterfeit.

One does not simply insult my main ship!

It's just an Adder with a ship kit
02 Jun 2021, 9:19am
Telephony Paradox

It's just an Adder with a ship kit

I am not sure what you are trying to achieve, but keep going it might happen.
02 Jun 2021, 9:44am
02 Jun 2021, 9:46am
MeowersYour one is counterfeit.

One does not simply insult my main ship!

But... its name isn't Monty.
02 Jun 2021, 9:53am
Does naming a Python 'Monty' insults it, or it insults its owner by accusing of... having a vacancy in imagination department?

(yeah, Monty Python is awesome, but... hey... it's such a commonplace name for a Python)
02 Jun 2021, 10:07am
MeowersDoes naming a Python 'Monty' insults it, or it insults its owner by accusing of... having a vacancy in imagination department?

(yeah, Monty Python is awesome, but... hey... it's such a commonplace name for a Python)

Just poking the bear.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.