Elite: Odyssey

03 Jul 2021, 10:07pm
Morgan James
Amata Lirein
But most importantly: Ship Interiors.

Given the current state of Odyssey, I would be very disappointed if any dev time was put into ship interiors.

Sure, let's have them later down the line when everything's fixed, running smooth and hunky-dory, but there's no way they should be given any priority until the issues with the premature release have been resolved.

Oh, most certainly... but it does need to happen eventually though, no matter what Arthur said a few months ago during one of their Odyssey Dev livestreams...

See this videos' first 4 minutes for details:

"I'm happy to be at odds with people who demand that something gets implented that got announced in the original pledge drive by Sir David Braben himself."


Really, Arf?
03 Jul 2021, 10:09pm
03 Jul 2021, 10:37pm

it turns HUD and menu texts into a crappy mess

btw, that FidelityCAS switch made game look good on x1.0+FCAS around 65% instead of x1.75 with 1920x1080 @ 28''

Last edit: 03 Jul 2021, 10:42pm
03 Jul 2021, 10:39pm
Amata Lirein
But most importantly: Ship Interiors. My ship's my home, goddammit, I want to walk around in it.

That boat left the port. Don't expect it to come back in the next 5 years. I am sure Star Citizen will give you full immersion.
03 Jul 2021, 11:06pm
Amata Lirein
But most importantly: Ship Interiors. My ship's my home, goddammit, I want to walk around in it.

That boat left the port. Don't expect it to come back in the next 5 years. I am sure Star Citizen will give you full immersion.

I still believe
03 Jul 2021, 11:18pm
Meowersbtw, that FidelityCAS switch made game look good on x1.0+FCAS around 65% instead of x1.75 with 1920x1080 @ 28''

03 Jul 2021, 11:24pm

I was running ED with x1.75 supersampling, to make everything a bit sharper (less blurry).
That new sharpening setting allowed me to turn the supersampling down to x1.0-x1.25 without losing visual quality, but lowering the GPU load.
03 Jul 2021, 11:25pm
Ship interiors would be great IMO. That being said, I want to know what the status is on battlecruisers.

Wiki quote: In The Commanders Livestream, a viewer asked "any chance of playing capital ships in the future?", David Braben answered: "it's on the list, but a long way down it, because there's a lot of gameplay to make it work. The issue is what we call the difference between direct control and executive control. Where rather than flying by the seat of your pants you're giving orders to a giant ship. Because you can't expect it to change course very rapidly and that sort of thing. So it's certainly a long-term possibility, but it's long-term."

Are we only going to get the Fleet Carriers? Will Majestic's and Farragut's ever be player ownable? The wiki also mentions Frigates and Destroyers as being classes of ships used by the major factions. Yet to my knowledge, no such classes of ships are actually in the game. Will they ever be? What designs did FDev have in mind for these roles?
03 Jul 2021, 11:40pm
it turns HUD and menu texts into a crappy mess

Personally, I have had a good experience with Odyssey since Update 2, running smoothly in space and on ground. The last update has restored cockpit lighting to as it was in Horizons, and the added Fidelity CAS option has made things nice and sharp with no drop in performance, although it does push my GPU a little harder.

I'm now at a state where I have no reason to play Horizons as Odyssey is doing everything better, in my opinion.

But although I'm happy with things, other folks are clearly not. And some of them are citing better system specs than I have!
That there is so much difference in performance between PC users is clearly something that Frontier need to address.
03 Jul 2021, 11:47pm
Light-HawkShip interiors would be great IMO. That being said, I want to know what the status is on battlecruisers.

Wiki quote: In The Commanders Livestream, a viewer asked "any chance of playing capital ships in the future?", David Braben answered: "it's on the list, but a long way down it, because there's a lot of gameplay to make it work. The issue is what we call the difference between direct control and executive control. Where rather than flying by the seat of your pants you're giving orders to a giant ship. Because you can't expect it to change course very rapidly and that sort of thing. So it's certainly a long-term possibility, but it's long-term."

Are we only going to get the Fleet Carriers? Will Majestic's and Farragut's ever be player ownable? The wiki also mentions Frigates and Destroyers as being classes of ships used by the major factions. Yet to my knowledge, no such classes of ships are actually in the game. Will they ever be? What designs did FDev have in mind for these roles?

When you start getting into Executive Control over Direct Control, ED would be drifting into EVE Online's territory, and Braben would be plain daft to try to compete with EVE on that.

ED's strength lies in that which EVE can't provide; a direct, personal control over you and your ship(s) in a scale Milky Way galaxy.
03 Jul 2021, 11:57pm

I was running ED with x1.75 supersampling, to make everything a bit sharper (less blurry).
That new sharpening setting allowed me to turn the supersampling down to x1.0-x1.25 without losing visual quality, but lowering the GPU load.

Now I get it lol.

CAS on x1.0 made the picture too sharp for my taste, but it really helps when upsampling. Things start looking good for me at x0.75, and the fps boost is considerable. Unfortunately I'm nowhere near a settlement or concourse right now to stress-test it.

Edit: screenshot added.

Last edit: 05 Jul 2021, 3:39am
04 Jul 2021, 12:22am
Morgan JamesWhen you start getting into Executive Control over Direct Control, ED would be drifting into EVE Online's territory, and Braben would be plain daft to try to compete with EVE on that.

ED's strength lies in that which EVE can't provide; a direct, personal control over you and your ship(s) in a scale Milky Way galaxy.

At this point, through direct or indirect control, I just want my own Majestic to command/pilot. That's all I know. Wouldn't care if it costs as much as a fleet carrier and has a 250mill+ rebuy. I'd still fly it.

Last edit: 04 Jul 2021, 2:31am
04 Jul 2021, 10:04am
Morgan JamesWhen you start getting into Executive Control over Direct Control, ED would be drifting into EVE Online's territory, and Braben would be plain daft to try to compete with EVE on that.

ED's strength lies in that which EVE can't provide; a direct, personal control over you and your ship(s) in a scale Milky Way galaxy.

At this point, through direct or indirect control, I just want my own Majestic to command/pilot. That's all I know. Wouldn't care if it costs as much as a fleet carrier and has a 250mill+ rebuy. I'd still fly it.

The reality is FC's are as close as we're going to get to this. Gameplay wise there's nothing a Battleship brings to the table that FCs don't already: Invulnerable hangar with marginally useful guns. I mean, look at the Capitol ships in game now. Nerfed to uselessness and like that for years. Then there's the in world stranglehold the Superpowers keep on capital class ships that would also have to be overcome, all so you can essentially have a Fleet Carrier with a different skin? I hate to stamp on dreams, but the realist in me says the most plausible wish is for enhancements to FCs such as a bridge, concourse and other interior details, better movement utility and interface, and a greater variety of design/skin choices. Maybe a Player Faction could earn a Capitol ship to defend a system or something if that Faction has enough clout and a CG gets approved and won, but that's as close as we'll get.
04 Jul 2021, 12:11pm
OK, does anyone know what the conditions for restoration missions now are? That field seems to be always vacant now after the latest update, and as they are your best legal option to farm stuff for upgrades and engineer unlocks...
04 Jul 2021, 1:35pm
It’s far more fun chasing Capital Ships out of combat zones that it could ever be owning one ...... just sayin’

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.