Elite: Odyssey

09 Feb 2022, 12:11pm
09 Feb 2022, 12:19pm
Do we really need new ships, carrier and ship interiors, bug fixes, optimisation, if we have this now?
09 Feb 2022, 12:20pm
Next one will be Easter bunnies
09 Feb 2022, 12:24pm
I need my Guardian Disco Suit now!
09 Feb 2022, 12:24pm
To be honest: Not feeling the "helmet" but the rest actually looks quite nice.
09 Feb 2022, 1:22pm
The helm is better than snowman for sure.

09 Feb 2022, 1:58pm
They look like space pajamas.
09 Feb 2022, 2:00pm
Daddy OThey look like space pajamas.

You wear a leather combo with belts and buckles as pajamas?
09 Feb 2022, 2:05pm
Amata Lirein
Daddy OThey look like space pajamas.

You wear a leather combo with belts and buckles as pajamas?

No, but I have been wearing slippers to work since Christmas...and no one has noticed.
09 Feb 2022, 11:00pm
Exobiology ranks

10 Feb 2022, 9:29am
It's really good if you've been through it all. Geneticist is really where you die inside and after that every time you land at a settlement and happen to see some flora on the horizon you instinctively try to pull out your flower picker.
10 Feb 2022, 9:47am
EpisparhOh my....!

The snowman and Christmas jumpers are bad enough. This sh*t needs to get out of the game. Totally unnecessary. Real shame the direction of the aesthetics has taken when a lot of it was / is so good.
10 Feb 2022, 10:36am
I agree. In yet another blatant example, FDev demonstrates their management has completely lost touch with what makes Elite even remotely fun: the Immersion. These stupid, out of place and time cosmetics do nothing but detract from it. This is Elite, not Fortnite ffs.

Like, the concept alone of Lunar anything applying to an entire galaxy is silly. If you really think about it, 99.9999% of the human population probably has NO IDEA what a tiger even is or what it could possibly have to do with a moon on some planet 200ly away or whatever. Then, you have to ask 'is China even a thing a millenia from now'? 'Herpa durp lets make a suit for this though because there might be a net profit in it or something. Intangible costs be damned!'
10 Feb 2022, 12:57pm
Burstar the Always on Time for DinnerI agree. In yet another blatant example, FDev demonstrates their management has completely lost touch with what makes Elite even remotely fun: the Immersion. These stupid, out of place and time cosmetics do nothing but detract from it. This is Elite, not Fortnite ffs.

Like, the concept alone of Lunar anything applying to an entire galaxy is silly. If you really think about it, 99.9999% of the human population probably has NO IDEA what a tiger even is or what it could possibly have to do with a moon on some planet 200ly away or whatever. Then, you have to ask 'is China even a thing a millenia from now'? 'Herpa durp lets make a suit for this though because there might be a net profit in it or something. Intangible costs be damned!'

They are just trying to distract the player base with shinies while they continue to downplay the failure the game is becoming. If they would do things properly to begin with they wouldn't be nose-diving into an empty pool. This past entire year (possibly more) for ED has "upper management not knowing what goes on outside of their office" written all over it.
10 Feb 2022, 3:54pm
Burstar the Always on Time for DinnerI agree. In yet another blatant example, FDev demonstrates their management has completely lost touch with what makes Elite even remotely fun: the Immersion. These stupid, out of place and time cosmetics do nothing but detract from it. This is Elite, not Fortnite ffs.

Like, the concept alone of Lunar anything applying to an entire galaxy is silly. If you really think about it, 99.9999% of the human population probably has NO IDEA what a tiger even is or what it could possibly have to do with a moon on some planet 200ly away or whatever. Then, you have to ask 'is China even a thing a millenia from now'? 'Herpa durp lets make a suit for this though because there might be a net profit in it or something. Intangible costs be damned!'

In a way it sorta makes sense.
Elite Dangerous does for me what Second Life had aimed to do BITD.
ED is a 2nd life where I am a commander with a trove of ships and millions in the bank.
Space pajamas and snowman bobbleheads* are exactly the kinda thing you would have found in Second Life.

*Full disclosure; I bought the snowman AND the holiday paint scheme for my Krait. I'll prolly buy the damned pajamas too...even tho I don't do FP

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.