Elite: Odyssey

05 Jun 2021, 12:16am
Decommissioned Carrier, uninstalled ED/EDO as soon as it's fully decommissioned. I'll see what it's like in 6 months.
05 Jun 2021, 12:22am
Captain OscarDecommissioned Carrier, uninstalled ED/EDO as soon as it's fully decommissioned. I'll see what it's like in 6 months.

Sad to see you go, hopefully they fix things so you can come back. Fly safe commander o7
05 Jun 2021, 12:23am
Captain OscarDecommissioned Carrier, uninstalled ED/EDO as soon as it's fully decommissioned. I'll see what it's like in 6 months.

Sadly, seriously considering the same thing.
05 Jun 2021, 1:29am
05 Jun 2021, 2:36am
I feel like they have not learned from their past mistakes. Most of this we already went through with Horizons. Not quite to this extent, but still. They must have a company structure (or at least the ED portion of the company) as cells, where each cell has their specific tasks but no cell knows what the others do.
05 Jun 2021, 2:46am
M. Lehman

Okay, but... what has this to do with roleplay?

If anyone cares what I think.. it would be the RP community.. should I shout into a yet even larger empty chasm? say like general chat?

'space is big.. i mean REALLY BIG' - Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.

Umm... this is the most relevant message forum since I hardly participated in any other forums on Inara so.. to further illustrate my point..
even on only a sub set of a sub set.. in terms of social circles.. INARA/ROLEPLAY.. is the only place that I have a footprint here.

The game itself doesn't really have roleplay properly either. (console player) So 'joining factions' and squadrons is AFU if you ask me. This should be all INGAME! all these companion tools you need online should not be necessary. again.. game not finished. Finding friends to play with has been a big fail.

Battlecruiser 3000 all over again.

I feel ripped off. I paid for an unfinished product. Actually.

When the other half of the game is a hodgepodge of user built website tools... umm you are kinda literally doing a half ass job.

I'm sorry but ED is a big FAIL IMHO. I blew up some rocks.. traded myself to riches.. Im gettin bored. game is too much work and not enough play ... sorry gang. Im out. I have too little time to play as it is. In AC I can play a couple missions and turn the game off.. with this?? Its never ending "lost in space" and it gets old after a while. So.. game life for me? 5 months. And a fat lady starts singing..

(f)Fun/hr. = too much work.

Game is just too time consuming of a RESEARCH intensive game. And as for making friends in the ED universe... too many fractured communities. The game itself is only half done.. and the user based patches built online have made frontier lazy about developing a user communications centre for the game...

This site exists because the game is soooo incomplete. sad .. hope one day it becomes fun.. until then... have fun with your parity of a 1980s video game...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 05 Jun 2021, 2:01pm
05 Jun 2021, 5:39am

Frontier lost a station.... how embarrassing.

On a roadmap discussion. Yes, it was supposed to be a roadmap of how and what they plan to fix. I think most of the people understand that but unfortunately instead of providing details and acknowledgement of existing bugs and design nonsense what they did was copy/paste "Many improvements and fixes".

IMHO, this is not how you calm down people.
05 Jun 2021, 7:44am
Frontier lost a station.... how embarrassing.

On a roadmap discussion. Yes, it was supposed to be a roadmap of how and what they plan to fix. I think most of the people understand that but unfortunately instead of providing details and acknowledgement of existing bugs and design nonsense what they did was copy/paste "Many improvements and fixes".

IMHO, this is not how you calm down people.

... Particularly from people whom thought the version they released was supposedly 'an improvement'. To me the whole point of the Roadmap was to convince the community that FDev indeed does truly understand the scope of the problem(s) and has a plan to specifically address the most grievous of the bunch. Their continued reliance on vague phrasing such as 'many improvements and fixes' accomplishes nothing towards that end at all. It actually does the reverse. To me (and I'm not alone on this) it now sounds as if FDev thinks they can fix and improve enough of 'something' within 3 consecutive patches in a grand total of 3 weeks to alleviate the uproar. Worse, they pretty much say "after the three weeks you get what you get until console merge so thank you for your patronage rubes",

It was as noncommittal as possible, yet commits on all the wrong things. Three weeks to fix all the bs. Three, with no mention of fixing the fixes as if we were born yesterday.
05 Jun 2021, 7:54am
Now then, after sleeping over it I think this roadmap failed to deliver for three main reasons:


Update 3 – Thursday 10th June
Many improvements and fixes, including
Loadout UI flow changes
Adding earned ARX for on-foot gameplay
Update 4 – Thursday 17th June
Many improvements and fixes, including
Suit Livery UI flow changes
Codex CMDR stats
Update 5 – Thursday 24th June
Many improvements and fixes, including
Shared missions
Galaxy & system map UI updates
Outfitting UI updates

Oh look... they know how to copy and paste... seriously, this is bad form and shold have never been written like this. And like said before it's lacking at least some details... or a certain reference: "...based on the feedback we are currently gathering from you." This line would already adress one of the big issues they only reference to later in that post: The lack of communications between FDev and their community.


While we are expecting to see specific and targeted performance improvements in the upcoming June updates, we are also aware that development work for console will allow for even larger performance optimisations and enhancements for PC too. Therefore, we feel the best approach for all our Commanders will be to focus our development efforts after Update 5 on performance and the console release, and to bring our multi-platform community together once more, which will also allow us to bring even more global optimisation changes and updates to all Elite Dangerous Commanders.

As I said earlier: Also worded poorly as it reads like they will not do any major fixes after Update 5 until console release, potentially leaving the game in its currently sorry state for potentially up to 6 months.


Finally, we would also like to address the topic of communication. We are aware that many of you have been asking about greater communication, visibility and a change on how we share and update Elite Dangerous moving forward. While we do always try to give as clear a vision for the future as possible, such as Horizons or Beyond season roadmaps, we also must accept that this alone has not hit the mark. Our community have always been the beating heart of Elite Dangerous and we take the feedback very seriously. We are going to be working on new plans and initiatives that we can do to bring you even more in touch with our development progress. Starting with a monthly community update, we will highlight and share the progress that the development team have been making over that month. We will be sharing more details around this, and other initiatives, over the coming weeks.

While I welcome this initiative I think it's lacking a more personal commitment of the community managers: Becoming way more visible themselves on the forums. Seriously, I only see their names pop up in the OP of news posts like this one, but nowhere else, not engaging with the community at all. This is one of the major reasons why the players don't feel heard.

Last edit: 05 Jun 2021, 9:04am
05 Jun 2021, 9:39am
M. Lehman

Okay, but... what has this to do with roleplay?

If anyone cares what I think.. it would be the RP community.. should I shout into a yet even larger empty chasm? say like general chat?

'space is big.. i mean REALLY BIG' - Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.

Umm... this is the most relevant message forum since I hardly participated in any other forums on Inara so.. to further illustrate my point..
even on only a sub set of a sub set.. in terms of social circles.. INARA/ROLEPLAY.. is the only place that I have a footprint here.

The game itself doesn't really have roleplay properly either. (console player) So 'joining factions' and squadrons is AFU if you ask me. This should be all INGAME! all these companion tools you need online should not be necessary. again.. game not finished. Finding friends to play with has been a big fail.

Battlecruiser 3000 all over again.

I feel ripped off. I paid for an unfinished product. Actually.

When the other half of the game is a hodgepodge of user built website tools... umm you are kinda literally doing a half ass job.

I'm sorry but ED is a big FAIL IMHO. I blew up some rocks.. traded myself to riches.. Im gettin bored. game is too much work and not enough play ... sorry gang. Im out. I have too little time to play as it is. In AC I can play a couple missions and turn the game off.. with this?? Its never ending "lost in space" and it gets old after a while. So.. game life for me? 5 months. And a fat lady starts singing..

(f)Fun/hr. = too much work.

Game is just too time consuming of a RESEARCH intensive game. And as for making friends in the ED universe... too many fractured communities. The game itself is only half done.. and the user based patches built online have made frontier lazy about developing a user communications centre for the game...

This site exists because the game is soooo incomplete. sad .. hope one day it becomes fun.. until then... have fun with your parity of a 1980s video game...

This isn't the right channel for this post. This is the roleplay out of character channel, where we discuss the roleplay meta, ask and answer questions, and make comments about the various roleplay plots unfolding on Inara.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 05 Jun 2021, 2:01pm
05 Jun 2021, 10:30am
Kenji_088Has anyone tried if you can farm raw mats from those crashed conda's while on foot?
Using handheld weapons to blow up the cargo racks and picking the stuff up by hand.

Those 6 canisters that drop out need to be picked up by SRV as far as I know
05 Jun 2021, 10:38am
Yeah, it's another one of those weird design decisions they made for Odyssey: You need to cut those racks open by foot before you can collect them via SRV. Good luck with that on high-gravity and/or extreme temperature planets that don't allow you to disembark...
05 Jun 2021, 11:24am
Amata LireinYeah, it's another one of those weird design decisions they made for Odyssey: You need to cut those racks open by foot before you can collect them via SRV. Good luck with that on high-gravity and/or extreme temperature planets that don't allow you to disembark...

Vehicle schematics - SRV with arc cutter
05 Jun 2021, 11:59am
Amata LireinYeah, it's another one of those weird design decisions they made for Odyssey: You need to cut those racks open by foot before you can collect them via SRV. Good luck with that on high-gravity and/or extreme temperature planets that don't allow you to disembark...

Vehicle schematics - SRV with arc cutter

or even just SRV with bioscanner so you don't have to get out and test whether it is far enough away or not.

heck, just duct tape the Gene sampler to the turret ffs
05 Jun 2021, 12:51pm
Yeah, strap 3 CMDRs with Executioner to the hull for ultra sweet plasma rams.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.