Elite: Odyssey

04 Jul 2021, 2:26pm
Amata LireinOK, does anyone know what the conditions for restoration missions now are? That field seems to be always vacant now after the latest update, and as they are your best legal option to farm stuff for upgrades and engineer unlocks...

I got restoration missions yesterday in the system where my FC is parked. The one I took bugged after I restored power, the objective to extinguishe fire didn't appear. I had to abandon it. Then took 2 again and abandoned them straight away.

If you are after power regulators just get raid settlement missions. The one that are not illegal are in anarchy settlements. Switch off alarms, kill all, loot, turn power off. In some missions PRs are also given as material reward. Usually 1-2, but once I got 5 after asked the NPC for better payment.
04 Jul 2021, 5:18pm
Amata LireinOK, does anyone know what the conditions for restoration missions now are? That field seems to be always vacant now after the latest update, and as they are your best legal option to farm stuff for upgrades and engineer unlocks...

I got restoration missions yesterday in the system where my FC is parked. The one I took bugged after I restored power, the objective to extinguishe fire didn't appear. I had to abandon it. Then took 2 again and abandoned them straight away.

If you are after power regulators just get raid settlement missions. The one that are not illegal are in anarchy settlements. Switch off alarms, kill all, loot, turn power off. In some missions PRs are also given as material reward. Usually 1-2, but once I got 5 after asked the NPC for better payment.

Nah, I'm mostly looking for those downloads needed for engineering unlocks... you know, cat media, opinion polls, etc... Would prefer to do so while doing restoration missions as they also provide you Level-3-access to everything without having to kill someone... and I really don't feel like turning my character into a ruthless killer without conscience just for some pictures of monorail-cat. (The roleplayer in me just doesn't want to do stuff that would make my pilot break character like that...)

For powerregulators I just search myself a wreckage and play the relog game
04 Jul 2021, 5:30pm
Search for anarchy Tourist sites. Anything ending with Complex. Go to the power building and deactivate Scans and Alarms there. Proceed to check the 7 terminals for downloads.
04 Jul 2021, 5:35pm
GryphnnSearch for anarchy Tourist sites. Anything ending with Complex. Go to the power building and deactivate Scans and Alarms there. Proceed to check the 7 terminals for downloads.

Tried that. Guards shoot me when entering a usually restricted building anyway. Forcing me to massaker everyone after all... or (more likely) getting killed by some Elite guard with a Manticore sniper or shotgun at short range...
04 Jul 2021, 5:36pm
Amata Lirein... the relog game

That was a great gameplay addition. It helps with menu navigation efficiency and reflex muscle memory. It's even better than the gravity well slowdown mechanic which helps with developing superior alt+tab skills.
04 Jul 2021, 6:17pm
The reality is FC's are as close as we're going to get to this. Gameplay wise there's nothing a Battleship brings to the table that FCs don't already: Invulnerable hangar with marginally useful guns. I mean, look at the Capitol ships in game now. Nerfed to uselessness and like that for years. Then there's the in world stranglehold the Superpowers keep on capital class ships that would also have to be overcome, all so you can essentially have a Fleet Carrier with a different skin? I hate to stamp on dreams, but the realist in me says the most plausible wish is for enhancements to FCs such as a bridge, concourse and other interior details, better movement utility and interface, and a greater variety of design/skin choices. Maybe a Player Faction could earn a Capitol ship to defend a system or something if that Faction has enough clout and a CG gets approved and won, but that's as close as we'll get.

Oh I know. I can still dream can't I?
Speaking of carrier skins, I kinda wish getting King/Admiral would unlock a Gutamaya or Core Dynamics themed skin for them. Not claiming them to be built by either as carriers are built by the Brewer Corporation but say they were "in partnership with" kind of thing.

Silver TafferIt’s far more fun chasing Capital Ships out of combat zones that it could ever be owning one ...... just sayin’

Chasing them out can be fun provided they don't bug out and gain invulnerable heat relays. Otherwise it starts to turn into clean up duty. My Cutter can just sit there tanking all of a Farragut's main weapons without hardly scratching my shields. Now imagine if they enabled players to buy these capital ships, fly them, and.......... engineer them!!!
04 Jul 2021, 6:20pm
Amata Lirein

Nah, I'm mostly looking for those downloads needed for engineering unlocks... you know, cat media, opinion polls, etc... Would prefer to do so while doing restoration missions as they also provide you Level-3-access to everything without having to kill someone... and I really don't feel like turning my character into a ruthless killer without conscience just for some pictures of monorail-cat. (The roleplayer in me just doesn't want to do stuff that would make my pilot break character like that...)

For powerregulators I just search myself a wreckage and play the relog game

Well, raid settlement is just reversed thing. If the mission is not marked as illegal you attack anarchy settlement - no crime involved. The only problem is if you get "tipped off" this means that the settlement will shoot you on sight. But it is quite easy stuff - you kill few NPCs silently and clone their access. Then you switch off alarms and go full murder hobo, scanning for bounties , looting lockers and data ports and at the end getting the power regulator. Each settlement I visit is left in darkness on my leave.
04 Jul 2021, 7:09pm
Random question, are on-foot material mission rewards tied to system state or type?
05 Jul 2021, 10:56am
CornishCrackerRandom question, are on-foot material mission rewards tied to system state or type?

Seems to be random. My refinery port usually hands out a consistent variety of materials, regardless of state. It offered the same stuff as high tech, and extraction ports did.
05 Jul 2021, 11:52am
Amata Lirein
Amata Lirein

The positioning of NPCs inside the interior has nothing to do with the interior design itself though.

I am not a fan of any kind of interiors, but there are just 3 type of concourses and they look AL the same, I would rather replace them with a menu in ship terminal.

I myself hope that they actually will add more in the future... add a habitat ring and a shopping district into the the stations, especially to spread those NPCs out a bit more, like those mission givers who (to quote Yamiks) "YELL AROUND THAT THEY NEED SOMEONE TO DO AN ILLEGAL MISSION!" Put them into some shady corners out of sight from station security for crying out loud.

But most importantly: Ship Interiors. My ship's my home, goddammit, I want to walk around in it.

And no, ship interiors do not need any special gameplay to be worthwhile, it's primarily a matter if immersion which should be reason enough to add it. Other games showed this in the past as well, like NfS: Underground 2, which turned to entire city it is placed in into a freaking menu that you drive around in! Is it needed? Nope. Does it waste your time? Yes. Does it make you more immersed by giving you the feeling that you actually live in that city? Oh yeah, it most certainly did.

I'm with Amata on this one.

Got bored waiting for the FDevs to fix (more) things (especially in EDO) & resumed playing other games I already have, which don't include Star Citizen, but I have watched a few gameplay & reviews of it. Despite SC seeming to be in perpetual Alpha, I did see so much in there that (so) many players have been asking for & that was promised, as she pointed out, ship interiors. I also saw things like being able to spacewalk from 1 ship to another, & transfer cargo via tossing it across space between 2 ships, & atmospheric landings.

Arf's comment that HE doesn't see the value or interest in ship's interiors seems like a blatantly lame excuse for why the FDevs haven't, don't & won't include them. All his argument would collapse in upon itself & ship interiors could be (easily?) be implemented by a simple menu offering a choice to board & get to the command chair immediately, or to take the scenic route... so, Arf, take a poll of the players, Hmm? Ask what they're interested in. Why Not?

I also agree, EDO plainly needs LOTS of fixing before moving on to other things like ship interior & boarding mechanics, as an alternative to that immersion-breaking silly blue tube to board a ship.

Since I'm obviously on a rant, I'll continue with expressing my interest in ALL ships showing a visible damage effect as they did with the Anaconda.

The impression I get from the FDevs & E:D is that they only very reluctantly listen or respond in any meaningful way to the customers' interests IF they happen to coincide with the FDevs, & that they're only going to provide what THEY feel like, not what interests their (potential) customers.

An example of this corporate-centered decision-making process that fell flat on its face was the Ford Edsel.

I remain hopeful that the FDevs will (eventually) see the light of day.
05 Jul 2021, 1:13pm
This ^ a few very vocal naysayers combined with the pitifully bad excuses FDev gives for not adding interiors dare not actually take a poll on this issue. All the naysayer excuses boil down to a lack of imagination, and FDev's excuses reduce to "we made the game as simple as possible, you are your ship when you're in it, and to change this is a technical challenge way beyond a development company stumped by the basic concept of gameplay not requiring a ridiculous grind".

As a space fighter simulator it's meh; Tie 95 is way more fun. As a space trucking simulator it's meh; The market is unrealistically basic. Wing Commander: Privateer is better. As a Newtonian physics simulator it is acceptable, but Kerbal SP is better. As a strategy game its meh; SM Alpha Centauri is better. As a FP Shooter it's meh; CS:GO is better. As an immersive world where you can do all this and more while exploring a reasonable facsimile of our galaxy? Unparalleled. But you know what's missing in this Space SHIP simulator? The feeling that you're in a ship and not a cardboard cut-out barely passable excuse for a sci-fi cockpit. The reality is that ship interiors would enhance ED's primary appeal: the 'I'm in space in our galaxy' immersion. No question about it, and it's a feature listed in the bait list alluded to during the Kickstarter campaign.

Dare I say this, but ship interiors is such a fundamental aspect to making this world complete I would have accepted a GD quicktime event triggered as you run up the stairs that played a video of you running through the ship to the cockpit. A much better loading screen than the BS 5 seconds of black you get now.
05 Jul 2021, 1:56pm
Ship Interiors ? Pah!

So I waited for improvements to Odyssey, along came upgrade 5, must be worth a try, right?

Wrong. Now it will not run on my machine. Fullstop.
05 Jul 2021, 2:06pm
I do not mind interiors as long as I have means to skip the entire mechanic. Currently the concourse is just a 3d menu with zero gameplay attached. So, I agree FDev daft arguments for ship interiors could be fully applied to concource.
05 Jul 2021, 2:14pm
EpisparhI do not mind interiors as long as I have means to skip the entire mechanic. Currently the concourse is just a 3d menu with zero gameplay attached. So, I agree FDev daft arguments for ship interiors could be fully applied to concource.

The problem with station interiors is that those got promoted as "social zones" as well... which fail because there is no way to "socialize": You cannot get wasted at the bar with friends, you cannot sit down anywhere... hell, there's not even a basic "o7"-emote to greet another player.
05 Jul 2021, 2:28pm
Amata LireinThe problem with station interiors is that those got promoted as "social zones" as well... which fail because there is no way to "socialize": You cannot get wasted at the bar with friends, you cannot sit down anywhere... hell, there's not even a basic "o7"-emote to greet another player.

The Tower in Destiny is a better socializing zone.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.