Elite: Odyssey

03 Jun 2021, 12:01pm
You can find those in the loadouts screen (for the default flight suit) now.
03 Jun 2021, 12:05pm
Amata Lirein
BurstarINB4 someone starts whining they constantly burn their Medkits because of their fat finger syndrome.

...those are re-assignable, you know?

Like that has ever stopped someone

In today's FD up Oddyty:

;tldr Shotguns spread reduced by scope
03 Jun 2021, 12:07pm
Morgan JamesWhere has my jacket gone?
I bought a nice Rogue jacket from the Arx store and it's not in the HoloMe screen to wear in Odyssey.
Have the cosmetic clothes been removed from Odyssey, or have they tucked them away somewhere obscure and unintuitive?

in suit customisation for the pilot suit
03 Jun 2021, 12:12pm
Amata Lirein
BurstarINB4 someone starts whining they constantly burn their Medkits because of their fat finger syndrome.

...those are re-assignable, you know?

Like that has ever stopped someone

In today's FD up Oddyty:

;tldr Shotguns spread reduced by scope

OMG... please do NOT give any NPCs that combination... they would oneshot you
03 Jun 2021, 12:12pm
KalenarYou can find those in the loadouts screen (for the default flight suit) now.

in suit customisation for the pilot suit

Got it, thanks both!
03 Jun 2021, 12:16pm
EpisparhAnd I think there is some changes in the toon rendering around hair. But I would rather wait Sakashiro to inform us on that.

Hair issues still not fixed.

03 Jun 2021, 12:18pm
Hmmmm, nice colour by the way.

p.s. Green indicator that look like it's placed inside the wall is more suspicious.
03 Jun 2021, 12:22pm
Btw, did you notice that all the skins look suntanned now? I already switched from medium-fair to pale, and I still look like I just returned from summer vacation.
03 Jun 2021, 12:35pm
So you can't even go exploring safely anymore.

Apparently the new patch causes new Footfalls in a system previously looked at before the FF cases the System map to crash the game when you look at the planet again.
03 Jun 2021, 1:11pm
Aunty Sledge
Aunty SledgeWouldn't larger ammo capacity be better than faster reload?

Ammo capacity is suit mod, the weapon mod is increase magazine size. Honestly, 30 rounds equals 10-15 dead targets. Magazine size is also under consideration especially if it doubles the magazine AKA less reloading.

But since mods cannot be removed once applied I will wait for now.

Yeah I meant the magazine size. Out of interest, if you reload half a clip what happens to the unspent ammo? Are they lost or is the clip counter just a sub-set of the full ammo so it effectively merges all your half-used clips.

it just merges half clips into full clips it's basically a listing of how many rounds you have total instead of how many magazines you have.
03 Jun 2021, 1:15pm
The "Fixed" flashlight works 80% of the time 10% of the time it still doesn't shine the bad part is the other 10% where it's a strobe light to the point that it gave me a migraine. I haven't really seen any optimization I still run around 50fps average when I am lucky and in heavy areas like ground or concourse it can slow down to 20fps still.
03 Jun 2021, 1:18pm
Amata Lirein
Amata Lirein

...those are re-assignable, you know?

Like that has ever stopped someone

In today's FD up Oddyty:

;tldr Shotguns spread reduced by scope

OMG... please do NOT give any NPCs that combination... they would oneshot you

LOL some of them already do with laser rifle even when I am serpentine
03 Jun 2021, 1:41pm
Amata Lirein
Amata Lirein

...those are re-assignable, you know?

Like that has ever stopped someone

In today's FD up Oddyty:

;tldr Shotguns spread reduced by scope

OMG... please do NOT give any NPCs that combination... they would oneshot you

I can imagine in the future that a scope would engage an auto-choke function, but based on RL & my experience as a shotgun owner & skilled user <points to trophies>, that would only tighten the shot grouping which would increase the lethality within the grouping; it wouldn't increase the range of the pellets themselves, whether they be in an atmosphere or vacuum.

Obviously, someone in the FDev team lacks the knowledge or experience using shotguns. They do make a wonderfully effective short-range defensive & offensive weapon. Me, I'd much prefer a pump-action or even an semi-auto loader over a double-barrel. They're lighter with less fore-end mass enabling a quicker time-on-target acquisition, & much quicker to load the next shot after the mere 2 limit of the double-barreled type.

TskTskTsk, pesky RL...
03 Jun 2021, 3:33pm
ugh getting burned out doing restore/reactivation missions and never getting schematics I need. Did they actually increase drop rate? feels like they nerfed it I am opening box after box after box that is empty. sorry if I seem negative just don't like having to grind for stuff to upgrade my gun then grind for similar stuff to create the mods to put into them. I would rather it was just a credit sink for upgrading the weapons themselves and then needing the items for making the mods.
03 Jun 2021, 3:36pm
DJ_Megaugh getting burned out doing restore/reactivation missions and never getting schematics I need. Did they actually increase drop rate? feels like they nerfed it I am opening box after box after box that is empty. sorry if I seem negative just don't like having to grind for stuff to upgrade my gun then grind for similar stuff to create the mods to put into them. I would rather it was just a credit sink for upgrading the weapons themselves and then needing the items for making the mods.

If you're looking for weapons schematics: There's a way more efficient way to farm those.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.