Elite: Odyssey

26 Nov 2021, 4:16pm
Well. last 50% I have done with 1 hour game play per week - just enough CZ to get weekly 400 arx. Usually 2-4 ground CZs.
26 Nov 2021, 10:44pm
So I've had a 250,000cr fine in the game for a couple months now and I can't find anywhere to pay it off. I've tried periodically throughout that time span but to no avail. I went to stations controlled by the faction but it says I don't have any fines. I went to several different Interstellar Factors around the bubble and it says I don't have any fines. If I get sent to a detention center or let my ship get destroyed will that remove it?
26 Nov 2021, 11:12pm
KurakilSo I've had a 250,000cr fine in the game for a couple months now and I can't find anywhere to pay it off. I've tried periodically throughout that time span but to no avail. I went to stations controlled by the faction but it says I don't have any fines. I went to several different Interstellar Factors around the bubble and it says I don't have any fines. If I get sent to a detention center or let my ship get destroyed will that remove it?

It's a bug in the game atm. Sometimes you pay off a bounty and it stays on your transactions panel. Restarting the game normally fixes it, but your case seems to be more severe. I would just ask 'are you being impaired by the bounty" i.e.: do the stations controlled by the relevant faction force you into anonymous mode? Are you getting hunted by Bounty Hunters in SC?

If your game is being severely limited I'd recommend submitting a support request ticket as there are dozens of expired bug reports regarding this issue (because the FDev reporting system is BS) and maybe a tech can fix the issue. If it isn't that severe or (as when this happens to me) has no effect, as in it just shows up on the panel, then I'd just wait and see if update 9 fixes it in a couple weeks.
26 Nov 2021, 11:35pm
KurakilSo I've had a 250,000cr fine in the game for a couple months now and I can't find anywhere to pay it off. I've tried periodically throughout that time span but to no avail. I went to stations controlled by the faction but it says I don't have any fines. I went to several different Interstellar Factors around the bubble and it says I don't have any fines. If I get sent to a detention center or let my ship get destroyed will that remove it?

It's a bug in the game atm. Sometimes you pay off a bounty and it stays on your transactions panel. Restarting the game normally fixes it, but your case seems to be more severe. I would just ask 'are you being impaired by the bounty" i.e.: do the stations controlled by the relevant faction force you into anonymous mode? Are you getting hunted by Bounty Hunters in SC?

If your game is being severely limited I'd recommend submitting a support request ticket as there are dozens of expired bug reports regarding this issue (because the FDev reporting system is BS) and maybe a tech can fix the issue. If it isn't that severe or (as when this happens to me) has no effect, as in it just shows up on the panel, then I'd just wait and see if update 9 fixes it in a couple weeks.

Yeah, it is just an annoyance, nothing hindering gameplay. Sometimes it goes away on its own and then comes back the next day and whatnot. My ship is labeled as having a bounty (which it does not) but I'm not hunted as far as I know.
27 Nov 2021, 9:52am
KurakilYeah, it is just an annoyance, nothing hindering gameplay. Sometimes it goes away on its own and then comes back the next day and whatnot. My ship is labeled as having a bounty (which it does not) but I'm not hunted as far as I know.

Log into Horizons and then back in to Odyssey and it'll be gone. I've had the similar problem in the past.
28 Nov 2021, 12:13am
Aunty Sledge
KurakilYeah, it is just an annoyance, nothing hindering gameplay. Sometimes it goes away on its own and then comes back the next day and whatnot. My ship is labeled as having a bounty (which it does not) but I'm not hunted as far as I know.

Log into Horizons and then back in to Odyssey and it'll be gone. I've had the similar problem in the past.

Thanks. It let me pay it off in Horizons. Funny (and frustrating) how many Odyssey problems are solved by doing something in Horizons...
28 Nov 2021, 10:14am
Aunty Sledge
KurakilYeah, it is just an annoyance, nothing hindering gameplay. Sometimes it goes away on its own and then comes back the next day and whatnot. My ship is labeled as having a bounty (which it does not) but I'm not hunted as far as I know.

Log into Horizons and then back in to Odyssey and it'll be gone. I've had the similar problem in the past.

Thanks. It let me pay it off in Horizons. Funny (and frustrating) how many Odyssey problems are solved by doing something in Horizons...

Oh, cool. Glad to know there's a work around. Nice.
28 Nov 2021, 7:10pm
Does anybody know if the Damage Resistance mod for the suit counts for both shield and armour?
28 Nov 2021, 8:09pm
GryphnnDoes anybody know if the Damage Resistance mod for the suit counts for both shield and armour?

Only for armor.
28 Nov 2021, 8:35pm
GryphnnDoes anybody know if the Damage Resistance mod for the suit counts for both shield and armour?

Only for armor.

I don't think it explicitly states that anywhere, but connecting the dots leads me to the same conclusion.
28 Nov 2021, 9:25pm
If anyone happens to come across a suit with Combat Movement Speed installed on it can you please let me know? I want to see how much of a difference it makes since I can't find any videos showcasing it.
29 Nov 2021, 12:12pm
Thanks, Burstar for that exobiology "guide" you posted once. Trying to unlock the red suit but probably will leave it at that. Since I would otherwise probably just die from brain cancer
Could manage 5Mcr for 2 planets worth of data.
29 Nov 2021, 2:28pm

I don't think it explicitly states that anywhere, but connecting the dots leads me to the same conclusion.

Resistances are shown only for armor which make me think they are constants for shield. I think I have suits with and without that mod but I need someone willing to shoot me to test that. I bet plenty of people will volunteer
29 Nov 2021, 3:34pm
GryphnnThanks, Burstar for that exobiology "guide" you posted once. Trying to unlock the red suit but probably will leave it at that. Since I would otherwise probably just die from brain cancer
Could manage 5Mcr for 2 planets worth of data.

Hahah. I was particularly proud of that rant

I'm surprised a Canonn member would agree though. I thought you guys suckled on every data morsel FDev haphazardly generates.
29 Nov 2021, 4:31pm
KurakilIf anyone happens to come across a suit with Combat Movement Speed installed on it can you please let me know? I want to see how much of a difference it makes since I can't find any videos showcasing it.

There was an Artimis suit with combat movement in LB 3303 at Runco Lab, but it was a while ago. Can't image anyone having use for it so you be lucky


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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.